1)이번엔 용서하겠네.
: I'll forgive you this time.
2)내 대답은 요지부동 일거요.
: My answer wouldn't change.
3)왜 양보가 안 되는지 필시 까닭이 있을 것 같은데요.
: There must be some reason why you won't give in.
4)해명하라곤 않겠소.
: I demand no explanation.
: We have a warrant for your arrest.
(*warrant:영장 소환장)
6)운명의 장난이구먼.
: It seems that destiny has taken a hand.
7)실제 증거도 없으면서 왜 그래?
: You haven't any actual proof.
8)풀어 주는 게 차라리 낫지 않겠소?
: You might as well let him go now.
(*might as well:차라리~하는 편이 낫다)
9)모두 당장 이곳을 떠나시오.
: Everybody is to leave immediately.
10)여기 도박판이 벌어지다니 놀랍구먼.
: I'm shocked to find gambling going on here.
11)달리 취할 방도라도? /무슨 복안 이라도?
: The other alternative?
12)자기 마누라 앞에서 폼 잡을 수 있는 기회가 자주 오는 건 아니라오.
: It isn't often a man can display heroics before his wife.
13)솔직히 말하자면 나도 겁나오.
: To tell you the truth, I'm frightened, too.
14)밖에 있는 친구는 지금쯤 우리가 잠든 줄 알 거야.
:Our friend outside will think we have retired by now.
(*retire:물러가다. 잠자리에 들다. 은퇴하다)
15)외로운 게 어떤 건진 알고 있다오.
: I know how it is to be lonely.
16)내게 하고 싶은 얘기라도?
: Is there anything you wish to tell me?
17)넌 말할 필요조차 없다니까.
: You don't even have to say it.
12)믿어 줄게.
: I'll believe.
13)예전에는 뇌물이 먹혔다구.
: A bribe has worked before.
14)행선지까지 말할 건 없네.
: Don't tell me where you're going.
15)당신이 올 줄은 알았지만, 이건 좀 예상보다 빠른걸.
: I said you'd come around, but this is ahead of schedule.
*감사의 표현
1)Thank you.
3)Thanks a lot.
4)Thank you very much.
5)Thank you so much.
6)Thank you most auwfully.
7)I can not thank you enough for~
8)How can I say thank you enough for ~
9)I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for~
10)I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for~
11)I am appreciative of~
12)I am grateful to you for~
13)I appreciate very much ~
14)I do appreciate(your kindness, hospitality, etc.)
15)I don't know how to say thank you enough for~
16)It is very nice of you.
17)I am so thankful to you for~
18)It is very kind of you. Thanks!
19)I can't put into words the gratitude I feel toward you all.
20)I owe a lot to you.
“Thank you!”(English)
“Merci!” (French)
“Gracias!” (Spanish)
“Danke!” (German)
“Tak!” (Danish)
“Dank U!” (Dutch)
“Kiitos” (Finnish)
“Evhkhahreesto!” (Greek)
“Grazie!” (Italian)
“Takk!” (Norweigan)
“Dziekuje<dzhenkooyeh>!” (Polish)
“Obrigado!” (Portugese)
“Spahseebah!” (Russian)
“Hvala<hvahiah>!” (Serbo-Croatian)
“Tack!” (Swedish)
“Sieh-Sieh!” (Chinese)
“Ahri gadoh gozaimas! (Japanese)
“Kahp Kun Kahp!” (Thai)
“Shu Krahn!” (Arabic)
“Terima Kasih!” (Malay-Indonesian)
“Shu Cria!” (Indian)
“감사 합니다.” <Gahm Sah Hahmnida> (Korean)
1)You are welcome.
2)You are quite welcome.
3)You are always welcome.
4)Don't mention it.
5)Not at all.
7)Be my guest.
8)It is my pleasure.
9)It's nothing.
10)On the contrary. Thank y~ou.
1)과격분자: radical elements
*위험분자: dangerous elements
2)가감승제: -addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
-the four rules of arithmetic
3)가공산업: a processing industry
*생산가공: industrial processing
4)가공식품: processed food
*식품가공: food processing
*가공치즈:processed cheese
5)화산 활동: volcanic activity
*화산폭발: a volcanic eruption
*화산재해: a volcanic disaster
6)가시광선: a visible ray
*불가시광선: an invisible ray
7)가사상태: a state of apparent death
*혼수상태:- a comastose state
*혼수: a coma
8)과실치사: -accidental homicide
-involuntary manslaughter<법률>
*업무상의 과실치사: professional negligence resulting in death
*과실상해: -accodental infliction of injury
-unintentinal infliction of injury
9)과잉생산: -overproduction
-excess production
*과잉/과도처방: overprescription
10)과잉설비: excess capacity
*과잉투자: -excess investment
11)과소평가: an underestimate
*과대평가: an overestimate
12)과잉/과대포장: -excessive packaging
*과잉방어: excessive self-defese
13)가성근시: false nearsightedness
*가상임신: false pregnancy
14)과세소득: taxable income
*비과세소득: non-taxable income
*아니 땐 굴뚝에 연기나랴?:
-Where there is smoke, there is fire.
-There is no smoke without fire.
-Out of nothing, nothing comes
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