[아시아최초 영문스포츠 News Letter "S.O.S.(SpotLight On SportLife) Collection" 재 발간에 즈음하여]
SOS는 그밖에 ""Save Our Ship" 등의 약자로도 알려져 있었지만 정설은 아니며, SOS의 부호가 간결하고 판별하기 쉽다는 이유로 구조요청 조난신호 약자로 정해 졌다고 합니다
평창동계올림픽 유치촉진을 지향하는 차원에서 유치과정 당시 전 세계 IOC위원들과 국제연맹(IFs)회장단, 각국 NOCs에게 아시아대륙에서는 처음으로 창간 및 발간하여 평창과 대한민국 그리고 아시아의 스포츠외교를 자리매김하는 영문News Letter로 출발하였습니다.
SOS를 스포츠외교에 걸 맞게 코드화 하여 "SpotLight On SportLife"(스포츠생활에 집중조명을...)이란 취지입니다.
2004년 창설하여 14년 째 운영하고있는 "국제스포츠외교연구원" (ISDI: International Sport Diplomacy Institute)
오늘(5월16일) 재 창간하는 마음으로 다시금 SOS를 여러분께 선 보이고자 합니다.
This is the first edition of S.O.S.(SpotLight On SportLife).
This is first-ever non-profiteering, non-commercial, and non-campaigning online sport-friendly newsletter sharing sport and Olympic knowledge, interesting stories in the Olympic Movement, good suggestions for future Olympic Movement for the benefit of global Olympic and sport family, humors, Feng Shui(Life energy and endorphin guidelines) , words of wisdom, etc..
Should you have opinions and suggestions, please let me know.
Prof. Rocky Kang-Ro YOON
International Sport Diplomacy Institute
“SpotLight On SportLife”(S.O.S.)
(For Sport, By Sport, Of Sport)
S.O.S.( SpotLight On SportLife) News Letter Edition No.1(3rd Week of May, 2018
l Greetings of 21 Nations for Breaking the Ice:
(1)“Good Morning!” (English)
(2)“Bonjour!” (French)
(3)“Buenos dias!” (Spanish)
(4)“Buon giorno!” (Italian)
(5)“Guten Morgen!” (German)
(6)“Goedemorgen!” (Dutch)
(7)“Godmorgen!” (Danish)
(8)“Hyaa huomenta!” (Finnish)
(9)“Kahleemehrah!” (Greek)
(10)“God morgen!” (Norweigian)
(11)“Dzien dobrey!” (Polish)
(12)“Bom dia!” (Portuguese)
(13)“Dobrahyee ootro!” (Russian)
(14)“Dobro jutro!” (Serbo-Croatian)
(15)“God morgen!” (Swedish)
(16)“Zhao Xiang Hao!” (Chinese)
(17)“O-haio gozaimas!” (Japanese)
(18)“Swadi Kap!”(Thai)
(19)“Ahppa-kkahbah!” (Malay-Indonesian)
(20)“Ah-Salam Alah-Ikhoom!” (Arab)
(21)“안녕하세요!(Ahn-nyeong ha-se yo!)” (Korean)
l Brief Introduction
This is the very first edition of “S.O.S.”(SportLight On SportLife) which will be characterized by some useful and interesting stories/episodes on how to improve and enhance the quality of our lifestyle both at home and at work around the Olympic Movement.
This is not simply the routine news letter delivering actual sporting news, but some tips for ‘Spot Light on your Sport Life’.
This is a casual and congenial weekly news letter sharing and caring for the sport movement: ‘For Sport, By Sport, Of Sport’.
This is the first-ever on-line News Letter on Sport issued from the Asian Continent.
I hope this newsletter titled “S.O.S.”(SpotLight On SportLife) finds you both in good spirit and good shape.
l 2018 deserves the title of “ Year of Peace through Sport”
(1) United Nations has designated "every April 6" annually as "International Day of Sport for Developement and Peace"(IDSDP)
(2) IOC welcomed the Day with its own message of how sport can help to build bridges and promote reconciliation for a peaceful and better world.
(3) “The power of sport is its universality, it always builds bridges, it never erects walls. Sport has played a fundamental role in creating a bridge between North and South Korea.” (Thomas Bach IOC President)
(4) “The Olympic Games showed the world how to compete peacefully. They showed us that, despite all our differences, it is possible for humankind to live together in peace, respect and harmony.” (Thomas Bach IOC President)
(5) UN stressed the importance the role of sport in which sport is, across boundaries and cultures, a powerful tool to promote peace, tolerance and understanding by bringing people together as a universal language.
(6) 2018 is also the ‘Year of Dog’ according to oriental way of counting years using the order of 12 zodiac animals (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, and Pig). The 12 zodiac signs rotate every 12 years. Therefore, the ‘Year of Dog’ comes every 12 years, i.e. 2030, 2042, etc.
(7) Dr. Thomas Bach(current IOC President) was born in1953, the Year of Snake (symbol of wisdom), Comte Jacques Rogge(Former IOC President) was born in 1942, the Year of Horse (Symbol of Blessings), likewise Marquis Juan Antonio Samaranch(Former IOC Honorary President) born in 1920, the Year of Monkey(Symbol of Solitude), Mr. Mario Vazquez Rana(Former ANOC President and IOC EB Member) born in 1932, the Year of Monkey.
(8) The corresponding zodiac animals for all other IOC Members are listed in my book titled “When Sport meets the World over Five Rings” published and distributed in 2007.
(9) 2018 will also be an eventful year having started with the successful organization of PyeongChang2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter, leading to a historic South-North Korean Summit on 27 April which will bring together the global society in peace and harmony along with Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games in August 18~September 2 and the Buenos Aires2018 Youth Olympic Games in October and many other International Sporting Events.
(10) 2018 is the second year of the 9th generation of worldwide The Olympic (marketing) Program (TOP IX: 2017-2020) which includes the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang and the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
(11) In the second half of May, the following international sporting events are scheduled:
A. May 13~19: FIS(International Ski Federation) Congress in Costa Navarino, Greece
B. May 16: WADA Executive Committee Meeting in Montreal, Canada
C. May 17: WADA Foundation Board Meeting in Montreal, Canada
l Sportology:
1. What is ‘Sport’?
S: Standard
P: Program
O: Orchestrating
R: Re-Creation(through)
T: Training (physically, mentally, psychologically)
(1) Sport is an international language.
(2) Sport is a force for peace.
(3) Sport is a force for political weapon.
(4) Sport is a multi-billion dollar business.
(5) Sport is a global goose that lays golden eggs.
(6) Sport is a stress killer.
(7) Sport is a leisure-time scheduler.
(8) Sport is a cure for powerlessness.
(9) Sport is a catharsis motivator.
(10) Sport is a health guide.
(11) Sport is a tool for educating youth.
(12) Sport is not simply a matter of playing games and competing each other, but a matter of harmonizing and networking people without discrimination of any kind.
“The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport according to his or her needs.”(Olympic Charter)
l About "Feng Shui" (Wind and Water Theory for the Better Human Life Energy)
(1) Feng Shui literally means “Wind and Water”, and it is a practical theory that can be applied to our daily life. It is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in
(2) Feng Shui Symbols have a rich, culturally specific history and meaning. Most of us are already familiar with the look of many ‘feng shui’ items such as Chinese coins tied with a red string, wind chimes, three legged toads, gods of wealth, etc, etc.
1. “Always Sit Facing the Door”
‘If you have your back to the door, you could be betrayed, cheated, or stabbed in the back.’
‘Otherwise good work luck is completely missing.’
2. “Find the Power Spot in Your Office”
‘The best location for your desk is the far corner diagonal to the entrance. This is the power spot in any office and is most auspicious.’(To be continued)
l Collection Series of Joke and Humor for the Olympic Movement
(1) What a world without joke and humor!
(2) Without jokes and humors, what a boring and dry world!
(3) Joke properly all the time.
(4) Be humorous!
(5) Take your work serious, but not yourself.
(6) ‘Sport’ means not only ‘hard work’, ‘serious discussions’, and ‘performance enhancement’, but also ‘Fun’, ‘Friendship’, and ‘Fraternity’ forever.
(7) If you laugh, the whole world laughs, too.
(8) But if you cry, then you are all alone.
(9) The Olympic Movement will be happy, and its family members likewise with:
-Two spoonfuls of your sweet smile,
-Two spoonfuls of your soft breath,
-And two spoonfuls of you warm heart.
(10) It will make the world ‘Soft, Sweet, Smooth, Speedy, Swift, Swelling, Simple, and Steady with Smiles.
(11) Without jokes, humor, and fun, our sport life would remain dull, boring, and monotonous.
(12) Therefore, I would like to begin to introduce some of the jokes, humor, and interesting stories that I heard, used, and cherished so far.
1) Value Judgments by Nationality
Before making a purchase, a typical American shopper might ask:
“Is this the latest model?”
A German might ask: “Is this sturdy and long lasting?”
A French might ask: “Is this the latest fashion?”
A Japanese might ask: “Is this the best quality?”
For a Korean shopper, the question is always “Is this genuine/real or counterfeit?”
2) Nationalism in Archaeology for telecommunications system history
A group of American archaeologists were digging at a site. They found a piece of copper buried at 50 meters and promptly announced that Americans had installed an underground network of telephone lines across the continent ten thousand years ago.
Meanwhile a group of Russian archaeologists dug 100 meters deep and retrieved a piece of glass. The Russians then announced that they had been using an underground fiberglass telecommunications cable network for twenty thousand years.
Not to be done, a group of Korean archaeologists dug as far down as 300 meters, but couldn’t find anything. They promptly announced that their ancestors had used wireless cellular phones some 50 thousand years ago.
lThank you, Olympic Movement!
Thanks to your support, I became the first Korean recipient of the ANOC Merit Award at the time of the 16th ANOC General Assembly held in Beijing, China on 7 April 2008.
It was not only my personal honor but also a commitment and duty for me to continue to contribute to the global Olympic Movement for many years to come.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the 205 NOCs in attendance for endorsement and congratulations, especially for a benevolent and charismatic leadership of the late Sr. Mario Vazquez Rana, then ANOC President and Chairman of the IOC Solidarity Commission.
“God bless you!”
Prof, Rocky Kang-Ro YOON
[국제스포츠의 날(4월6일) IOC, 평창2018을 스포츠를 통한 평화구현의 Role Model로 집중 조명하다]
(평창2018 동계올림픽 개회식 장면/출처: IOC홈페이지)
IOC는 최근 4월6일 “국제스포츠의 날”(International Day of Sport for Development and Peace) 을 맞이하여 가교 놓기 및 화해(bridge-bruilding and reconciliation)의 메시지를 내 놓았다고 합니다.
당초 UN이 기념하고 축하하는 “개발과 평화지향 국제스포츠의 날”(IDSDP: International
Day of Sport for Development and Peace)인 4월6일, IOC는 스포츠가 평화롭고 다 나은
세상만들기 지향 가교놓기와 화해 촉진을 위해 스포츠가 기여할 수 있는 방안에 대한 자체 메
시지를 발표하면서 이날을 환영하였다(welcomes the Day with its own message of how
sport can help to build bridges and promote reconciliation for a peaceful and better
world)고 합니다.
UN은 스포츠야말로 경계와 문화를 초월하여(across boundaries and cultures) 사람들을 함
께 모이도록 함으로써 평화와 관용과 이해를 증진시키는 강력한 도구(a powerful tool to
promote peace, tolerance and understanding by bringing people together)가 될 수 있
는 보편적인 언어(sport as a universal language)라고 이야기 하고 있다고 합니다
IOC의 무엇보다 시급한 우선과제(overarching mission)는 스포츠로 하여금 인류를 섬기게 하도록 하는 것인데(to put sport at the service of humankind) 지구상에 그 어떤 글로벌 행사도 따라올 수 없을 만큼 올림픽은 인류와 인류가 추구하는 다양함 모두를 한 군데 모이게 하는 힘을 보유하고 있다(Unlike any other global event, the Olympic Games have the power to bring humanity, and all its diversity, together)고 합니다
스포츠를 통해 평화롭고 더 나은 세상을 만들도록 기여하는 것이야말로 올림픽헌장의 근본 원칙(Fundamental Principle of the Olympic Charter)이라고 합니다.
IOC는 국제적 정부 및 비 정부 조직들은 물론 각국 NOCs과 많은 UN기구들을 포함한 파트너들과 “지속 가능한 발전 목표”(SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals)에 기여할 수 있도록 스포츠를 개발과 사회적 변화의 도구로 활용하고 있는 제반활동 및 교육적 주도권에 집중하여(on activities and educational initiatives which use sport as a tool for development and social change) 광범위하게 협력하고 있다고 합니다.
최근 평창2018 동계올림픽에서 우리는 올림픽정신이 한반도에 끼친 영향에 대해 목도한 있습니다.
스포츠와 선수들에 의해 주도되었던 평화의 강력한 메시지는, 군사분계선에 의해 수 십년간 분리되었던(separted for decades by a military border) 남북한 선수단이 개회식에서 나란히 공동 행진할 때라든지(marched side by side), 남북한 여자 아이스하키 팀이 단일팀으로 출전했을(competed together as a unified team) 때, 그 진가를 발휘한 바 있습니다.
경기규칙(the rules of the game)은 물론 팀웍(teamwork), 공정성(fairness), 관용(tolerance), 규율(discipline)과 상대방에 대한 존중(respect for the opponent)과 같은 올림픽정신과 스포츠에서 찾을 수 있는 내재된 가치(intrinsic value)는 전세계에 걸쳐 받아들여져 이해되어 왔으며 불가능을 가능으로 만들수 있는(can make the impossible, possible) 근간입니다.
올림픽대회는 평화롭게 경쟁하는 방법(how to compete peacefully)을 전 세계에 보여 주었습니다.
올림픽은 우리의 모든 차이에도 불구하고(despite all our differences)인류가 평화와 존중과 화합 속에서 공존공영하는 것이 가능하다는 것(t is possible for humankind to live together in peace, respect and harmony)을 보여 주었습니다.
Thomas Bach IOC위원장은 다음과 같이 설파하였습니다:
(1) “The power of sport is its universality, it always builds bridges, it never erects walls. Sport has played a fundamental role in creating a bridge between North and South Korea.” (스포츠의 힘은 보편타당성에 있으며, 스포츠는 항상 가교를 놓아주지, 결코 벽을 세우지 않습니다. 스포츠는 남북한 사이에 다리를 새롭게 놓아 주는데 근본적인 중요한 역할을 다 하였습니다)
(2) “The Olympic Games showed the world how to compete peacefully. They showed us that, despite all our differences, it is possible for humankind to live together in peace, respect and harmony.” (올림픽대회는 전 세계를 향하여 평화롭게 경쟁하는 방법을 보여주었습니다. 올림픽대회는 우리가 지닌 모든 차이를 뛰어 넘어 인류가 평화와 존중과 화합속에서 함께 살아가는 것이 가능하라는 것을 보여주었습니다.)
스포츠는 교육차원에서 중요한 도구입니다, 예를 들면 스포츠는 소녀들과 여성에게 힘을 부여할 수 있으며 양성평등을 진일보 시킬 수 있습니다(Sport is an important tool for education, for example it can empower young girls and women and advance gender equality.)
지난 3월 IOC는 올림픽운동관련 모든 스포츠기구들을 총망라하여 경기장 안팎에서의 양성평등 성취지향 (to achieving gender equality on and off the field of play) 해결방안전제 접근방법(a solution-based approach)을 제공함으로써 “IOC의 양성평등 검토 프로젝트”(IOC’s Gender Equality Review Project) 25개 권고내용을 발표한(relaeased 25 recommnedations) 바 있습니다
2018년 부에노스아이레스 개최 청소년하계올림픽(YOG)에서는 모든 실시종목이 양성평등이 완전히 실현될 것(all sports will be fully gender balanced)입니다.
사회개발프로그램(Social Development Program)의 일환으로 IOC는 또한 NOCs와 각국 정부들과 협력하여 난민 및 추방된 사람들(refugees and displaced people) 지원을 위한 여러 가지 구체적인 프로그램과 함께 추진하고 있으며 ‘올림픽난민재단’(Olympic Refuge Foundation)을 설립하였습니다.
올림픽난민재단 설립 목적 중 하나는 안전하고, 기본적이며 접근가능한 스포츠시설을 창출하는 것으로 대상지역은 난민거주지, 추방된 이주민집단(displaced migrant population) 및 내부추방자들 거주지라고 할 수 있겠습니다.
지난 2017년 11월13일, UN난민문제고등판무관실(UNHCR/(Office of the) United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees )과 합동으로, “빛이 되어라”(Become the Light)캠페인
이 평창2018동계올림픽을 위한 UN총회 올림픽휴전결의안 채택에 즈음하여 실시되었는바 난
민캠프에 지속가능한 태양발전 조명해결방안 마련을 위함(to bring sustainable, solar
powered light solutions to refugee camps.)이었습니다.
이러한 캠페인은 많은 난민수용소내부에 일하고 공부하며 노는데 필수적인 전기조명시설접근이 전무하다라는 식견에 따른 것(It follows the insight that many refugees in camps have no access to electric lighting, which is important for work, study and play이라고 합니다.
4월6일이 기념일인 “개발과 평화지향 국제스포츠의 날”(IDSDP: International Day of Sport
for Development and Peace)은 스포츠가 사람들 결속과 평화문화 장려뿐만 아니라 사회발
전촉진(promote social development), 신뢰 및 자기믿음 구축(build trust and self-belief),
그리고 갈등국면에 봉착한 그룹들 간에 다리 놓기(establish bridges between groups in
conflict)에도 기여할 수 있도록 집중조명하도록 하는 기회로 활용되기도(an opportunity to
highlight) 한다고 합니다.
-국제스포츠외교연구원 Data
-IOC 홈페이지