1)못 들었소?
:Have you not heard?
2)그럼 따라 오구려.
: Then come along.
3)혐의자는 모두 체포해라.
: Round up all suspicious characters.
4)이런, 내 정신 좀 보게!
: How silly of me!
5)여기 기후는 좀 따뜻한 편이라네.
: You may find the climate here a trifle warm.
(* trifle: 사소한, 약간, 하찮은)
6)당신이 아무리 잘못해도 난 당신을 여전히 사랑해오.
: With all your faults, I love you still.
7)상당히 기대되는구먼.
: We have something to look forward to.
8)이렇게 무례할 수가 있나?!
: This is outrageous!
9)자넨 날 경멸하지?
: You despise me, don't you?
10)그런 생각이 들게 했다면, 그럴지도 모르지.
: If I gave you any thought, I probably would.
11)내가 하는 일이 탐탁하지 않은 건가?
: You object to the kind of business I do?
12)그게 그렇게 빌붙어 먹고사는 건가?
: Is that so parasitic?
(*parasitic:기생하는, 아첨하는)
13)기생충이건 말건 난 개의치 않아.
: I don't mind a parasite.
(*parasite:기생충, 기생동물/식물, 겨우살이. 식객)
14)After tonight, I'll be through with the whole business.
:오늘 밤만 지나면 이런 일과는 끝이라네.
15)내가 더 그럴 듯 하겠군.
: Found myself much more reasonable.
16)취소될 염려도 없고 의심받지 조차 않을 거야.
: Cannot be rescinded, not even questioned.
(*rescind:무효로 하다, 폐지, 철회하다.)
17)누구 오기로 되어 있다네.
: I'm expecting some people.
18)이젠 날 좀 더 인정해 주길 바라네.
: I hope you're more impressed with me now.
19)정말 자넬 다시 봐야겠는걸.
: I am a little more impressed with you.
20)누가 문젠가?
: Who's got trouble?
21)얼마나 괴롭나?
: How much trouble?
2. 대화나 의견을 말할 때 즐겨 쓰이는 영어표현(3쪽)
*~해도 되나요?
-May I~
-Can I ~
-Allow me~
-If you allow me~
-With your permission~
-Will it be possible for me to~
-Will it be O.K.for you if I~
-Would it be all right for you if I~
1) 제12항 : Paragraph(Par.)12
2) 제13부 : Part (Pt.) 13
3) 제14규칙: Rule 14
4) 제15절: -Clause 15
-Section(Sec.) 15
5) 제16 씨리즈: Series*Ser.) 16
6) 제17 권: Volume(Vol.) 17
7) 제18쪽: Page(P.) 18
8) 제19쪽부터 22쪽까지: Pages(Pp.) 19-22
9) 제23행: Line(l.) 23
10) 제24행부터 28행까지: Lines(ll.) 24-28
11) 제5표: Table 5
1)인수분해:- factorization
-resolution into factors
*인수분해하다: -factor (into)
2)병원감염: an in-hospital infection
*감염경로: an infection route
3)우주탐사: a space exploration
*우주과학: space science
*우주의학: space medicine
4)우주유영: a spacewalk
*우주비행: spaceflight
*우주여행: space travel
5)울병환자: a depressive(patient)
*조병환자: a manic(patient)
*조울병환자: a manic-depression(patient)
6)우천결행: No postponement for rain
*우천순연: To be postponed in case of rain
7)우익단체: -a right-wing organization
- a rightist organization
*좌익단체: a leftist organization
8)청탁입학: a backdoor admission
*부정입학: entering a university by dishonest means
9)운송회사: an express company
*이사회사: -a moving company
-a mover
10)운영자금: working capital/funds
*운영재고: working inventory
11)운전면허: a driver's license
*임시면허: a temporary license
12)운동신경: the motor nerves
*반사신경: reflexes
13)영업시간: business<office> hours
*영업활동: business activities
14)영업실적: business results<performance>
*영업방침: a business policy
15)영업정지: suspension of a business license
*영업허가: license to do business
16)영재교육: special education for gifted children<pupils>
*특수교육(장애자): special education for disabled people
17)위생상태: sanitary conditions
*위생시설: sanitary facilities
*위생조례: Sanitary Regulations
5. 오늘의 속담(3쪽)
*일석이조/일거양득/꿩먹고 알먹고:-Killing two birds with one stone
-Cutting two trees with one saw
-You eat your cake and have it too.
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