스포츠 외교2011. 5. 16. 11:14
국제스포츠관련 인터넷 매체 중 하나인 Around The Rings가 2018년 동계올림픽유치후보도시(평창, 뮌헨, 및 안시)
유치위원장들과 개별 인터뷰를 통해 지난 5월10일 IOC가 발표한 후보도시 별 IOC실사 평가 최종보고서 결과에 대하여 견해를 피력하였다.
늘 같은 패러다임으로 전개되어 새삼스런 이야기는 아니지만 IOC가 자체 구성한 IOC실사평가단의 현지 방문 결과 보고서 결론은 그야말로 천편일률적이다.
17개 조사 항목에 대한 항목 별 평가내용을 적시하기도 하지만 결론은 "3개 후보도시 모두 올림픽 개최도시로서 합격점이다."라는 것이다.
IOC평가 위원장은 오는 7월6일 남아공 더반 개최 제123차 IOC총회 첫 날 3개 후보도시들의 최종 프레젠테이션 후 투표직전 코멘트 역시 동일하다.
"세 도시들 다 2018년 동계올림픽 및 패럴림픽을 잘 치를 수 있다. 그러나 한 도시만을 선정해야 하기 때문에 여러분 IOC위원들의 현명한 판단에 달려있다."라는 것이다.
따라서 표심이 승패를 가른다.
2014년 평창이 IOC평가보고서에서 역시 가장 우수하다는 평가를 받았지만 투표결과는 가장 평가에 문제가 있었던 러시아의 소치가 표심의 주인공이 되었었다.


[ATR] IOC 실사보고서 관련 후보도시별 유치위원장 인터뷰

 - 2018평창 조양호 / 2018안시 카타리나 비트, 슈방크 / 2018안시 샤를 베그베데


<2018평창 : 조양호 유치위원장 실사보고서 결과에 “매우 만족”>

- 조양호 위원장, “IOC는 우리 비드북 내용에 대한 확신을 나타냈고 아시아 동계스포츠 확산 및 시장 확대라는 우리의 키 메시지 ‘New Horizons도 잘 전달됐다”

- 하지만 평창이 선두주자라는 말은 사양하며 “모든 후보도시가 자격을 갖추고 있으며 노력하고 있다”며 평창도 마지막 순간까지 열심히 할 것이라고 다짐

- 평창의 가장 큰 강점으로 꼽힌 높은 주민지지도에 대해서는 “한국 국민들은 1988 서울올림픽의 긍정적 효과를 모두 기억하고 있기 때문”이라고 설명

- IOC 보고서가 지적한 중봉 경기장으로의 교통 접근 등에 대해 “우리 기술자들의 능력을 믿는다”며 “마지막까지 IOC와 협의해 진행할 것”이라고 설명

<2018뮌헨 : 선두 평창을 넘을 자신 있어>

- 카타리나 비트, 선두로 꼽히는 평창을 넘을 수 있다고 “매우 낙관”한다고 말해

- “순위를 매기기 어렵다. 마지막 순간까지 경쟁이고 우리는 마지막 순간까지 최선을 다 할 것”

- 보고서가 “선수들에 의한 선수들을 위한” 뮌헨의 계획과 교통, 지속가능성 등을 칭찬한 점 주목

- 지적된 우려들에 대해서는 “우리가 더 좋은 모습으로 개선될 수 있는 부분이라 생각”한다고 반응

- 슈방크 유치위원장, 문제가 된 부지확보에 대해서는 곧 타결될 수 있다고 “매우 자신한다” 말해

- 60%에 그친 찬성 여론조사 결과에 대해서는 조사가 실시된 12월 이후 많은 지지율 상승이 있었다고 설명했고 실제로 지난 주말 주민투표 결과도 찬성으로 나와

<2018안시 : 후발주자 안시는 IOC 우려를 뛰어넘어 “기뻐">

- 베그베데 유치위원장, IOC의 일부 우려 지적에도 불구하고 실사보고서가 안시가 최근 이룬 “큰 진전”을 인정한 점을 “아주 기쁘게” 생각한다고 밝혀

- 안시를 뮌헨, 평창과 마찬가지로 대회를 개최할 수 있는 “수준 높은 비드”라고 칭찬한 점에 만족

- “보고서는 순위를 만드는 것이 아니라 각 비드의 약점을 지적하는 것이기 때문에 보고서 내용을 근거로 순위를 매기는 것은 옳지 않아”

- IOC는 주로 안시 계획에 포함된 네 개 경기지역과 선수촌, 미디어 숙박시설 간 이동시간에 대해 우려 표명

- 이에 대해 “산속 마을에서 대회를 계획하는 유일한 비드인 점이 이동시간에 영향을 미쳤을 것”이라면서 “하지만 선수들의 편의를 고려해 80%는 경기장 10분 이내에 머물 수 있도록 했다”고 강조

- 51%의 찬성 여론조사에 대해서는 “안시 비드에 매우 불행한 시점에 이루어졌다”며 “안시 주민 다수가 비드를 찬성하고 연초보다 지지율이 올랐다. 그리고 각급 정부와 민간 부문의 전적인 지지를 받고 있다”고 설명

- 분산된 숙박계획에 대한 IOC의 우려와 관련해서는 “우리는 큰 호텔을 원하지 않는다. 소규모 호텔 활용을 제안했고, 사람들이 그걸 더 좋아할 것이라 생각한다”며 오히려 장점이 될 수 있다고 대응


PyeongChang Chairman "Very Delighted" with IOC Report



Yang Ho Cho during the IOC Evaluation Commission visit to PyeongChang. (ATR)

(ATR) The head of PyeongChang’s bid for the 2018 Olympics tells Around the Rings he is “very delighted” about the IOC Evaluation Commission report, released earlier today.

“The IOC has confidence in our bid books and they have received our message of ‘New Horizons’ which means expanded winter sports market in Asia, and expand the winter sports for young people in Asia” Cho said.

“This is our key message”.

While Cho was pleased with the IOC’s reaction, he declined to say if PyeongChang is the front-runner for 2018.

“All the teams are very qualified and they are working hard” he said, adding that PyeongChang will have to work until July 6, when the IOC decides which of the three cities bidding will stage the 2018 Olympics.

One of the strongest points for the bid involved nearly unanimous public support for PyeongChang 2018. According to the report, 92 percent of Koreans back the bid.

Cho claims that strong public support is a benefit of hosting the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

“After our legacy of 88 Summer Olympics, we know the impact of all Koreans. So all the Koreans understand we need to honor another moment.”

The IOC did highlight a few concerns with PyeongChang’s proposal, among them spectator capacity at some venues.

The IOC wrote that at alpine speed and

Construction on the road to Jungbong in Nov. 2010. (ATR)

technical venues “it might prove difficult to achieve the spectator capacities presented in the Candidature File due to transport access constraints and, as a result, PyeongChang 2018 decided to lower spectator capacities from 18,000 to 12,000 for both of these venues”.

The IOC expressed concern about transport to alpine speed events to be held at Jungbong, a hamlet 25 minutes from PyeongChang. At the slalom venue, spectators take a shuttle bus up a narrow and winding road to get to the grandstand.

“We have confidence in our architecture and engineers” Cho said in regard to the IOC’s concerns with venue access and seating.

“We are going to consult with the IOC for the final evaluation.”

The three bid cities will head to Lausanne for a bid city technical meeting with the IOC on May 18 and 19. Cho said the high-level team from PyeongChang will include him, Theresa Rah, director of communications for the bid; governmental representatives, and Y.S. Park, president of the Korean Olympic Committee.

With only about nine weeks left in the bid, Cho said not to expect many surprises from the bid.

“We have to do according to our bid books. We are confident in our bid books, they are very qualified and meet IOC standards. I don’t think there will be any surprises.”

Written by Ed Hula III.

Munich Confident of Toppling Front-Runner PyeongChang


Munich 2018 chair Katarina Witt. (ATR)

(ATR) Munich 2018 chair Katarina Witt says she is "very optimistic" the German bid can beat favorite PyeongChang in the race to land the Winter Games.

"It is difficult to say who is first, second and third. I think it is an open race until the very last second," she told reporters in a conference call Tuesday.

"We will give our best until the end. Every day and every week we have to show the advantages [of the bid]," she added.
Her comments came after the publication of the IOC 2018 Evaluation Commission's report today that appeared to give the Korean bid the edge over Munich and Annecy.

But Munich leaders were in good cheer after the IOC gave mostly positive remarks about the bid across a number of areas.

"They have really addressed our strengths for an athlete-friendly Games," Witt said, noting the Olympic bid plan has been assembled "by athletes for athletes" and good points about the transport system and sustainability in the report.

IOC concerns focused on high hotel room rates for some client groups and Munich's inability to so far acquire one parcel of land at the Kandahar Alpine center.

"If there are criticisms here or there, we see it as something we can just do better," Witt said.

Bid CEO Bernhard Schwank said Munich was still in negotiation with landowners to secure the piece of land but "very confident" of reaching a deal soon. Asked if an agreement would be struck by the time of the IOC's bid cities briefing in Lausanne May 18 and 19, he said: "We will see."

According to the IOC's evaluation report, Munich public opinion poll numbers show just 60 percent support with 15 percent opposed.

Munich bid leaders noted that these figures were recorded in

December and public support has been rising ever since. The backing of residents in Garmisch-Partenkirchen on Sunday following a referendum has certainly boosted the bid.

Witt said that the staging of sold-out world cups and world championships in Munich and Garmisch this year was a better barometer of public support. Schwank said Munich's independent polling in recent months revealed 75 percent of the German public now backed the campaign.
Looking ahead to next week's presentation to the IOC membership in Lausanne, Witt said she hoped the 45-minute pitch followed by a Q&A with members would "really bring out the strengths of the bid".

Written by Mark Bisson

Outsider Annecy "Happy" to Prove IOC Wrong


(ATR) Despite a few IOC concerns, Annecy CEO Charles Beigbeder tells Around the Rings he's "quite happy" the 2018 Evaluation Commission has recognized the bid's "enormous progress" in recent months.

Bid CEO Charles Beigbeder. (ATR)

Speaking to ATR after a press conference in Paris, Beigbeder said he was pleased the IOC had qualified Annecy as an "extremely high-level bid" that was capable of staging the Games. The IOC said the same of its rivals Munich and PyeongChang.

He said that the technical evaluation review now allowed the IOC membership to choose between the bids what they wanted to bring to the Olympic Family "at this point in time".

"It is wrong to rank the three bids on the basis of the report, because the report does not rank the bids, it just mentions some weaknesses," he told ATR.

Beigbeder responded positively to the bid's three weaknesses - journey times between venues, low public support and accommodation.

The main IOC criticism centered on the complexity of travel times between the French bid's four venue zones and four Olympic villages for the different client groups including media. Under the bid, there are more than 200 media accommodation facilities spread around the Annecy region.

"We are the only bid trying to organize in a mountain city and that is reflected in the journey times," he said.

"However, we are focusing on the comfort of athletes and on that basis by locating 80 percent of athletes within 10 minutes of their competition venues that is what counts."

Chamonix, Annecy's venue for slalom skiing. (ATR)

He added: "We will try to demonstrate that the journey times are very reasonable and are in line with what could be expected of this type of event."

Responding to the December poll cited in the report that puts public support for Annecy at just 51 percent, Beigbeder said: "That was done at a very, very bad moment for us.

"The majority of Annecy people are in favor of the bid. We are confident that since the beginning of the year we have more support. We have the total support of the government, municipalities and the private sector."

The spread of accommodations in the Annecy bid also drew concerns from the IOC. About 25,500 guaranteed rooms are located in 533 accommodation facilities in France and Geneva.

Beigbeder defended the plan, saying the accommodations could be regarded as a strength of the bid.

"We don't have big hotels, we didn't want that. We have proposed smaller hotels, that is what we think people will like," he said.

Written by Mark Bisson

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