1. 무릎 탁 치게 하는 영어 표현(4쪽)
1)그럼 활짝 웃어 봐요.
: Well, smile up, then.
2)한 몫 단단히 잡을 수 있다네.
: We could make a fortune.
3)너무 취했네 그려.
: You've had too much to drink.
4)밀지 좀 마쇼.
: Stop pushing me around.
5)난 왜 자네가 거기로 돌아가지 않는지 가끔 궁금하다네.
: I've often speculated why you don't return there.
6)내가 잘못 알고 있었다네.
: I was misinformed.
7)그런 일은 다반사잖나.
: Things like that happen all the time.
8)마음에 걸리는 게 있나 보구려.
: Something's on your mind.
9)털어 놔 보게.
: Why not spill it?
10)그렇게 반색하다니 별일일세.
: I've never seen you so impressed.
11)그 친구 평판이 자자하다네..
: He's impressed half the world.
12)그 이상은 아니겠지.(재치 있는 비아냥: half the world를 문자 그대로 받아침)
: He mustn't impress the other half of the world.
13)그 친구 어떻게 해낼지 기대되는 걸.
: It will be interesting to see how he manages.
14)(잃은 걸)만회 해야겠네./반까이 해야지.
: I'd like to get it back.
15)우선 서로 간섭하지 않고 지낸다네.
: We don't interfere with each other.
16)내 운명은 내가 책임지지. /내 인생은 나의 것.
: I'm master of my fate.
17)난 누굴 위해 목숨을 걸진 않아.
: I stick my neck out for nobody.
18)여러분, 소란 피워드려 죄송하게 됐소이다.
: Sorry for the disturbances, folks.
19)하지만 이젠 끝났습니다.
: But it's over now.
20)걱정 붙들어 매시게. 나발 불진 않을 테니까.
: Don't worry. We won't broadcast it.
21)내가 알고 싶은 게 많아 그러니 용서하시게.
: Forgive my curiosity.
22)싸게 드릴 수밖에 없네요.
: I'm forced to sell it.
2. 대화나 의견을 나눌 때 즐겨 쓸 수 있는 표현(4쪽)
*상대방 말에 긍정적으로 화답/맞장구 치는 30가지 방법(그럼요, 그렇고 말고, 그렇다니까요, 확실하죠, 틀림없죠, 반드시, 꼭, 확실히, 절대로, 두 말하면 잔소리죠. 등등)
-Of course.
-By all means.
-No doubt about it.
-No question about it.
-I agree.
-You're right.
-You said it.
-Perfectly right.
-No one will dispute.
1)100개: 100 pieces(pcs.)
2)10다스: 10 dozen(doz.)
3)6 그로스: 6 gross(gr.)
*1 gross는 12 dozen
4)철조망 10마름: 10 coils of barbed wire
5)종이 20연: 20 reams of paper
6)융단 2권: 2 rolls of carpet
7)철봉 20뭉치: 20 bundles(bdls.) of iron rod
8)철판 30개: 30 sheets of iron plate
9)철조각 100톤: 100 tons of iron scrap
10) 100원짜리 우표 50매: 50 hundred-won stamps
11) 500달러짜리 수표: -a five-hundred-dollar check
-a check for five-hundred dollars($500)
12) 10월 초순/상순에: within the first ten days of October
13) 10월 중순에: within the second/middle ten days of October
14) 10월 하순에: within the last eleven days of October
1)위성방송: satellite broadcasting
*위성중계: -satellite relay
-satellite hookup
*위성전송: satellite transmission
2)영리단체:a profit-making organization
*비영리단체: a non-profit organization
*영리회사: a profit-making company
3)몸값유괴: a kidnapping for ransom
4)액정표시: a liquid crystal display(LCD)
5)액체연료: liquid fuel
*고체연료: solid fuel
*기체연료: gaseous fuel
6)원격의료(원격의학처방): telemedicine
*원격진단: telediagnosis
*원격요법: teletherapy
7)원격조정:remote control
*무선조정: radio control
8)연안어업: coastal fishery
*연안항로: a coastal route
*연안경비: the coastal guard
9)연명장치: -a life-prolonging device
-a life-sustaining equipment
*연명의료: life-prolonging treatment
10)응급조치: first aid
*응급수리: temporary repairs
11)유럽연합: the European union(EU)
*유럽의회: the European Parliament
12)횡단보도: a pedestrain crossing
13)대폭감세: -big tax cuts
-massive tax cuts
14)왕복티켓:-a round-trip ticket
-a return ticket(영국)
*시작이 반.: -A good start is half the battle.
-Well begun is half done.
-A good beginning is half done.
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