[Rio2016올림픽개회식 Highlight요약 사진갤러리 및 IOC위원장 연설문]
가. Rio2016 올림픽 개회식 Highlight요약 갤러리
나. Thomas Bach IOC위원장 올림픽개회식 연설문
1. Rio2016 올림픽 개회식 Highlight요약 갤러리
지난 8월5일(금) 브라질의 아이콘 마라까낭 스타디움(Brazil's iconic Maracanã stadium)에서 지구촌 인류를 위해 펼쳐진 아날로그 방식의 화려한 Rio올림픽개회식 장면 갤러리 요약 내용입니다.
206개국 선수단에 추가하여 10명의 ‘난민 올림픽선수단’(the ten-strong Refugee Olympic Team)이 가세하여 총 207개 선수단이 개회식에서 행진을 펼쳐나갔습니다.
Thomas Bach IOC위원장은 “올림픽연대/단합정신으로 그리고 최대의 존중하는 마음으로 난민 올림픽 팀을 환영합니다”라는 메시지로 이들을 뜨겁게 맞이하기도 하였습니다
“In the spirit of Olympic solidarity and with the greatest respect, we welcome the Refugee Olympic Team,” said Bach. “Dear refugee athletes: you are sending a message of hope to all the many millions of refugees around the globe. You had to flee from your homes because of violence, hunger or just because you were different. Now with your great talent and human spirit you are making a great contribution to society.”
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
올림픽 사상 처음 수여된 올림픽 월계관(Olympic Laurel) 트로피의 첫 수상자는 케냐의 전설적인 중장거리 달리기 선수였던 Kipchoge Keino(IOC위원 역임)IOC명예위원의 생애를 바친 스포츠를 통한 교육, 문화, 개발과 평화 분야에 괄목할 만한 업적을 이룩한 공로를 기리는 자리였습니다
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)< Gisele Bundchen, strutting out to the sound of “The Girl From Ipanema”, marked the start of “Bossa”, celebrating the curves and sensuality of Brazil>
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지/Rio2016올림픽조직위원장인 Carlos Nuzman<우측>이 자신을 자신의 도시에서 올림픽을 개최하는 ‘살아있는 가장 자랑스런 남자’<the proudest man alive>라고 묘사하는 메시지와 연설을 마치고 Bach IOC위원장에게 연설 순서를 넘겼습니다)
Bach IOC위원장 연설문의 백미부분입니다:
“In this Olympic world there is one universal law for everybody. In this Olympic world we are all equal. In this Olympic world we see that the values of our shared humanity are stronger than the forces which want to divide us.
“So I call upon you, the Olympic athletes: Respect yourself, respect each other, respect the Olympic Values which make the Olympic Games unique for you and for the entire world.”
Getty Images(출처: IOC홈페이지)
Rio2016올림픽 성화점화최종주자는 예상과는 다르게 브라질이 낳은 세계 축구황제 Pele대신 아테네2004올림픽 비운의 브라질 마라톤주자였지만 보는 이의 가슴을 뭉클하게 해준 장본인인 Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima가 올림픽 성화대(Olympic cauldron)를 밝히는 주인공이 되었습니다.
(사진출처: IOC홈페이지/Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima)
2. IOC위원장 Rio2016올림픽개회식 연설원문
“이 세상에 우리모두를 위한 한 가지 보편적으로 통용되는 법이 있습니다:
이 세상에서 우리 모두는 평등하다라는 것이죠.
이 세상에서 우리는 우리가 공유하는 인류애의 가치가 우리를 분열시키기를 원하는 세력들 보다 훨씬 더 강하다는 사실을 함께 보고 있습니다.”(In this Olympic world, there is one universal law for everybody: In this Olympic world, we are all equal. In this Olympic world we see that the values of our shared humanity are stronger than the forces which want to divide us.)
*Bach IOC위원장의 연설문은 3개국어(포르투갈 어, 프랑스어 및 영어)로 되어 있어서 편의 상 영어로 번역 주석을 달았습니다.
[Thomas Bach IOC위원장의 Rio2016올림픽 개회식 스피치]
“Boa noite, cariocas, Boa noite, Brasil,(Good night, the citizens of Rio de Janeiro, Good night, Brazil)
Dear fellow Olympians, Distingues representants des autorites
bresiliennes,(Distinguished representatives of the Brazilian Authorities)
Votre Excellence, Monsieur le Secretaire general des Nations Unies, Ban Kimoon,(Your Excellency, Mr. Ban Kimoon, UN Secretary General)
Monsieur le President du comite d’organisation des Jeux Olympiques Rio
2016, mon cher collegue et ami Carlos Nuzman,(Mr. President of Organizing committee of Rio2016 Olymoic Games, my dear friend and colleague, Carlos Nuzman)
Chers amis olympiques du monde entier,(Dear Olympic friends of the entire world)
Bienvenue aux Jeux de la XXXIe Olympiade Rio 2016.(Welcome to the Games of the 31st Olympiad Rio 2016)
This is the moment of the cidade maravilhosa(wonderful city). The first-ever Olympic Games in South America will go from Brazil to the entire world.
The Organising Committee, Brazilian authorities at all levels, and all Brazilians can be very proud tonight.
With the Olympic Games as a catalyst you have achieved in just seven years what generations before you could only dream of.
You have transformed the wonderful city of Rio de Janeiro into a modern metropolis and made it even more beautiful.
Our admiration is even greater because you managed this at a very difficult time in Brazilian history. We have always believed in you.
Votre passion pour le sport et votre joie de vivre nous inspirent.(Your passion for the sport and your joy to live inspire us.)
Celebrons ensemble ces Jeux Olympiques dans ce grand pays, le Bresil.(Let’s celebrate together these Olympic Games in this great nation, Brazil.)
The best ambassadors of this Olympic Spirit a la Brazil(to Brazil) are the many thousands of volunteers. Muito obrigado, voluntarios!(Many thanks, volunteers!)
We are living in a world of crises, mistrust and uncertainty.
Here is our Olympic answer:
The ten thousand best athletes in the world, competing with each other, at the same time (are) living peacefully together in one Olympic Village, sharing their meals and their emotions.
In this Olympic world there is one universal law for everybody. In this
Olympic world we are all equal. In this Olympic world we see that the values of our shared humanity are stronger than the forces which want to divide us.
So I call upon you, the Olympic athletes:
Respect yourself, respect each other, (and) respect the Olympic Values which make the Olympic Games unique for you and for the entire world.
We are living in a world where selfishness is gaining ground, where certain people claim to be superior to others.
Here is our Olympic answer:
In the spirit of Olympic solidarity and with the greatest respect, we welcome the Refugee Olympic Team.
Dear refugee athletes: you are sending a message of hope to all the many millions of refugees around the globe.
You had to flee from your homes because of violence, hunger or just because you were different.
Now with your great talent and human spirit you are making a great contribution to society.
In this Olympic world we do not just tolerate diversity.
In this Olympic world we welcome you as an enrichment to our “Unity in Diversity.”
There are millions of people around the world who contribute in different ways to make our world a better place through sport.
To honour such outstanding personalities who put sport at the service of humanity, the International Olympic Committee has created a unique distinction, which we award for the first time now.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In recognition of his outstanding achievements in the fields of education, culture, development and peace through sport, in the true Olympic
Spirit, the Olympic Laurel is awarded to the great Olympic Champion and
great Olympic philanthropist: Mr. Kipchoge Keino.
And now let us all celebrate together Olympic Games a la Brazil.(to Brazil)
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