스포츠 외교2011. 7. 10. 18:15
이제 2018년 동계올림픽 유치전, "총성 없는 전쟁"이 모두 막을 내렸다.
대한민국 그리고 평창은 다시 국제 스포츠외교무대에서 제2의 도약의 발판이 마련되었다.
평창의 자랑스런 "더반 대첩" 드라마의 전모를 영문으로 남기려 한다.
평창 승리가 있기까지 그리고 그 승리의 배경과 밑거름에 대하여서도 기록에 남기려고 한다.
평창2018 유치전이 끝날 때까지  발행을 임시보류했던 국제스포츠외교연구원(ISDI)의 아시아 최초 영문 인터넷 뉴스레터 "S.O.S."(SpotLight On SportLife)는 2009년 1월부터 1년 이상  전 세계를 대상으로 발행하였고 발송한 바 있다.
제2기 "S.O.S."영문 인터넷 뉴스레터를 다음 내용을 시작으로 다시 발행할 예정이다.

S.O.S.(SpotLight On SportLife) Collection


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From : Rocky Kang-Ro YOON(President) (rockyoon21@hanmail.net)

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“SpotLight On SportLife”(S.O.S.)

(For Sport, By Sport, Of Sport)



S.O.S.( SpotLight On SportLife) News Letter Edition No.1(1st Week( Jan.) 2009

# An Unwritten Rule in the Olympic Bidding:

"Only certainty in the Olympic bidding is uncertainty."
"Only thing predictable in the Olympic bidding is "unpredictability".
"As far as the sporting matches and voting are concerned, we never know who will win
until we open the result-envelops."

# Two Worldly Theories for PyeongChang's Victory in Durban:

1) Third-time charm:

"The third time is a charm."
"The third time try is supposedly lucky."

PyeongChang tried its third time and became the third host city in Asia to stage the Winter Olympics.

With the third time charm and lucky, PyeongChang will undoubtedly organize one of the most successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in the history of the Olympic Movement.    

2) 20-year Cycle of Hosting the Olympics in the Asian Continent:

As far as the Olympic Games in the Asian continent are concerned, there is a tendency or a proven track record of theory of 20 years plus cycle or circulation.

The first-ever Summer Olympics held in Asia was the 1964 Tokyo Games in Japan.
The first Winter Olympics staged in Asia were the 1972 Sapporo Games also in Japan.

The second Summer Olympics in Asia were the 1988 Seoul Games in Korea held 24 years later since the 1964 Tokyo Games.
The second Winter Olympics organized in Asia was the 1998 Nagano Games 26 years later since the 1972 Sapporo Games.

The third Summer Games in Asia was the 2008 Beijing Olympics which took place exactly 20 years later since the 1988 Seoul Games.
The third Winter Olympics in Asia will be the 2018 PyeongChang Games to be held on the Korean soil precisely 20 years later since the 1998 Nagano Games.

# Durban is a Promised Land of Victory for Korean Sports:


Durban is intrinsically a lucky place and has historically been a promised land for the Korean sports where a Korean boxer, HONG, Su-hwan became a world champion at the bantam weight category of WBA World Boxing Championships in 1974.
Korean Football team made it into the final 16 top teams at the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals.
In 2011, it also became the place where PyeongChang finally clinched its bid to host the Olympic Winter Games after two consecutive attempts of 10-year long trial and error.

Durban is pronounced in Korean  as"The 반(半), meaning "the half" or 50%.
However "The" is pronounced in Korean as " 더", meaning "more".
Therefore, Durban has the meaning of "The(더) 반(半)" or "majority".
Durban is "Majority"
PyeongChang won a one-sided victory over Munich and Annecy by much more than double-score margin.  

# Reasons Why PyeongChang Won:


"PyeongChang did it not just on paper, but truly in action since its bid in 2010 and 2014 respectively"

1) Compact venue layout plans, a factor commented by the IOC Evaluation Commission:
-Compact Concept
-Two-Cluster Plan Consisting of Alpensia and Coastal Cluster

2) Generally 10 to 20 minutes apart between the Olympic Villages and Veunes:

 -Easy accessibility

3) Even with the gateway airport of Incheon International Airport two-plus hours away from PyeongChang,
That travel time will be shortened in half, 68 minutes only, with the construction of a high-speed rail link connecting the Olympic Venues and the gateway airport, while 50 minutes to and from Seoul:

-High-Speed Transport System
-Convenient Travel to and from both the gateway airport and Seoul

4) Recognizing the need to boost ambience and charm in rural PyeongChang, small mountain village, $8 million is budgeted to create a "World of Korean Experience", titled "Best of Korea" or "Best of Both Worlds" during the Games period.:

-Travel Less, Experience More.  

5) Through tangible legacies include a sliding center, new ski runs and a skating oval, bid leaders say the real impact will be sizable growth for winter sport, both within Korea and throughout Asia:

-Expansion of Winter Sports in Asia and Beyond
-Opening up the Winter Games to New Regions of the World with its slogan of "New Horizons"

6) With public support long touted in excess of 90%, the people of PyeongChang and Korea wanted these Games:

-The Advancement of the Olympic Movement

7) Korean President, Mr. LEE Myung-Bak, not just promised but guaranteed the commitments by the governments from all levels:

-Securing the Stable and Safe Financial Guarantees in place for the Games Organization

8) 7 out of 13 needed Venues already in place:

-Securing necessary Games Venues Completed well in advance

9) An Emotionally Charged Final Presentation:

-Touching the Hearts of IOC Members to Vote for PyeongChang

-It was a human drama and success story containing the following 8 elements:

1. Logics
2. Persuasion
3. Confidence
4. Emotion
5. True Heart
6. Friendship
7. Humor
8. Hope

10) The Success of PyeongChang 2018 is the Result of 10 Years' Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance of the Korean people:

-Sweat plus Sacrifice Equals Success.

11) Europe's Summer and Winter Olymic Bidding in 2020 and 2022:

-Avoiding the Conflict of Interest by Awarding the 2018 Winter Games to a City out of Europe

12) 'Man-To-Man' Close Contacts with IOC Members:

-Appealing PyeongChang's Aspiration and Passion to Host the Winter Games in its Third Consecutive Bid

# About PyeongChang:

PyeongChang in Gangwon Province is located on the north-eastern part from Seoul.
It is located 750m above sea level.
Location of 700m above sea level offers the optimal living conditions to human-being.
That's why it is called "Happy 700".
Its total area is larger than that of Seoul.
84% of the region consists of mountains.
It boasts of the pristine nature with clean water, air, and environment.
It is often referred to as the "Heavenly Blessed Wonderland".
PyeongChang is particularly well known by its top-quality renowned beef and its high-altitude grown fresh vegetables.
PyeongChang is Korea's No. 1 Tourism Destination during all four seasons visited by more than 1.5 million foreign tourists last year only.
PyeongChang is the hub of Korea's winter sports.
It hosts more than 95% of Korean National Winter Games.

PyeongChang literally means "Peace and Prosperity".

PyeongChang is now the Winter Olympics host City and the hurb of the Olympic Movement till 2018 and beyond.

The brand power of PyeongChang is soaring higher and higher not only in the global winter sport market but also in the international sport diplomacy as a bench-marking object and a case study for future Olympic bid.

# Brief History and Tendency of PyeongChang Bid and IOC Vote:

1) 2010 Bid and IOC Vote:

-PyeongChang won the first round IOC vote with 51 against Vancouver(40 votes) and Salzburg(16 votes).
As 3 more votes needed to win the majority, the second round balloting proceeded with Salzburg eliminated.
Surprisingly enough, Vancouver beat out PyeongChang by the result of 56:53 in the final vote.

2) 2014 Bid and IOC Vote:

-PyeongChang  as usual won the first round IOC vote with 36 against Sochi(34 votes) and Salzburg(25 votes).
Having no candidate city obtaining the majority number of votes, the second round of balloting proceeded between PyeongChang and Sochi.
Again, Sochi won over PyeongChang in the final round of voting by the result of 51:47.

3) 2018 Bid and IOC Vote:

-From start to finish in the bid process, PyeongChang has taken the lead in the bid race againt Munich and Annecy.

-As PyeongChang so far used to win the first-round ballot, many people including myself took it for granted that PyeongChang would be the winner when the IOC President, Jacques Rogge, announced the conclusion of the IOC vote in the very first round.

-Journalists both from home and abroad in Durban speculated that PyeongChang would most probably be the winner considering its front-runner status from the beginning to the end.

-PyeongChang deployed its bid campaign strategy based on its solid bid philosophy and vision names "New Horizons"

-PyeongChang faithfully honored its promises to the IOC throughout the two previous bids, which include the completion of 7 world-class venues out of total 13 competition venues needed to stage the Winter Games.

-In addition, PyeongChang constructed two five-star IOC hotels in the very heart of the Alpensia Resort Complex.

-The site of Alpensia Resort used to be Province-owned "Potatoes Cultivation Field".
It was a dramatic transformation for the Winter Olympics and something like "Convulsions of Nature".

-Some of the IOC Evaluation Commission members who had previously visited the same area during the two previous bids seemed to be deeply impressed.

-They inspected and sized up the entire sites and venues either existing or planned, and  finally made due technical assessments about PyeongChang.

-That was the prelude of the overwhelming victory of PyeongChang bid during the whole period leading up to the IOC Session in Durban.

-The bitter but valuable experiences in the previous bids served the purpose of bridging to the 3rd time success, a landslide victory for PyeongChang.

# How PyeongChang Won the 2018 Bid:

PyeongChang 2018 finally won a landslide victory in the vote of the IOC Session in Durban on 6 July at local time and on 7 July at Korean local time.
PyeongChang flamboyantly beat out its arch rival Munich and Annecy in the very first round.
PyeongChang garnered 63 votes, while Munich 25 and Annecy just 7 respectively out of 95 votes in total.
It was the biggest margin of victory in an Olympic bid race since Salt Lake City won its hosting rights for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in the IOC Session in Budapest.

PyeongChang bid was the third in a row from Korea's winter sport hub.
PyeongChang had lost out on the 2010 Winter Games vote in the Prague IOC Session in 2003 by a mere 3 votes, then suffered a similar fate on the 2014 Winter Olympics bid process in the Guatemala IOC Session in 2007.
Only 4 votes made Sochi become the host city of 2014 Winter Olympics, instead of the favorite front runner PyeongChang.

Thanks to the victory in the IOC vote in Durban, PyeongChang is done bidding at least for the next two decades.
There will be no longer a chasing-around or a hide-and-seek with the IOC members for votes related to the Olympic bidding for the foreseeable future.

All it has to do in the foreseeable future is to organize Korea's first-ever Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games for 7 years ahead.

A few hours before the IOC vote, PyeongChang effectively delivered an emotionally charged final presentation in front of the 95 IOC members.

# PyeongChang Bid Presentation Team was a "Dream Team" consisting of 8 Presenters
with 8 different compelling reasons:

PyeongChang 2018 team on the stage consisted of 8 presenters with 8 different themes and targets.

1) First presenter was Teresa Rah, the bid committee spokesperson, who was excellent and fluent in English and French delivered the message dressed in the sentiment of "Logics", ascertaining to plant the seed of growth in PyeogChang from previous two Winter Games in Japan on the Asian continent for the advancement of the Olympic Movement.
"The Olympic Movement demands big dreams of all of us and PyeongChang is ready to meet that challenge with your support today."

(평창 "더반 대첩의 두 여 주인공 김연아와 나승연 유치위 대변인)

2) Second one was Yang-Ho CHO, the bid committee Chairman, who explained the details of PyeongChang's marvelous Games concept, such as the most compact venue layout plans, easy and convenient access through its high speed transport system and high technology-oriented traffic control paradigm or mechanism, a passionate support by the Korean people in excess of 90% of the opinion polls, a very strong government backing from all levels. 
His message focused on delivering the sentiment of "Persuasion". 
He also wished the other bids luck 'but not too much fo it"
"We have been preparing for quite a while. I can say with certainty that we are ready.
'Persistence and patience' are powerful words.'

(It may need the word of "Perseverance" as well.) 

3) Then appeared the Korean President, Mr. LEE Myung-Bak, who was the third presenter.
He spoke in English, and impressed the IOC members with his clear message of the strong commitment of the Korean government as a national priority  in his capacity as Korean President, not just promising but guaranteeing.
He delivered the sentiment of "Confidence."
"Korea wants to give back to the Olympic Movement and the world.
It is a national priority of the Korean government and has been so for the last 10 years.
We have worked hard.
We will make you proud.
I ask you for your support today so we can finally make our Olympic and Paralympic Games dream come true."

Myung Bak Lee. (Korean Presidential Office)

4) The fourth one was Jin-Sun KIM, who was the former Governor of Gangwon Province fpr 12 years and now Special Ambassador for PyeongChang Bid.
He was the driving force by initiating and igniting the PyeongChang's Winter Olympic Bid 12 years ago.
His message touched the hearts of the IOC members who generally met and talked with him over 10 years' time of bidding.
He was close to tears at one point.
"Even when we were disappointed, our hearts were not broken.
We never gave up and tried again.
We listened to you and have honored our promises to the IOC through continued  investment and effort.
Our promises for the Winter Games has not changed over the years, it has only got stronger."
He was a deliverer of the sentiment of "Emotion".


                 (2006년 토리노 동계올림픽 기간 중 자크 로게 IOC위원장 과 면담 후 김진선 강원도지사와 함께)

5) The fifth presenter was Yuna Kim, World Figure Skating Queen, and Olympic Gold Medalist at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games.
Yuna said, "I am an example of a living legacy of the government commitment to improving the winter sports. I know now more than ever what our victory will mean."

"Thank you dear IOC members for allowing someone like me to achieve my dreams and inspire others."

The possibility of this kind of success and achievement should be shared by the world's young people by all means."
She was a messenger of the sentiment of "True Heart".


                           (2014년 평창 동계올림픽 유치위 국제사무총장 시절 김연아와 함께)

6) Dae-Sung Moon, World Champion and 2004 Olympic Gold Medlaist of Taekwnodo, Korean martial arts and IOC member, at his sixth appearance, emphasized on the athletes-centered Games concept of PyeongChang bid.
"In PyeongChang, athletes will 'Travel Less' thanks to the compact venue location, and 'Experience More' thanks to the diversity of exciting programs." 

(문대성 IOC위원/선수)
<문대성 선수출신 IOC위원은 IOC위원들 사이에서 공손하고 예의바르기로 정평이 나있다. 그는 15명에 달하는 선수출신 IOC위원들을 상대로 로비 활동을 펼쳤다.>

7) The seventh presenter was Yong-Sung Park, KOC President, who had a mission to be accomplished for the sentiment of "Humor" based on the carefully prepared scenario.
"We know it has been a long day for you.
Well, it has been a long wait for us, too.
YS park apologized to newly-wed( on 2 July, just 4 days ago) Prince Albert(IOC member in Monaco) for having to spend his honeymoon 'listening to a PyeongChang speech for a third time[following two previous bids]"
It got big laugh among the IOC members.

8) The eighth presenter, the last but not the least one, was Toby Dawson, a Koream born American Olympic Bronze medalist in Mogul Skiing at 2006 Torino.
He asked for the support of the IOC members in order for all other young people in the world to benefit by the same lucky opportunity as his.
He delivered the message of the sentiment of "Hope".

# Yuna Kim Became a Double Olympic Gold Medalist in Durban.

(2010년 밴쿠버 동계올림픽 피겨 퀸 겸 평창2018 홍보대사 김연아선수/출처: 평창2018 홈페이지)

In Durban, Yuna Kim obtained her second Olympic Gold Medal after the first one in Vancouver 2010.
The first one in Vancouver was an Olympic Gold Medal "On the Ice".
But the second one in Durban was another Olympic Gold Medal "On the Stage".

PyeongChang's presentation in Durban IOC session was successful enough to touch all aspects of human hearts with its messages of patience, persistence, and peseverance.

# High Points sized up by ATR

Lots of high points. Fantastic speeches with good mastery of English language that were softened with a bit of humour. Had the most videos - four - but used them well, particularly one focusing clearly on Pyeongchang's venues and transport plan. Clever move to have Yuna Kim narrate. Bouncy soundtracks kept IOC members interested. PR consultant Mike Lee may have had a hand in one section of the presentation - map showing 19 of 21 Winter Games not in Asia was flashed up. In 2009, Rio 2016 bid leaders caused a stir when they showed IOC members a map showing that no Games had ever been held in South America.

# Low Points assessed by ATR 

Hard to pick any. No real dips in performance of the PyeongChang team. One slight video glitch which is said not to be the
fault of PyeongChang.

# ATR Rating

9/10. Best of the three pitches to the IOC by a considerable distance. And the IOC members seemed to think so too. PyeongChang's pitch ended with a big ripple of applause from members. Annecy and Munich had no such rapturous reception.

<Quotes by IOC Members>

1) Jacques Rogge, IOC President:


                                                  (자크 로게 IOC위원장과 함께)

"But there is maybe a lesson in the achievement of PyeongChang in that persistence and perseverance have prevailed and were important(after two previous failed bids)."

"They won on the third attempt but this is not exceptional. Rio won on their third attempt."

Commenting on the defeated candidates, Rogge added:

"They did bring a lot of good ideas and creativity and they were not rewarded this time.

"I hope we see a bid from them in the future."

2) Alex Gilady, IOC member from Israel:

"It's a good victory and shows that if you have the character of an Olympian... you fail once or twice you try again and you win.

3) Italy's Mario Pescante, IOC Vice President, who is leading the Rome 2020 Summer Olympic bid:



                                   (Mario Pescante 이태리 IOC부위원장과 함께)

"PyeongChang's win, like Rio de Janeiro's in the 2016 race, underlined the importance of taking the Olympics to new markets."

"It is a new reality, not only sporting but economic. This is confirmation of this tendency. The revenues and sponsorship is very important also... this means it opens another door."

4) Zambia's IOC Member, Patrick Chamunda:

                                   (Patrick Chamunda 잠비아 IOC위원과 함께)

IOC members had appreciated PyeongChang's efforts "in being consistent and persistent in pursuit of the Olympic dream.

"There was a general expression of sympathy and confidence in PyeongChang."

"We have to explore new areas of potential growth for the Olympic Movement and PyeongChang offers that possibility."

5) Russia's IOC member, Alexander Popov, a member of the IOC's Athletes’ Commission:


                        (Alex Popov 러시아 IOC위원<좌-1> 및 부인<우-1>과 함께/2010 밴쿠버)

"There were two winners - PyeongChang and the Olympic Movement overall. It was another continent, another opportunity for growth."

"The Korean Games would be good for athletes."

"Everything is athlete-oriented, the [Olympic] village, accommodation, travel times, access to the venues. So the concept of PyeongChang won the competition."

6) Princess Haya of the United Arab Emirates described it as a "great result".

Princess Haya was re-elected as FEI president in November. (FEI)
(Princess Haya 아랍에미리트 IOC위원)

"I think all three cities were wonderful," added the head of the International Equestrian Federation.

7) Richard Peterkin, IOC member in St. Lucia says PyeongChang was on a roll.

“Clearly they had the momentum since [the IOC technical briefing in Lausanne] and I think they had a wonderful presentation.
But I don’t think last-minute presentations make a difference.
When you see a majority like that, it was clear it was theirs to lose.”

8) Richard Pound, IOC member from Canada, was the scrutineer of the 2018 votes in the IOC Session and says he had to keep a poker face when he saw the sheet with the first-round results.

“I was surprised by the margin of victory.
I thought it might go to a second round.
Anybody who has followed this campaign would know there was only one city that could win on the first round.”

Pound says he understands the pain of Annecy’s weak showing.

“Even more surprising is seven for Annecy.
We had that for Quebec in 2002, seven votes, and that was when the IOC members from the bid country could vote.
That meant we got five votes, plus the two from Canada. That’s a real slap."

9) Richard Carrion, IOC member from Puerto Rico:

“PyeongChang had an edge, but I didn’t think it was going to be 63 votes.
Clearly the idea of new horizons resonated with a lot of people.
Clearly the fact that this was the third bid from PyeongChang resonated with a lot of people.”

Carrion, who oversaw TV negotiations with the U.S. just awarded to NBC, says he believes broadcasters will be happy with the 2018 Winter Games being held in South Korea.

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