(Juan Carlos 스페인 국왕과 함께/2009년 10월 코펜하겐 IOC총회장에서)

<돈(Money)에 대하여>

1)Money talks.: 돈이 해결사다.

2)Money makes the world go around.: 돈이 세상을 굴러가게 한다.

3)Time is money." 시간은 돈이다.

4)Money makes the mare(to) go.:돈이면 귀신도 부린다.

5)There is money in it.: 돈벌이가 되거든.

6)Money is everything.: 인간만사 돈 세상.

7)Money governs the world.:돈이 세상을 주무른다. 

8)Gold rules the world.: 금은 세계지배자.

9)Money changes hands.: 돈은 돌고 도는 것.

10)Money moves from pocket to pocket.:돈은 한 곳에 머물지 않는다네.

11)Money comes and goes.:돈은 있다가도 없는 것. 

12)Money often makes the man.: 돈만 있으면 개도 멍첨지.

13)Money is the key.: 돈이면 만사형통.

14)Money opens all doors.: 돈은 어디든 통한다. 

15)All is because of money.: 돈이 원수라네.

16)Lack of money is one's sorrow.:돈 없음이 서러움일세. 

17)Money begets money.: 돈이 돈을 번다네.

18)Money makes money.: 돈이 돈을 만들어낸다. 

19)Money is power.: 돈이 곧 힘.

20)When poverty comes in at the door, loves flies out at the window.: 돈 떨어지니 정 떨어진다. 21)Out of pocket, out of mind.: 돈 떨어지니 마음도 멀어진다네. 

22)Money makes a good servant, but a bad master.(Francis Bacon): 돈은 충실한 하인이지만 형편없는 주인이다.(프랜시스 베이컨)
23)Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.:돈이 주인노릇은 형편 없지만 뒷 처리 능력은 최고.

24)Money speaks sense in a language all nations understand.: 돈은 만국으뜸공용어.

25)The love of money is the root of evil.(Bible):돈에 빠짐은 악을 길러내는 근원.(성서)

26)“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."(Warren Buffett)”
 :“철칙   제 1호: 절대로 돈을 잃지 말라. 철칙 제2호: 결코 철칙 제1호를 잊지 말라.”(워런 버펫)

27)Ready money is Aladdin's lamp.”(Lord Byron): “준비된 돈이야말로 알라딘의 램프이다.”(바이런)

28)Money is like an arm or leg--use it or lose it.”(Henry Ford): “돈은 팔 또는 다리와 같다-- 사용치 않으면 잃는 것.(헨리 포드)”

29)Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells.: 돈이란 거름과 같다. 따라서 골고루 널리 사용하지 않으면 악취가 진동한다.

30)“Money doesn't sleep.”- Wall Street Movie: “돈은 잠들지 않는다.”(월 스트리트 영화)

31)“Money is the sixth sense that makes it possible to enjoy the other five.”: “돈은 육감인바 이로 인해 오감모두가 즐거워진다네.”

32)“Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.”(W. Somerset Maugham): “돈이란 육감과도 같은 것으로써 이것이 없으면 나머지 오감이 완전히 맥을 못 추게 되는 것.”(서머세트 몸)

33)“When money is taken, freedom is forsaken.”: “돈이 사라지면 자유가 버림받는 법.”

34)“When money speaks, the truth is silent.”(Russian Proverb): “돈이 말하면 진실은 침묵한다.”(러시아 속담)

35)“When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.”(Voltaire): “돈에 관한한 누구나 같은 종교의 신봉자가 된다.”(볼테르)

36)“A miser grows rich by seeming poor. An extravagant man grows poor by seeming rich.” (William Shakespeare): “구두쇠는 가난하게 보이면서 부자가 되지만 흥청망청 낭비하는 사람은 부티나 보이면서 가난해 진다.” (윌리엄 셰익스피어)

37)“The only thing money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money.”(Johnny Carson) : “돈이 가져다주는 유일한 보상은 단지 돈 걱정으로부터 자유롭게 해주는 것 뿐.” (자니 카슨)

*돈의 갖가지(161개) 형태 표현

1)현금: Cash

2)수표: Check

  -보증수표: a Certified Check

  -부도수표: a Dishonored Check/ Rubber Check

  -위조수표: a Forged Check

3)어음: Bill

  -약속어음: Promissory bill

  -어음이 만기되다: The bill falls due.

  -어음을 할인하다: To discount a bill

  -어음을 현금으로 바꾸다: To cash a bill

  -어음을 결재하다: To honor a bill

  -어음을 발행하다: To draw a bill

  -어음을 부도내다: To dishonor a bill

  -이 어음은 30일간 유효하다.: This bill has thirty days to run.

4)예탁금/공탁금: Deposit(money)

5)대출금: Loans

6)불입금: Assessment/Subscription

7)차입금: Borrowings

8)국민연금: National Pension

9)퇴직금: Retirement grants

10)퇴직연금: Retirement annuity

11)성금: Donation/Contribution

12)기부금: Contribution/Donation/Endowment

13)체불임금: Overdue wage/Wage unpaid

14)체납금: Arrears/Arrearages

15)체납세금: Taxes in arrears<default>

16)공과금: Public impot<charges>/the Public Utilities' charges

17)부금: a (monthly) Installment

18)연체료: Late fee

   -연체이자: Overdue interest

19)선급금: Money paid in advance/ an Amount prepaid/ a Pre-payment

20)매상고/이익금: Proceeds

21)요금/사용료: Dues

22)손해배상금: Damages

23)미불금: Overdue

24)집세: Rent

25)지급액: the Amount payable<Paid>

27)지급금: Disbursement

28)과태료: a Fine for default/a negligence fine

29)관리비: Management expenses

30)월세: Monthly rent

31)전세금: Deposit<Key>money for the lease of a house

32)수수료: a Commission/ a Percentage/ a Fee

33)구전: a Commission

34)소개료: Brokerage/ Commission

35)수고비: -the Charge for one's labor

           -Compensation for one's services

           -a gift for services rendered

36)강연료: a Lecture fee

37)원고료: Copy-money/ Contribution<Manuscript> fee

38)출연료: a Performance fee

39)출연사례비: an Appearance fee

40)참가비: Entry fee

41)광고료: Advertisement rates

42)급행료: Express fee

43)사례금/사례비: a Reward/an Honorarium/ a Recompense

44)지참금: Dowry

45)상납금: -Money offered to one's superior

           -Money paid as a tax

46)벌금: a Fine/a Penalty/ a Forfeit

47)뇌물: a Bribe/ Grease/ Palm oil/ Golden key/ Silence money

48)통행세: a Traveling tax/ Transit duty

49)통관세: a Clearance fee/Customs duty

50)특허권 사용료: Royalty

51)장학금: Scholarship/ a Student grant(영)

52)용돈: Pocket money

53)수당: an Allowance/ a Stipend

54)생산성 향상 장려금: Incentive pay<bonus>

55)격려금: Encouragement money

56)촌지: a little Token of one's gratitude/ With compliments

57)불로소득세: an Unearned income tax

58)상속세: an Inheritance tax

59)양도소득세: a Transfer income tax

60)토지초과이득세: a Land profit tax

61)갑근세: the Income tax of Grade A

62)미수금:-an Uncollected amount

          -an Outstanding amount

          -an Amount receivable

63)관세: -a Tariff

         -Customs duties

64)거래액: the Amount of business<dealings>

65)월사금: Monthly tuition

66)위자료:-Consolation money



67)가족수당: a Family allowance

68)야근수당: Extra pay for night work

69)광열수당: an Allowance for light and heat

70)연말수당: a Year-end bonus

71)피복수당: a Clothing<Dress> allowance

72)출산수당: a Maternity benefit

73)이혼/별거수당: Alimony

74)보석금: Bail

75)몸값/배상금: Ransom

76)이자: Interest

77)전별금: a Parting<Farewell> gift

78)축의금: an Envelope for presenting a gift of money

79)조의금: Condolence money

80)위문금: a Solatium/ a Gift of money

81)상금: Prize money

82)위로금: a Bonus/ a Reward for one's services

83)고리대금: Moneylending/ Usury

84)하사금: an Imperial<Royal> grant<bounty>

85)금일봉: an Enclosure<a Gift>of money

86)봉사료: Service charges/Tip

87)매출액: Turnover/Sales amount

88)공돈/눈먼 돈: Windfall income/Easy money

89)떼돈: Funny money

90)일확천금: Making a big fortune on a single occasion

91)당첨금: Prize money

92)현상금: a Prize money/a Reward

93)상환금: Money repaid/Repayments

94)상환기금: a Redemption fund

95)보상금: an Indemnity/Compensation money

96)입장료: Admission fee

97)서비스료(카바레 따위):Cover charge

98)지원금: Support grant

99)(국고)보조금: a Subsidy/ a Grant-in-aid

100)성과급: Piece rate

101)상여금: a Bonus/a Reward

102)사납금: Money which taxi drivers have to turn over to the company out of their daily earning

103)납부금: Money due

104)등록금: Tuition(학교)/Registration fee

105)입학금: Entrance<Enrollment> fee

106)부가모금: Supplementary fund-raising

107)결혼자금: Marriage fund

108)기금: Fund

109)모금: Fund-raising

110)향토장학금: Hometown scholarship

111)쌈짓돈(주머닛돈): Money kept in tobacco pouch (Pocket money reserved for an emergency)

112)밑천: Capital/Fund

113)종자돈: Seed money

114)보증금/권리금: Key money

115)거래가격: the Market price

116)이익금: Gains/ a Profit

117)유흥비: Entertainment costs

118)피복비: Clothing expenses

119)통신비: Communication charges

120)교통비: Transportation expenses

121)초과근무수당: Overtime allowance

122)연료비:  Fuel expenses

123)생계비: Living costs<expenses>

124)수술비: Charges for an operation

125)입원비: Hospital charges

126)술값: Drink charge

127)화대: a Charge for female entertainer's fee

128)할부납입금: an Installment(money)

129)횡재: Unexpected fortune/ a Windfall

130)위약금: a Forfeit

131)경기출전료(유명선수 등에 대한): Appearance money

132)기탁금: Trust money/ Money consigned

133)숙박비: Lodging charges<expenses>

134)항공료: Air fare

135)일당: a Daily allowance/ Per diem

136)배당금: a Dividend/ a Share

137)수당: an Allowance/ a Stipend

138)외화: Foreign currency

139)외화준비금: Foreign currency reserve

140)경화: Hard currency/Metallic currency

141)연화: Soft currency/a Banknote

142)정착금: Resettlement funds

143)정착수당: Resettlement allowance

144)노임: Wages

145)노자 돈(여비): Traveling expenses

145)부가가치세: a Value-added tax(VAT)

146)적립금: a Reserve(fund)

147)적립배당금: Accumulated dividends

148)상품권: a gift certificate<token>

149)유가증권: Securities/Stocks and bonds

150)항공요금잔액교환권: MCO(Monetary Coupon Order)

151)취득세: an Acquisition<Sales> tax

152)부동산취득세: a Real estate acquisition tax

153)취득가격: Acquisition cost

154)등록세: a Registration tax

155)근저당: Fixed collateral

156)전기요금: Electric charges<rates>/Power rates

157)수도요금/수도료: Water rates<charges>/Tap water charges

158)가스요금: Gas rate

159)착수금: -Money paid to initiate a work

            -a Deposit

            -a Retainer

160)보험료:-an Insurance bill

           -a Premium

161)계약금/증거금: Earnest money



Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)