(2006년 도하 아시안게임 OCA수석조정관자격으로 도하 아시안게임 준비상황 점검 방문시 알자지라 TV와 인터뷰)
1. 무릎을 탁 치게 하는 우리말 대비 영어표현(6)
1)이제야 사람이 되어가는구먼.
: You're becoming quite human.
2)오래살고 볼일이네./ 별일이네.
: Another precedent gone.
3)오늘 저녁 재미있었다네.
: This has been an interesting evening.
4)그럼 한잔하게.
: Then have a drink.
5)여기 있으면 골치만 아플 뿐이라네.
: We have nothing but trouble here.
6)아무것도 묻지 말라고 했지 않소이까?
: We said no questions.
7)난 비싸게 굴고 싶소. (비싸고 싶소)
: I am willing to be overcharged.
8)한가지만 대답해 주면 모든 궁금증이 다 해소될 수 있소.
: Only one answer can take care of all our questions.
9)자, 자, 마셔, 쭉 들이키라구.
: Here, here, drink up.
10)샴페인은 무한정 있으니까.
: We'll never finish the champagne.
11)시내에 볼일이 좀 있소.
: I have things to do in the city.
12)그러기엔 너무 이른 감이 있네요.
: That's too far ahead to plan.
13)마지막인 것처럼 키스해 줘요.
: Kiss me as if it were that last time.
14)당신과 함께 마시려고 참고 기다렸소이다.
: I saved my first drink to have with you.
15)목소리는 여전하시군.
: Your voice hasn't changed.
16)아직 그 소리가 귀에 쟁쟁하오.
: I can still hear it.
17)어쩔 수가 없네그려.
: There's nothing we can do.
18)어쩐지 그 친구 얘기를 믿어 주고 싶다네.
: I would like to give his story the benefit of doubt.
: I'm delighted to see you.
20)사업얘기 계속할까요?
: May we proceed to the business.
21)툭 터놓고 얘기 합시다./까놓고 얘기 합시다.
: Let's not mince words.
(*mince잘게 썰다, 조심스럽게 말하다)
*do not mince words:꾸미지 않고 솔직히 말하다)
22)제 걱정은 마세요.
: Don't be concerned about me.
*~했다 하면 ...이 최고다.(~방면에는 ...를 따를 자<것이>/당할 자<것이>가 없다네)
-When it comes to~(명사형), no one will beat...(명사형)
-Speaking of~(명사형), you can't beat...(명사형)
*축구했다 하면 박지성이 최고지.:
-When it comes to playing football, no one will beat Ji-Sung Park.
-Speaking of playing football, you can't beat Ji-Sung Park.
*맥주안주에는 땅콩이 최고지.
-When it comes to the side dish for beer , nothing will beat peanuts.
-Speaking of the side dish for beer, you can't beat peanuts.
1)외교특권: diplomatic immunity/previlege
2)외자도입: the introduction of foreign capital
3)해상봉쇄: a sea blockade
4)외식산업: the food service industry
5)회전자금: a revolving fund
6)외부위탁/외부하청/외주: outsourcing
7)개복수술: -an abdominal operation
-a laparotomy
*복부외과: abdominal surgery
8)해방전선: a liberation front
*해방전쟁: a liberation war
*해방지구: a liberated district
9)괴뢰정권: a puppet government
10)쾌락살인: -lust murder
-thrill killing
*색정살인: sex murder
*연쇄살인: serial murders/killings
11)과외활동: extracurricular activities
*학급활동: classroom activities
12)과외수업: an extracurricular class
*보충수업: a supplementary lesson
13)가격조작: -price fixing
-price manipulation
*가격조정: price adjustment
14)가격파괴:price mechanism destruction
*가격경쟁: price competition
15)화학반응: a chemical reaction
*화학변화: a chemical change
*화학식: a chmical formula
16)가역반응: a reversible reaction
*불가역반응: an irreversible reaction
17)획일임금: a uniform wage
*획일가격: a uniform price
*획일제픔: a uniform product
18)차명계좌:-a borrowed-name bank account
-false-name bank account
19)학습장애: learning disability
*주의태만: an attendance deficit
20)연간수입: annual earnings
*기대수익: expected earnings
*유보수익: retained earnings
*임금소득: wage earnings
*소득능력: earning power
*천리 길도 한 걸음부터.:
-Little by little, one goes far.
-Step by step, one goes far.
-To reach the top, you must ascend step by step.
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