스포츠 외교2023. 2. 25. 00:51

[IOC, 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 전쟁 1주년(224)에 러시아 제재조치지속(Continuing Sanctions) 확인하다]



222IOC는 웹사이트를 통하여 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 침울한 1주년(224/grim anniversary)에 앞서 러시아와 벨라루스에 대한 지속적인 제재조치를 확인(confirmed the continuing sanctions against Russia and Belarus)하는 메시지를 게재하였지만 이 두나라선수들의 국제경기복귀(Reentry-Return-Readmission-Reintroduction-Reintegration-Reinstatement)관련하여 계속되고 있는 논의에 대한 언급은 없었습니다(with no mention of the continuing discussions concerning re-entry)




8문단으로 구성되어 발표된 222일 자 IOC성명서는 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 1주년을 2일 앞둔 시점에서 러시아와 벨라루스에 대한 제재조치가 굳건히 자리매김하고 있음”(remain firmly in place)을 확인하였습니다.


중요한 것은 그 메시지에는 러시아와 벨라루스선수들이 국제경기대회에 복귀가능성에 대하여 현재 진행 중인 논의에 대한 언급이 포함되어 있지 않고 있다는 점입니다.


그 메시지에는 IOC의 역할에 대한 흥미로운 코멘트를 하였다는 것입니다:


● “이렇게 침울한 1주년에 즈음하여, 올림픽 운동 가족들은 평화를 촉구하는데 동참하며 그 어떤 평화지향노력에도 최상의 겸손함으로 기여할 준비가 되어 있음을 알리는 바임”(On this grim anniversary, the Olympic Movement joins calls for peace and stands ready to make its modest contribution to any peace-building efforts.)


● “IOC는 전례 없는 방식으로 저지른 이번 전쟁의 책임 당사국인 러시아와 벨라루스 국가와 정부에 대하여 제재조치를 부여하였음: 러시아와 벨라루스에서는 어떤 국제경기대회개최도 불가 함과 두나라 국기, 국가 또는 그 어떤 국가적 상징도 게양하거나 표출할 수 없으며 국제경기대회에서 두나라 정부관료들에 대하여 AD카드 발급금지조치를 내린 바 있음”([T]he IOC sanctioned the Russian and Belarusian states and governments, who are solely responsible for this war, in an unprecedented way: no international sports events organised in Russia and Belarus; no flag, anthems or other national symbols whatsoever displayed; and no government or state officials accredited for any international sports events.)


● “올림픽은 전쟁이나 분쟁을 막을 수는 없음. 또한 이 세상의 정치적, 사회적 도전 과제들에 대하여 왈가왈부할 수도 없음. 이것은 정치의 영역이기도 함. 하지만 올림픽은 모든 사람이 같은 규칙을 준수하고 서로를 존중하는 세상을 위한 모범사례를 펼칠 수는 있음. 올림픽은 사람들 간에 보다 나은 이해를 하도록 인도하는 다리를 놓음으로 문제를 해결하도록 우리에게 영감을 줄 수 있음. 올림픽은 배제와 분란으로는 해내지 못하는 방식 속에서 대화와 평화구축으로 향하는 문을 열어 줄 수 있음.”(The Olympic Games cannot prevent wars and conflicts. Nor can they address all the political and social challenges in our world. This is the realm of politics. But the Olympic Games can set an example for a world where everyone respects the same rules and one another. They can inspire us to solve problems by building bridges, leading to better understanding among people. They can open the door to dialogue and peace-building in ways that exclusion and division do not.)


이 메시지는 평화가 해결하도록 기회를 부여하자”(Give Peace a Chance)라는 촉구를 반복하여 강조하였으며 분쟁이 발생하는 동안 IOC는 우크라이나를 계속 지원해 왔음을 상기시켜 주었습니다.(The message reiterated the call “Give Peace a Chance,” and noted that it has continued to support Ukraine during the conflict):


“IOC는 우크라이나에 대한 솔리다리티 기금(연대 기금)3배가 증액하여 지원함으로 우크라이나 선수들의 올림픽의 꿈을 실현시키기 위해 직면하고 있는 엄청난 도전과제들을 극복하도록 모든 지원혜택을 받고 있음. 우크라이나 NOC를 통하여 지원되고 있는 IOC솔리다리티기금으로 3000명 정도의 선수들이 이미 혜택을 받아 오고 있음. 이러한 노력을 통하여 재정적 지원뿐만 아니라 물자 지원도 함께 병행함으로 우크라이나 선수들이 다른 많은 것들 중 해외여행경비지원, 훈련 시설, 숙박, 장비 및 유니폼 지원 등을 제공 받아 국제경기대회에 계속해서 참가할 수 있도록 공고한 조치가 최해지고 있음”([T]he IOC has tripled its Solidarity Fund for Ukraine so that the athletes have every support to overcome the tremendous challenges they are facing to make their Olympic dream come true. Some 3,000 athletes have already benefitted from the help the IOC Solidarity Fund is offering through the NOC of Ukraine. These efforts take the form not just of financial aid, but also logistical support and ensuring that Ukrainian athletes can continue to take part in competitions by providing travel support, training facilities, accommodation, equipment and uniforms, amongst other things.)



Statement: War in Ukraine – one year on(I OC뉴스 보도자료)


22 Feb 2023


IOC News Press Release


24 February 2023 marks one year since Russia invaded Ukraine with the support of Belarus: one year of brutal warfare, human suffering, killing and destruction. We feel deeply for the Ukrainian people during this cruel war, whose pain and suffering are beyond imagination. On this grim anniversary, the Olympic Movement joins calls for peace and stands ready to make its modest contribution to any peace-building efforts.




The IOC condemned the senseless war in the strongest terms on the day of the invasion. With no end in sight to the fighting after one year of bloodshed, the IOC reiterates its condemnation of the war in Ukraine, which is a blatant violation of the Olympic Truce that was in effect at the time, and the Olympic Charter. For this reason, the IOC sanctioned the Russian and Belarusian states and governments, who are solely responsible for this war, in an unprecedented way: no international sports events organised in Russia and Belarus; no flag, anthems or other national symbols whatsoever displayed; and no government or state officials accredited for any international sports events.

These sanctions were put in place in February 2022 and were then reinforced, further strengthened and confirmed by the recent Olympic Summit on 9 December 2022. They remain firmly in place.

At the same time, the IOC reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the Ukrainian athletes, who have faced unspeakable hardship day after day. With the war now raging for over a year, the entire Olympic Movement remains steadfast in its commitment to help the Ukrainian athletes in every way possible, because we all want to see a strong team from the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026. To this end, the IOC has tripled its Solidarity Fund for Ukraine so that the athletes have every support to overcome the tremendous challenges they are facing to make their Olympic dream come true. Some 3,000 athletes have already benefitted from the help the IOC Solidarity Fund is offering through the NOC of Ukraine. These efforts take the form not just of financial aid, but also logistical support and ensuring that Ukrainian athletes can continue to take part in competitions by providing travel support, training facilities, accommodation, equipment and uniforms, amongst other things.

From the very beginning, starting with the ancient Olympic Games, our mission has always been to promote peace through sport. The IOC remains committed to this mission to unite the entire world in peaceful competition to this day. The most recent examples of such peaceful competition include athletes from South and North Korea, from Israel and Palestine, from Armenia and Azerbaijan and many others. During the Olympic Games, athletes from 206 different National Olympic Committees live together in peace in the Olympic Village. Peace-building efforts need dialogue. A competition with athletes who respect the Olympic Charter can serve as a catalyst for dialogue, which is always a first step to achieving peace.

The Olympic Games cannot prevent wars and conflicts. Nor can they address all the political and social challenges in our world. This is the realm of politics. But the Olympic Games can set an example for a world where everyone respects the same rules and one another. They can inspire us to solve problems by building bridges, leading to better understanding among people. They can open the door to dialogue and peace-building in ways that exclusion and division do not.

The overwhelming majority of the Olympic Movement, including the athletes, National Olympic Committees and International Federations, support the unwavering solidarity with Ukraine, the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus and the peace-building, unifying mission of the Olympic Movement.

United in this Olympic spirit, on this painful one-year mark, the entire Olympic Movement reiterates the call we made one year ago to all the political leaders of the world: “Give Peace a Chance.”




-The Sports Examiner

-IOC website

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)