1)벌써 소문이 파다하다오.
: The word has gone around.
2)당신 경우는 다르죠.
: You're a different matter.
3)혼자 계속하란 말인가요?
: You mean for me to go on alone?
4)비밀은 꼭 지킵니다.
: Your secret will be safe with me.
5)미행당하고 있다는걸 아시죠?
: You know that you're being shadowed?
6)어떤 면에선 당신은 행운아죠.
: In one respect, you are a fortunate man.
7)이미 그가 알고 있었던 것으로 추정되오.
: I'll venture to guess he knew it already.
8)한번 해 볼만 하죠.
: It is worth a chance.
9)함께 하신다니 이렇게 고마울 데가 있나?
: Gracious of you to share it with me.
10)단도직입적으로 물어보니 좋구먼.
: Serves me right for asking directly.
11)그 얘긴 끝났잖아?
: The subject is closed.
12)아직 나이가 덜 찼는걸. / 미성년자 아냐?
: You're underage.
13)도량이 넓으시군요.
: You're getting broad-minded.
14)그 친구 믿을 만 한가요?
: Is he trustworthy?
15)결혼 한지 얼마나 되었나?
: How long have you been married?
16)그 친구에겐 참 잘 됐구먼.
: I take that as a great compliment to him.
17)길 찾기가 꽤나 힘들겠는걸.
: The geography may be difficult to arrange.
18)그 곡이 자네 18번이잖아!
: I believe that's your favorite tune.
19)다시 한번 (배팅)거시겠소?
:Do you wish to place another bet?
20)여긴 속임수 안 쓰겠지?
: Are you sure this place is honest?
21)생각했던 대로 자넨 지독한 감상주의자로구먼.
: As I suspected, you're a rank sentimentalist.
(*rank:지독한 지나친)
22)아끼고 싶은 마음의 발로라고 해 둠세.
: Put it down as a gesture to love.
*~은 바로 지척에 있다.(넘어지면 코 닿을 때 있다.)
-~be at a stone's throw
*His house is at a stone's throw.
-~be within one's arm's reach
-~be just around the corner
*Spring is just around the corner.
-~be near at hand
1)학술용어/전문용어: a technical term
*전문지식: technical knowledge
2)혁신정당: -a reformist party
-a progressive party
*혁신정권: a reformist government
*좌익정권: a leftist government
3)격세유전: atavism/throwback/reversion
4)확정신고: -a final income tax return
-a final return
5)확장정책: an expansionist policy
*확대주의: expansionism
6)확인정보: confirmed information
*미확인정보: unconfirmed information
7)핵폐기물: nuclear waste
*방사는폐기물:radioactive<atomic> waste
8)액면가격: -face value
-par value
*액면금액: a denomination
*소액화폐/잔돈: money of small denomination
9)확률오차: probable error
*확률분포: probability distribution
10)격리병돈: an isolated ward
*격리병원: an isolated hospital
*격리환자: an isolated patient
11)학력검사: an achievement test
*학력조사: an academic ability survey
12)학력편중: overvaluation of educational background
13)가계수입: household income
*가계지출: household expenditure
14)가계부문: the household sector
*전문부문: the corporate sector
*정부부문: the government sector
15)자살유서: suicide note
*유서: a farewell note
*재산분배 유서: -a testamentary letter
-a will
-one's last will and testament
*뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다.: Where there is a will, there is a way.
(정신일도 하사불성)
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