(한국이 낳은 금 세기 세계최고 피겨 여제 김연아선수와 함께/2007년 필자의 평창2014 국제사무총장시절)


1. 무릎 탁 치게 하는 영어 표현

1) There's more to life than meets the eye.

-인생이란 보기와는 영 딴판이지.

2) I was carried away.

-내가 돌았었나봐(헷 가닥 했었나봐)

3) There are no flies on him.

-흠잡을 구석이라고 한군데도 없는 친구하네.

4) Don't be a wet blanket.

-분위기 잡치지 마시게.

5) I was nearly massacred.

-묵사발 되 버렸다구.

6) We are left out in the cold.

-바람 맞은 꼴이구만.

7) I am under the weather.

-몸살 날려나봐. (몸이 으스스해요.)

8) You broke wind./You farted.

-방귀 뀌었구만.

9) Tardy 3 times.

-지각 3번.

10) What you said was music to us.

-지금 한말 내겐 복음이라네.

11) He blows his own trumpet.
     -He blows his own horn.
     -He is ringing his own bell.
     -There's nothing like leather.
     -All his geese are swans.


12) He is sponging on a girl.

-그 친군 여자 등쳐먹고 사는 놈팽이라네.

13) What is said here stays here.

-여기서 얘기된 것 절대비밀이야.

14) You're a life saver.

-자넨 구세줄세/ 자넨 생명의 은인이라구.

15) I'm glad I caught you.

-너 딱 걸렸어/ 너 잘 만났다.

16) You can't do this to me.

-어떻게 나한데 이럴 수 있냐구?

2. 많이 쓰고 유용한 영어표현


-I welcome you.
-I would like to welcome you.
-Welcome to 지명, 장소, 계기
*e.g.: Welocme to my birthday party !
-We are happy to have you (here) among us (tonight).
-It is my great pleasure to have you here with us.
-Nice to have you here.
-You are always welcome to my house.
-A special red carpet is laid out for you.
-We welcom you with open arms.
-We would like to welcome him with a clapping of hands.
-We would like to stage a festive welcome for her.
-We extend our glad hands of welcome to you.
-You shall always be welcomed.


3. 오늘의 속담

*입은 화의 근원:

-Least said, soonest mended.
-Out of the mouth comes evil.
-Confine your tongue, lest it  (should) confine you.

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)