[독도와 도쿄올림픽과 외로운 섬 독도(獨島)에 관한 제안 2편(Tokyo Olympics and “Dokdo(獨島)”, Namely Only Lonely Island)]
Tokyo2020올림픽이 이제 1개월 남짓 남은 상황에서 올림픽의 가치와 연계하여 독도 이슈 2번째 이야기를 시작한다.
독도(獨島) 이슈에 대해 국내와는 달리 아직까지 외신(SNS포함)에서는 단 한 줄도 다루고 있지 않고 있다. (‘Dokto’ issue appears neither as stories nor as articles in global media including SNS as yet, even though Korean media and local heavy weight politicians including local civic groups claim even Olympic boycott at the up-coming Tokyo2020 Games.)
그래서 필자는 조심스럽게 또 개인적으로 생각하는 독도 해법에 대하여 상생하는 입장에서 늦지 않게 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 독도 및 건전한 제안을 영어로(혹시 외신이나 외국 친구들과의 공감대 형성을 꾀하기 위하여)하고자 한다. (With this in mind, I decided to carefully and personally touch upon ‘Dokto’ and some sound suggestions to solve this issue sooner than later on a win-win basis.)
오늘은 그 시리즈 2편을 소개한다.
*Series II: Tokyo2020 Olympics is not about ‘Dokto’ contention, but about Legacy of Harmony, Progress, and World Peace
Tokyo2020 Games is still under increasing public pressure in Japan as to whether to go ahead or otherwise due to COVID-19 pandemic. It is reportedly known that the scheduled gala reception targeted for invited VIP guests from various countries at the Closing Ceremonies of the Tokyo2020 Games would be cancelled, despite being an excellent opportunity for Japan as Host Country to make the best use of its Olympic occasion to promote and enhance its diplomatic prowess to the whole world. In addition, 10,000 Olympic volunteers tendered their resignation to stay away from the Games. It is, indeed, a bad omen for an Olympic Host country to stage a globally successful Games. Under any circumstances, Japan has solemn duties and responsibilities to respect the Olympic spirit free from political maneuvering by no longer posting the map showing the route of the Olympic Torch relay which includes Dokto by a small dot above Shimane Prefecture of Japan. As soon as such map appeared on the Tokyo2020 Olympic official website, it suddenly prompted such moves as a protest in Korea calling even for an Olympic boycott in Tokyo2020. It is reported that quite recently Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Sports and Olympic Committee sent an official letter to the International Olympic Committee, urging its “active mediation role” on this matter. As expected, Tokyo has rejected requests from Korea to eliminate Dokto from the Tokyo2020 Olympic website. The ‘Dokto’ map issue appeared to have particularly irritated the Korean public recalling that Dokto was not shown on a flag of Koran Peninsula when inter-Korean delegation carried it at the Opening Ceremonies of PyeongChang2018 Olympic Winter Games in consideration of and for the sake of Japan. As noted, ‘Dokto’ was removed from the Korea Unification Flag after Korea accepted an IOC request that followed a strong complaint from Japan. At that time the IOC asked PyeongChang2018 Organizing Committee to respect the guidelines on political neutrality which the IOC set as its policy in relation to the world political matters. But for Tokyo2018 Games, it does not seem to be the case of equal application of the political neutrality by the IOC in response to the request by Korea. Nevertheless, as of now, I do not want to call this phenomenon as a double standard by the IOC. In this context, I would, still, like to give the IOC’s stance the benefit of doubt, because IOC President Thomas Bach is a proven world leader with balanced thought to pursue his policy of “Unity in Diversity”, where applicable.
Written by Prof. Rocky YOON Kang-ro, Ph.D.
President of International Sport Diplomacy Institute
[유럽올림픽위원회(EOC-European Olympic Committees)신임위원장에 그리스 NOC위원장 겸 IOC위원 Spyros Capralos 선출]
제9대 유럽올림픽위원회(EOC: European Olympic Committees)회장 선출 선거가 6월10일 있었다.
그리스 NOC(HOC)위원장 겸 IOC위원인 Spyros Capralos가 경쟁후보인 덴마크 NOC위원장인 Niels Nygaard를 투표 결과 34:16 압도적 표차로 누르고 새로운 EOC회장(2021~2025)이 되었다.
EOC집행부 임원선출선거는 EOC창립50주년을 맞이하여 그리스 아테네에서 열렸는데 회원국 50개 NOC대표들이 모두 참석하였다. 이들 중 46명은 off-line(현장)참석이었고 나머지 4명은 on-line(virtually)으로 참여하였다.
이어서 부회장(Daina Gudzineviciute /LTU), -사무총장(Raffaele Pagnozzi /ITA) –재무(Peter Mennel /AUT)는 연임되었고 12명의 EOC집행위원들 역시 선출되었다
다음은 IOC Highlights에 게재된 EOC임원선거관련 내용이다:
10 June 2021
Hellenic Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos was elected today as the 9th President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC), beating Danish Olympic Committee President Niels Nygaard by 34 votes to 16.
The two EOC Executive Committee Members were the only two candidates running for the top role in the European Olympic Movement, with an initial term of four years (2021-2025).
The election took place during the EOC’s 50th General Assembly in Athens, attended by representatives of all 50 European National Olympic Committees (ENOCs) — 46 in person and 4 virtually.
“I have been very proud to serve the EOC as a member of the Executive Committee. To now have the opportunity to lead the Executive Committee on behalf of you, the National Olympic Committees of Europe, is a very great privilege indeed. Your support means so much to me. I am very grateful,” Capralos said. “I will be engaged, open minded, transparent, and a President for all nations.”
Capralos announced his intention to run for EOC President during last year’s General Assembly, which was held online due to the pandemic. He replaces Janez Kocijančič, who passed away on 1 June 2020 at the age of 78.
Capralos, who became a Member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2019, vowed to work on behalf of all 50 ENOCs in strengthening Europe’s place in the Olympic Movement, both on and off the field of play.
“Together for the next four years, we will aim to do better and we will support our members, the National Olympic Committees, (especially the ones with the bigger needs) and the organizers of our events even more,” he said. “Through unity, trust and solidarity we can raise the EOC to the next level.”
The Coordination Commission Chair for the first two editions of the European Games (Baku 2015 and Minsk 2019), Capralos will play an integral role in the organisation of the third edition of the Games scheduled for Krakow-Malopolska in 2023, working closely with Coordination Commission Chair for the European Games 2023 Hasan Arat.
An Olympic water polo player who represented Greece at the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984, Capralos has been HOC President since 2009 and a Member of the EOC ExCo from November of the same year.
Elections for the 2021-2025 ExCo were also held today, with Vice President Daina Gudzineviciute (LTU), Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi (ITA) and Treasurer Peter Mennel (AUT) all getting the nod. Joining them as Members of the ExCo are:
·Hasan Arat (TUR)
·José Manuel Araújo (POR)
·Jean-Michel Brun (FRA)
·Victoria Cabezas (ESP)
·Mihai Covaliu (ROU)
·Líney Rut Halldorsdóttir (ISL)
·Berit Kjoll (NOR)
·Zlatko Matesa (CRO)
·Annamarie Phelps (GBR)
·Uschi Schmitz (GER)
·Cristina Vasilianov (MDA)
·Djordje Visacki (SRB)
Following a motion proposed by the Olympic Federation of Ireland (OFI) and approved by the EOC GA in November 2020, a minimum five of the 16 Executive Committee members must now be of each gender. For the first time in EOC history, seven women now sit on the Executive Committee, up from two during the previous 2017-2021 period.
A new EOC Ethics Commission was also elected today, with Maja Smrdu (SLO), Martina Spreitzer-Kropiunik (AUT) and Juha Viertola (FIN) being voted as the three Members.
Thomas Bach IOC위원장이 초반부터 암묵적으로 여러 차례 기회를 주려고 애썼고 가능한 서울-평양2032유치에 힘을 실어 주려고 간접 암시를 하였건만, 아뿔싸 우리측은 이런 저런 이유로 제대로 살리지 못하였다. 그래서 더욱 안타깝다.
한국스포츠외교부실의 참담하고 어찌 보면 당연한 귀결이다.
“先 서울2032단독유치-後 서울/평양2032공동개최”전략을 Thomas Bach IOC위원장에게 전달하고 구체적 설득 작업과 과정이 미비하고 부실하였다.
2032년올림픽유치실패원인은 단순히 북한만이 아니다. 미리 대비책으로 만회할 수 있었던 기회였기 때문에 긴 아쉬움이 남는다.
자세한 敗因분석은 생략한다.
벌써부터 2036년올림픽이 거론되고 있는듯하다. 결코 호락호락하지 않은 게임이다.
아래 내용은 IOC가 발표한 Brisbane2032애 대한 IOC총회 만장일치 올림픽개최지 제안 관련 내용이다:
IOC Executive Board proposes Brisbane 2032 as host of Olympic Games 2032
The 138th IOC Session, to be held in Tokyo in July 2021, will vote on the proposal of the Executive Board.
By ZK Goh
11 June 2021 0:48
Picture by 2017 Getty Images
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) has unanimously proposed to the IOC Session that Brisbane, Australia, host the Games of the XXXV Olympiad in 2032.
The 138th IOC Session, meeting in Tokyo in July 2021, will vote on the proposal from the IOC EB.
It comes after the IOC Future Host Commission submitted a report to the EB on its Targeted Dialogue with Brisbane 2032, which was opened on 24 February.
Brisbane 2032 is the first "Preferred Host" under the IOC's new approach to host city elections.
"Sport is seen by many governments around the world as essential to the long-term development of their countries and regions," IOC President Thomas Bachsaid.
"The Brisbane 2032 Olympic project shows how forward-thinking leaders recognise the power of sport as a way to achieve lasting legacies for their communities."
Answering a question from Australian media, President Bach added:
"It was about Brisbane and Australia, it was about a sports-loving country, it was about the great support from the public and from all levels of government and across the entire political spectrum.
"It was a clear vision for a feasible and sustainable Olympic Games fully aligned with Olympic Agenda 2020 and Olympic Agenda 2020+5 and all this together made it irresistible for the [Future Host] Commission as well as for the Executive Board today.
"But we are not there yet, it's in the hands of the IOC members now to vote on 21 July."
IOC Executive Board puts forward Brisbane 2032 for election by IOC Session
10 Jun 2021
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) today decided to propose Brisbane 2032 to the upcoming IOC Session as host for the Games of the XXXV Olympiad. The decision followed a recommendation by the Future Host Commission for the Games of the Olympiad. The IOC Members will vote at the 138th Session in Tokyo on 21 July 2021.
The Executive Board’s decision was based on a report by the Future Host Commission, which has made a detailed analysis of the Brisbane 2032 project in recent months.
This unanimous decision by the Executive Board is a credit to the years of work carried out by Brisbane 2032, the Australian Olympic Committee, and their partners, to test every aspect of the project.
The viability of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic project is demonstrated by its core strengths:
·A passion-driven offer from a sports-loving nation that has sent athletes to every edition of the modern Olympic Games and nearly every edition of the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Games.
·A strong masterplan (presented in this video by Brisbane 2032) using 84 per cent existing and temporary venues, set against a spectacular backdrop. The remaining venues will be delivered well in advance and irrespective of the Games to meet the needs of a fast-growing population.
·Strong support from all three levels of government, the Australian population, and the private sector.
·A commitment to embrace the principles of Olympic Agenda 2020 and 2020+5, to create an Olympic project to achieve lasting and meaningful legacies for local communities.
·Alignment with existing strategies to accelerate progress towards long-term socio-economic goals, as well as the goals of the Olympic Movement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and World Health Organization guidelines on physical activity.
·A clear Olympic and Paralympic vision, designed to be as inclusive as possible, with a “10+10+” legacy concept spanning 10 years before and 10 years after the Games.
·A commitment to sustainability, and climate-positive and athlete-centric Games.
·A balanced, fully privately-funded budget and an independent impact study that clearly demonstrates the social, environmental and economic benefits of holding the Games.
This impact study of the potential benefits of hosting the Games in Brisbane and South East Queensland, commissioned by Brisbane 2032, estimated that the event would bring USD 6.1 billion in value to the State of Queensland, and USD 13.4 billion to Australia. These values were calculated by assessing factors such as health, volunteering, and resident benefits, as well as qualitative benefits such as community infrastructure, and behavioural change to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions.
IOC President Thomas Bach said: “Sport is seen by many governments around the world as essential to the long-term development of their countries and regions. The Brisbane 2032 Olympic project shows how forward-thinking leaders recognise the power of sport as a way to achieve lasting legacies for their communities.”
Kristin Kloster Aasen, Chair of the Future Host Commission for the Games of the Olympiad, said: “Our Commission has worked closely with Brisbane 2032 through a collaborative partnership to explore how their vision, concept and legacy plans for the Olympic and Paralympic Games could align with social and economic development plans for the city and the region. The new approach to electing Olympic hosts has enabled this project to be enhanced as part of a two-way conversation, honouring our commitment that the Olympic Games should adapt to the needs of the host and their population, and not the reverse.”
By January 2021, it had become clear Brisbane 2032 was in a very advanced state of preparations and presented an opportunity in a very uncertain time. An IOC Feasibility Assessment confirmed that Brisbane 2032 met all the criteria to open a Targeted Dialogue.
The Executive Board’s decision to open a Targeted Dialogue 2032 on 24 February 2021, and invite Brisbane as Preferred Host, followed a recommendation from the Future Host Commission, and was endorsed by IOC Members at the virtual 137th Session in March. It reflected the impact of the global pandemic, and advice received from economists that over the next few years the world would face an uncertain economic future, and large organisations should move swiftly to stabilise their long-term positions.
Targeted Dialogue allows the IOC to help Preferred Hosts to optimise their projects in many areas, such as the venue masterplan, economics of the Games, legacy and sustainability. The process culminated in Brisbane’s Value Proposition being presented as a Final Submission in response to the IOC’s Future Host Questionnaire in May.
Under the IOC’s new flexible approach to future host elections, the two Future Host Commissions (Summer and Winter) are permanently open to exploratory, non-committal discussions with cities, regions and countries, and their respective National Olympic Committees (NOCs), on their ambitions to host the Olympic and Youth Olympic Games.
Continuous Dialogue is ongoing with other Interested Parties, in order to further develop their excellent and promising projects for the future.
[SBS TV 8시뉴스인터뷰, 독도와 Tokyo2020올림픽, IOC위원장과 외신 대상 합리적이고 객관적 설명 절실]
독도문제 해결의 첫 단추가 잘못 끼워졌다고 생각한다.
대한체육회가 일본올림픽위원회(JOC)에게 독도문제 시정을 요구하는 서한을 보내기 전에 스포츠외교전략회의를 통해 방향 설정을 제대로 했어야 했다.
먼저 Thomas Bach IOC위원장에게 보안을 유치한 상태로 독도문제의 심각성을 직접보고하고 합리적이고 외교적인 해결방법을 공동 모색하고 협의하여 대응 하였어야 했다
이미 일본측은 이러한 낌새를 알아 차리고 IOC에게 올림픽개최국 일본의 입장과 방어논리를 전달을 함으로써 독도 이슈가 정치적 문제가 아니라 단순한 지도상의 표기임을 강조하는 메시지로 IOC를 무마한 것으로 보인다.
그러니 대한체육회장명의로 IOC위원장에게 두 번째 시도가 제대로 먹히기 힘들었을 것이다.
올림픽보이콧이란 초 강수 언급이 국내언론보도에 등장하였음에도 이상할 정도로 외신은 묵묵부답이다.
그래서 지금이라도 독도이슈관련 입장과 당위성과 합리성을 설명하는 외신보도자료를 만들어 배포하는 조치가 조속히 뒤따라야 한다.
동시에 IOC위원들 전체에게 독도 이슈에 대한 합리적 설명과 일본측의 부당함을 호소하는 메시지도 전달하여야 한다. 이런 국제적 여론형성을 통하여 궁극적으로 IOC를 움직이게 하고 일본으로 하여금 독도를 일본 영토 지도에서 삭제하도록 할 수 있는 것이 스포츠외교의 한 방법이다.
[미국, 여자스케이팅선수출신 2030 or 2034동계올림픽유치위원장 Raney-Norman임명, 한국은 언제쯤이나?]
6월9일 미국 Utah주 Salt Lake City(2002년 동계올림픽개최지)동계올림픽 및 패럴림픽 유치위원회(SLC-UTAH)위원장으로 올림피안(Olympian)인 Catherine Raney-Norman을 임명하였다.
(Catherine Raney-Norman Salt Lake City 2030또는 2034동계올림픽유치위원장 지명자)
선수가 이끄는 올림픽 및 패럴림픽 유치를 창출하기 위한 노력의 일환이다. 미국은 역시 선진국이고 미래지향적 세계 스포츠 강국이다.
우리나라는 올림픽유치에 올림픽메달리스트를 홍보대사정도로 기용하고 있는 상황인데 향후 올림픽 유치에는 미국을 벤치마킹 할 필요가 있으며 올림픽 현장을 잘 꿰고 있는 선수 중심의 올림픽 유치활동을 기대한다.
유치위원장 지명자인 Catherine Raney-Normand(여성)은 4차례 동계올림픽(Nagano1998-Salt Lake City2002-Torino2006-Vancouver2010) 빙상 종목에 출전한 바 있는 베테랑 올림픽 선수(Olympian)출신 스포츠행정가이다.
그녀는 이후 미국 올림픽 및 패럴림픽 위원회(USOPC)선수자문이사회(Athletes’ Advisory Council)에서 선수들의 진정 어린 목소리를 대변해 왔으며 동 이사회 부위원장 직까지 올랐다.
SLC동계올림픽유치위원회 집행위원회에는 미국 베테랑 올림픽선수출신들이 대거 기용되었는데 Salt Lake City2002동계올림픽에서 김동성선수와 야비한 반칙 왕 ‘헐리우드 액션’으로 악명을 떨친 바 있는 Apolo Anton Ohno를 비롯하여 여자다운힐스키 여제(downhill skiing champion) Lindsey Vonn및 4차례 동계 패럴림픽 메달리스트인 Monte Meier도 이름이 등재되어 있다.
(Salt Lake City2002동계올림픽 쇼트트랙 경기 장면/좌로부터 김동성선수와 미국의 Anton Ohno)
그밖에 미국 동계올림픽 각 종목 별 스타들 역시 유치위 집행부(governing board)에 이름을 올리고 있는데,
동계올림픽 피겨스케이팅 메달리스트인 Nathan Chen-동계올림픽 스키 노르딕 복합(Nordic combined Skiing)우승자인 Billy Demong-동계올림픽 아이스하키 3관왕인 Meghan Duggan, 동계패럴림픽 스노보드 우승자인 Noah Elliott-동계올림픽 우승자인 Ted Ligety-동계 패럴림픽 크로스컨트리스키 우승자-바이애슬론 선수인 Okasan Masters-동계올림픽루지 종목 은메달리스인 Chris Mazdzer등이 합류하였다.
SLC-UTH는 현재 2030년 또는 2034년 동계올림픽유치에 본격 시동을 걸고 준비 태세를 갖추고 있다.
다음은 관련 외신 기사내용이다.
{Olympian Raney-Norman named Chair of Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games bid}
To further efforts to create an athlete led Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games bid, the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee For The Games (SLC-UTAH) has named four-time Olympian speed skater Catherine Raney Norman to Chair the project that hopes to secure a second Winter Games for the state capital – in either 2030 or 2034.
SLC-UTAH bid Chair Catherine Raney Norman (Photo: Sarah Brunson)
Raney Norman competed at four Winter Games from 1998 through 2010 and went on to become a respected voice for athletes serving on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s (USOPC) Athletes’ Advisory Council, rising to vice-chair. In 2012 she was named by the state governor to an exploratory committee tasked with bringing the Games back to Utah.
Steve Starks was named Vice Chair of the bid and will serve as the governor’s Olympic and Paralympic advisor to bridge the two bodies.
Those decisions, along with the appointment of 10 additional athletes to the committee, were made when the SLC-UTAH Committee met this week.
Current bid committee Chair Cindy Crane and President Fraser Bullock, along with Utah Governor Spencer Cox and Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall were involved in the discussions.
“As we move into a period of greater international engagement, having athletic-centric vision, input and oversight is vital to our efforts to bring the Games back to Utah,” Bullock said.
“As a future bid organization, we are really stewards of the Olympic and Paralympic movement,” Raney Norman told reporters.
“A major element of that stewardship is how we, in Utah, engage in all aspects of that movement to bring positive benefits to our communities,” she added.
Athletes added to the governing board were legendary U.S. Olympians and Paralympian including eight-time speed-skating medalist Apolo Ohno, downhill skiing champion Lindsey Vonn and four-time Paralympic medalist Monte Meier.
Joining the governing board are figure skating medalist Nathan Chen, Olympic nordic combined champion Billy Demong, three-time Olympic ice hockey medalist Meghan Duggan, Paralympic snowboard champion Noah Elliott, Olympic champion Ted Ligety, Paralympic champion cross country skier and biathlete Oksana Masters and Olympic luge silver medalist Chris Mazdzer.
Park City, Utah hosted venues for Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games (Wikipedia)
The Utah capital was elected by the USOPC in 2018 as the American nomination to bid for a future Winter Games after the city had been deemed more qualified than a rival bid from Denver. It has since been involved in a ‘continuous dialogue’ with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that puts it into contention for a future Games. Both 2030 and 2034 are being considered as possible editions to host.
Last December USOPC CEO Sarah Hirshland said the national federation had engaged in discussions with the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic organizing committee to better understand the impacts of of second Games in the United States only 18 months later, and how mutual revenue opportunities may suffer.
[덴마크 황태자 Prince Frederik IOC위원 및 미국 여자 크로스컨트리스키선수출신 Randall IOC위원직 전격 사임]
IOC는 6월8일 IOC집행위원회에서 덴마크 왕세자 IOC위원 Frederik과 평창2018동계올림픽 미국 여자 코로스컨트리 스키 금메달리스트 선수출신 IOC위원 Kikkan Randall 2명의 IOC위원들이 개인적 이유로 IOC위원직을 포기한 사실을(given up their IOC membership) 확인하였다.
이로써 IOC위원 현원의 수는 101명으로 줄어들었다.
이들이 제출한 사임 의사는 이날 IOC집행위원회 원격화상회의에서 수리되었다.
(Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and American cross-country skier Kikkan Randall have resigned as members of the International Olympic Committee / 좌로부터 덴마크 황태자 IOC위원 Frederik과 평창2018동계올림픽 미국 여자 코로스컨트리 스키 금메달리스트 선수출신 IOC위원 Kikkan Randall/출처: IOC).
2009년 IOC위원으로 선출된 덴마크 황태자인 Frederik IOC위원은 2017년 IOC총회에서 8년 연임된 바 있는데 덴마크에서 자신의 의무사항완수에 집중하기 위해 IOC위원자리를 내려 놓았다.
Frederik IOC위원은 재임기간동안 평창2018동계올림픽과 Paris2024올림픽 및 Lausanne2020청소년동게올림픽 IOC조정위원회를 포함하여 몇 개의 IOC분과위원회의 일원이었다.
Randall 미국 IOC위원은 2019년 3월 그녀는 유방암 질병으로부터 해방되었다고 발표하기 前, 평창2018 동계올림픽 여자 크로스컨트리 단체 스프린트종목에서 금메달을 획득한 후 얼마 안 있어서 유방암 진단(diagnosed with breast cancer)을 받아온 바 있다.
그녀는 Anita DeFrantz IOC부위원장 및 David Haggerty 국제테니스연맹(ITF)회장 자격 IOC위원과 더불어 3인방 미국 IOC위원으로 이름을 올렸었다.
IOC에 따르면 Randall IOC위원(38세)은 지속가능 및 유산 분과위원회(Sustainability and Legacy Commission)위원으로 남게 해 달라고 요청한 바 있었다고 한다
Randall위원은 그 외에 IOC 여성과 스포츠분과위원회 및 Cortina d’Ampezzo2026동계올림픽 IOC조정위원회 위원이기도 하였다.
그녀는 Thomas Bach IOC위원장에게 보낸 사임표명서한에서 “상서롭지 못하고 예기치 않았던 개인적 상황으로 인해 내가 가진 가치를 살리는 지속적 수준에서의 IOC역할 수행에 필요한 에너지와 주의력으로 기여하는 것이 어렵게 되었다”(Unfortunate and unforeseen personal circumstances have made it difficult for me to contribute the energy and attention necessary to fulfill my IOC role at a level consistent with my values)라고 토로하였다고 한다.
하지만 동계종목 선수대표자격 Randall IOC위원직을 교체하는 수순을 밟을 것인지의 여부는 아직 명확하지 않다고 한다
IOC집행위원회는 IOC위원 선출 위원회(IOC Members Election Commission)의 보고내용을 바탕으로 6월10일(목) 회의에서 오는 7월20일 Tokyo에서 열릴 IOC총회에 천거할 추가 신임 IOC위원들에 대해 제안하기로 되어 있다.
[아뿔싸! 호주 Brisbane2032년올림픽 6월10일(목)IOC집행위원회 최종개최지확정 초읽기 이대로 끝나나?]
호주의 Queensland주 Brisbane이 6월10일(목) IOC집행위원회 최종일 IOC미래유치위원회(FHC)의 Brisbane2032유치위원회와의 검증 결과를 발표하게 되어 있다.
이미 IOC가 지향하고 있는 모든 조건들을 충족하고 100여 건이 넘는 호주 각급 정부의 보증서(Guarantees)도 IOC에 제출된 것으로 보아 6월10일 IOC집행위원회는 Brisbane2032를 최종 승인하고 오는 7월20일 Tokyo2020올림픽 개회식 3일 전에 열리는 IOC총회에서 단독 후보 상정이 거의 확실해 보이는 것으로 외신은 보도하고 있다.
따라서 Brisbane2032가 90%이상(9부능선)에 이미 올라섰다고 보는 관측이 우세하다.
서울-평양2032공동유치의 경우 지금까지 전방위적으로 미온적인 대처와 핵심을 찌르는 스포츠외교전략구사 결여로 인해 Thomas Bach IOC위원장을 설득시키는데 사실상 실패함으로 아쉬움과 안타까움이 남는다.
물론 6월10일 기적적으로 Brisbane2032의 결정적 하자가 지적될 경우 막판 미세한 희망을 잡을 수도 있겠지만 호주의 IOC부위원장인 John Coates의 능수능란하고 타이밍을 뺏는 체인지 업 작전을 극복하기에는 한국의 현재 스포츠외교력과 인맥 활용이 안타깝다.
2036년 올림픽 또한 녹록치 않을 전망인데, 2032년에서 탈락한 후보지들과 나머지 유럽의 강호들도 유치에 뛰어들게 된다면 한국의 스포츠외교를 이끌 사령탑이 절치부심하는 자세로 ‘흑묘백묘’, ‘내편 네 편’ 가리지 않고 지금부터 전방위적으로 전열을 재정비하여 유치위원회 조기 구성을 통해 유치작전에 돌입하여야 해 볼만할 것이다.
다음은 외신에 보도된 내용이다:
IOC Executives Could Approve Brisbane 2032 Olympic Bid Thursday
Brisbane’s 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid could get approval from the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Executive Board as early as Thursday when the high-ranking body concludes an important virtual meeting that includes a report from the Future Host Commission.
IOC President Thomas Bach chairs IOC Executive Board virtually in Lausanne for the February 24, 2021 meeting (Photo: Greg Martin/IOC)
With the report, Australia’s bid for its third Olympics is scheduled to be discussed on the final day of the programme that will also include the status of preparations for next month’s Tokyo 2020 Games on Wednesday and the unveiling of the Refugee Olympic team Tuesday. If Brisbane is approved by the Executive Board, the IOC Session will likely give the project its final rubberstamping when the members meet July 20th in Tokyo.
The Executive Board will also meet once more ahead of the Session, on July 17 in Tokyo.
Last month IOC Vice President John Coates confirmed that Brisbane 2032 was in the final lap towards its election as host city for the Games.
He said “IOC due diligence testing of every element of the Brisbane project is now underway.”
“If this diligence yields a positive final report, the proposal to host the Games in 2032 will go to a vote of the full IOC membership.”
On Monday, remarks made by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk provided further evidence that Brisbane’s election in Tokyo is likely. She told local media regarding her first COVID-19 vaccination “there may be a requirement for the state to present to the whole Olympics committee [in Tokyo next month] about the Olympics, and I would’ve been unvaccinated and that is why I had the Pfizer.”
Although the Premier could easily present by video, her physical presence may be required to sign the host agreement immediately following the election.
Coates, who also serves as president of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) and is on the IOC Executive Board, will be excluded from discussions and a possible vote Thursday due to a conflict-of-interest.
Brisbane could be the first Summer Games host elected under a new bid process introduced in 2019 that eliminates head-to-head bidding and fosters a collaborative but behind-the-curtains approach without fixed timelines. Coates was the key architect behind the new reforms even as Brisbane was developing its project, an issue that raised conflict-of-interest concerns when the Australian city was named the IOC’s preferred candidate in February.
Brisbane was selected from among other developing bids representing Indonesia, India, Qatar, Germany and North and South Korea. If the IOC’s due diligence determines that Brisbane is not ready to host, these other jurisdictions that have already entered discussions with the Future Host Commission could be reconsidered for 2032. However, it has been clear from rhetoric coming from IOC officials that there is a commitment to have Brisbane elected.
The bid has received strong, high-level support and during a presentation to IOC members in March Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a pre-recorded message “Every level of Government is working together to deliver Brisbane 2032.”
Morrison, joined by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Brisbane Mayor Adrian Schrinner and Coates added “We will leave nothing to chance as we work with you during this period of targeted dialogue.”
“We want to be a trusted, thorough and reliable partner of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.”
Australia last hosted the Games in 2000 in Sydney and previously staged the event in 1956 in Melbourne.
The 2024 edition is scheduled to open in Paris while the 2028 event will be hosted in Los Angeles – a third Games for both cities.
[독도와 도쿄올림픽과 외로운 섬 독도(獨島)에 관한 제안 1편(Tokyo Olympics and “Dokdo(獨島)”, Namely Only Lonely Island)]
독도(獨島) 이슈에 대해 국내와는 달리 아직까지 외신(SNS포함)에서는 단 한 줄도 다루고 있지 않고 있다. (‘Dokto’ issue appears neither as stories nor as articles in global media including SNS as yet, even though Korean media and local heavy weight politicians including local civic groups claim even Olympic boycott at the up-coming Tokyo2020 Games.)
왜일까? (Why is that?)이마도 힘의 논리? (Perhaps ‘Theory of Power’? Or ‘Power Play’?)
그래서 필자는 조심스럽게 또 개인적으로 생각하는 독도 해법에 대하여 상생하는 입장에서 늦지 않게 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 독도 및 건전한 제안을 영어로(혹시 외신이나 외국 친구들과의 공감대 형성을 꾀하기 위하여)하고자 한다. (With this in mind, I decided to carefully and personally touch upon ‘Dokto’ and some sound suggestions to solve this issue sooner than later on a win-win basis.)
*Series I: Could ‘Dokto Issue’ Serve as a Bridge Over the Troubled Waters?
‘Dokdo’ is a group of small islets in the East Sea, and, in fact, has been legitimately controlled and governed by Korea.
It belongs to Ullenug Isalnd County of the Republic of Korea. ‘Dokto’ is designated as Nature Reserve.
‘Dokdo’ literally means “lonely island” or “solitary island”.
‘Dokdo’ is also called “the Liancourt Rocks” by France or ‘’Takeshima’, meaning “bamboo island” by Japan.
According to the data in the Wikipedia, the sovereignty of ‘Dokto’ has been contested by Japan despite its obvious status belonging to Korea, evidenced by various medieval historical records, maps, and encyclopedia recognized by international society under international law.
One of the reasons why Japan claims Dokto’s sovereignty would perhaps be that it lies in rich fishing grounds that may contain large deposits of natural gas. While a Korean fisher started to live in Dokto since 1965, and as of February 2017, Dokto was resided by two Korean civilians, two government officials, six lighthouse managers, and 40 members of the coast guard.
They are permanent residents of Dokdo.
As noticed, sovereignty over Dokdo has been an on-going point of contention between Korea and Japan despite the fact of Korea’s effective control of Dokdo. It is known that South Korea and North Korea agree that Dokdo is Korean territory and reject Japan’s claim.
In particular, the Korean National Assembly enacted the “Special Act on the Preservation of Ecosystem in Island Areas including Dokdo Island” on 13 December 1997.
The title of “Natural Monument No. 336, and the Dokdo Seaweed Habitat was changed to the ‘Dokto Nature Reserve’ in December 1999, in accordance with “Dokto History Chronology” of The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.
Likewise, it became an undisputed fact that Dokto is Korean territory.
Recently, even former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio disclosed in his SNS that ‘Dokto’ belongs to Korean territory as recognized by the United States.
One thing very clear is that even former Japanese Prime Minister confessed the substantial truth about Dokto.
In a nutshell, fact is fact, and Dokto is Dokdo. No more.
However, as human-beings make mistakes, people of Korea, those of Japan and many other countries are not an exception. “To Err is human, to Forgive is Divine.
An unknown saint once mentioned that “Our Major in Life is Mistakes, and our Life is Characterized by Deficiency.”
Our human life is an unfinished symphony.
Therefore, if and when we understand each other and accept the facts, there would be no conflict, nor contention.
Dokdo issue perhaps would and could rather serve as a Bridge Over the Troubled Waters between Korea and Japan, Japan and Korea through the Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer.
And Korea and Japan would hopefully be born again as good neighbors. This situation reminds me of a four-character idiom being equally used in Korea, Japan and even China: “轉禍爲福” meaning “to turn a misfortune into a blessing”.
It is my sincere wish that Dokto issue would serve that purpose between the two close neighboring countries above and beyond the short-sighted self-interest.
Life is about dancing in the storm, rather than about just waiting for the timing when the storm is over.
I would like to call it a true sense of the Olympic Values of “Excellence, Friendship, and Respect,”
Wishing Korea and Japan to be born again as very good neighbors,
*Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Prof. Rocky YOON Kang-ro, Ph.D.
President of International Sport Diplomacy Institute
[윤강로 스포츠외교관 에피소드 17편(지구촌 스포츠외교활동 결실 6대 개인적 글로벌 영광과 영예)]
첫 번째(1) 필자가 생각하는 6대 가문의 영광은 2002년 부산아시간게임 성공적 유치와 성공적 개최를 위한 길목에서 얽히고설켰던 국제 스포츠외교문제 해결 등에 대한 공로를 인정받아 2000년 10월 28일 故 안상영 부산광역시장으로부터 수여 받은 「제78호 부산명예시민증」이고, 두 번째(2)는 2003년 11월 몽골 울란바토르에서 당시 바가반디 몽골 대통령 참석하에 수여 받은 「몽골 국립 올림픽 아카데미 제1호 명예박사학위」이며, 세 번째(3)는 2005년 5월 중국 3대 대학교인 인민대학에서의 「객좌교수」임명이다.
또한 2008년 Beijing개최 전세계각국올림픽위원회 총연합회(ANOC)개회식 자리에서 한국 최초로 수여 받은 ANOC올림픽공로훈장(Olympic Merit Award)과 표창 패 또한 스포츠외교 네번째(4) 영예 리스트에 포함된다.
생각건대, 아시아인이나 한국인 그것도 IOC위원이나 NOC위원장-사무총장 또는 평창2018동게올림픽조직위원회 위원장 정도가 되어야 이름을 올릴 수 있는 IOC평가위원자리에 그것도 2000년에 대한체육회 국제사무차장 직책으로 임명되어 활동한 것도 따지고 보면 가문의 영광이라고 볼 수 있다. 그래서 다섯번 째(5) 스포츠외교 영예 리스트에 등재하고 싶다.
끝으로 지구촌구석구석 스포츠외교현장을 누비며 쌓인 대한항공 마일리지(Korean Air Mileage) 200만 마일러(Tow Million Miler)달성 기록은 포스트 코로나바이러스 시대에는 다시 쌓기 어려운 대기록으로 여섯 번째(6) 영예리스트에 포함시킨다.
이러한 탑승 기록 역시 국가가 필자에게 준 보너스 혜택임에 국가와 국민께 감사 드린다.
(지구촌 스포츠 외교활동 결실 6가지 영예: (1)한국최초ANOC공로훈장-(2)몽골국립올림픽아카데미 제1호 명에박사학위-(3)중국 3대 명문 중 인민대학교 객좌교수<장쩌민 중국국가주석 면담>-(4)부산광역시 명예시민증<제78호>-(5)한국 최초 IOC평가위원-(6)대한항공 누적 탑승 거리 200만 마일 달성)
(Prague2003 IOC총회 불어 프레젠테이션, 반기문 UN사무총장과 Copenhagen2009 IOC총회 시 재회, Jacques Chirac 프랑스 대통령 면담)
이 여섯 가지(Five-Rings Six-Star Honors)는 현재까지 필자에게 스포츠외교관으로서의 소중한 개인적인 영광이자 영예라고 지칭할 수 있겠다.