1) 이 정도면 됐지 뭐!
-(I) Can't complain.
2)까놓고 이야기 해봐./이실직고 하렸다.
-Call a spade a spade.
3) 이러는 내가 정말 미워!
-I hate myself doing this.
4) 딱 맞네요.
-It really fits like a glove.
5) 잘 났어 정말!
-You're just too much.
6) 죽여주네./끝내 주네.
-It's real turn-on.
-It really turns me on.
7) 그 친구 어디서 뭘 하는지 아는감?
-Any idea of his whereabouts?
8) 그럼 대가 완전히 끊기는 거니?
-Then your name will be entirely out.
9) 난 정말이지 꺼떡 없다구.
-I am positively shock-proof.
10) 당신 쏙 빼어 닮았군요.
-He's got your looks exactly.
-He is your carbon copy.
11) 깜빡 졸았었나봐요.
-I must have passed out.
12) 뭔가에 씌였었나봐./홀렸었나봐.
-I was spellbound the whole time.
13) 오바 하지마./분수를 지키라구.
-Don't over do it.
14)잘자! 내 꿈꿔!
-Sleep tight, Have a dream of me.
15) 난 잠들면 업어가도 몰라.
-I sleep like a log.
16) 약방의 감초 같으니라구.
-You have a finger in every pie.
17) 참아야 하느니라.
-You must be patient.
-Patience is the name of the game.
18)당신 제 정신이 아니군.
-You're beside yourself.
-You are out of your mind.
19) 오늘에 충실하자구.
-Nothing needs to be done until tomorrow.
-Today is today.
20) 내 누이 열 받게 할려구 그래?
-You want to vex my sister?
*누구나 다 아시다시피~
-As everyone knows~
-As the saying goes~
-As we are all aware~
-As we take it for granted that~
-The conventional wisdom is~
-The consensus of opinion is~
-Beyond all doubt~
1)3/4: three fourths
2)6/27: six twenty-sevenths
3)제1조: Article(Art.) 1(one)
4)제2권: Book(BK.) 2(two)
5)제3장: Chapter(Chap.) 3(three)
6)제4란: Column(Col.) 4(four)
7)제5도표: Diagram(Diagm.) 5(five)
8)제6도형: Figure(Fig.) 6(six)
9)제7도해: Illustration(ill.) 7(seven)
10)제8호: Number(No.) 8(eight)
11)제9,10,11호: Numbers(Nos.) 9,10 & 11 (계속)
1)이식수술: a transplant operation
*골수이식: a bone marrow transplant
2)위탁생산: production by commissioning
*위탁판매: a consignment sale
3)동반자살: -a joint suicide(남녀)
-a lovers' suicide
-a double suicide
-a family suicide(한 가족)
*자살미수: an attempted suicide
4)일괄타결: -a package <overall> settlement
-a package solution
*일괄계약: a package deal
*일괄지급: a lump-sum payment
*일괄구매/구입:a package purchase
*일괄사표: en masse resignations
*일괄소송: a package suit
*일괄제안: a package proposal
*일괄처리: a batch processing
5)일제검거: -a wholesale arrest
-a blanket arrest
-a roundup(구어)
*대량학살:-a wholesale slaughter
-a large-scale massacre
-a holocaust
*집단학살:-a mass slaughter
-a genocide
6)일반회계: a general account
*특별회계: a special account
*분식회계: a window-dressing account
*분식결산: -a window-dressing settlement(of accounts)
-fraudulent accounts
7)일부일처: a monogamy
*일부다처: a polygamy
*일처다부: a polyandry
8)유전암호: the genetic code
*유전형질: a genetic trait/character/endowment
9)이전등기: a registration of a transfer
*이전통지: a notice of change of address
10)위법행위:-an illegal act
-an lawful act
*위법거래: an illegal transaction
*위법건축: an illegally built house
11)의료사고: a medical malpractice
*의료보험: a medical insurance
*의료혜택: a medical benefit
*의료설비: medical facilities
*의료기구: a medical instrument/appliance
12)인과관계: the relation of cause and effect
13)인감증명: a certified seal registration/impression
*대기만성: Rome was not built in a day.
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