(말레이시아 IOC위원 겸 NOC위원장인 왕족 Prince Tunku Imran과 콸라룸푸르 집무실에서)
1) You desire my hospitality?
-내게 대접받고 싶다구?
2) Is he your tongue?
-그 친구가 당신 대변인이오?
3) You're an ignorant man.
(*ignorant:무지한, 무식한)
-당신은 무지몽매하구만./무식이 통통 튀기는 구만.
4) Let it be a warning.
-앞으로 주의하면 되지뭐.
5) I don't think it matters what his motives were.
(*motive:동기, 목적)
-그의 동기가 뭐였던지는 상관없다네.
6) You're handicapped.
7) Very gratifying.
(*gratifying:만족을 주는, 기분 좋은)
-참 기분 좋구만.
8) I badly want a story to tell.
-얘깃거리를 애타게 찾고 있소.
9) You may judge which motive is the more reliable.
-(둘 중)어떤 태도가 더 믿음직스런지 판단해 보시지.
10) I have set myself to learn again.
-다시 배우기로 작심했다오.
11) You answered without saying anything.
-염화시중의 미소로 대답했구료.
12) That's a very illuminating answer.
-아주 명명백백한 대답이구료.
13) You are an impudent rascal.
(*impudent:염치없는 뻔뻔스러운)
-파렴치한 불한당 같으니라구.
14) Like talking to a brick wall.
-담벼락에 대구 얘기하는 꼴 이구만.
15) Hide yourself.
-꼭꼭 숨어라.
16) I'll go north.
-북쪽으로 가겠소이다.
17) He doesn't claim to have done anything he hasn't done.
-그 친군 안 할걸 했다고 떼쓰진 않네.
18) I wouldn't be surprised.
-그런대도 놀라지 않을 걸세.
19) You have had a lot of experience.
-산전수전 다 겪었구만.
20) Where did you get that?
-그걸 어데서 났소?
21) I've come to the lmits of myself, I suppose.
-난 이제 올 때 까지 온 것 같소이다./내 한계인 것 같소이다.
22) I'll make easy stages.
-손쉬운 길을 택할 꺼외다.
23) It's borrowed.
-이거 빌린거라네.
24) Someone pinched mine.
-누군가 내껄 쌔볐다구(훔쳤다구).
25) You have lied most bravely, but not convincingly.
-거창하게 꾸며 됐지만 설득력은 영 아니구만.
26) That's my reason for resigning.
-그래서 물러나는 거라네
27) I just want my ration of common humanity.
(*ration:정액, 정량, 식량)
-그저 평범한 인간으로 살고 싶구만.
28) Inevitably, one of them's half-mad, and the other, wholly unscrupulous.
(*unscrupulous: 파렴치한 비도덕적인)
-필연적으로 하나는 반쯤 미치광이고 , 다른 하나는 완전히 파렴치한이라구.
29) That's a feeble thing to say.
(*feeble:연약한 허약한)
-나약한 말을 하고 있네 그려
*가능한 범위 내에서
-within permissible limits
-on a possible basis
-on an available basis
-as circumstances dictate
-under the possible conditions
-as long as terms and conditions allow
-under the current situation
-as far as conditions permit
-conditions permitting
*쥐 구멍에도 볕들 날 있다.
-Every dog has his day.
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