스포츠 외교2018. 5. 11. 09:25

[한반도 통일의 초석 될 평창2018 동계올림픽의 시대적 포효와 서울1988올림픽 주제가 Hand in hand]



2018년은 대한민국 역사상 상서로운 해입니다.


평창2018 동계올림픽 및 패럴림픽이 성공적으로 개최되면서 한반도 평화와 번영의 기틀을 마련해 주는 전환점 역할을 해 주었으며 4.27 판문점 남북정상회담이 결실을 맺음으로써 전 세계에 한반도 평화시대를 선포하게 하는 초석(cornerstone)이 되었습니다.





평창2018 동계올림픽 조직위원장 개회식사 영한 Speech초안을 작성하면서, 언젠가 우리 아이들과 손주들에게 이렇게 이야기 하고 싶습니다. 평창2018동계올림픽이 한반도 통일의 초석이 되었노라고……” (One day, I will tell my children and grandchildren, “The PyeongChang2018 Games served the purpose of a cornerstone to contribute to the unification of the Korean Peninsula…)라는 구절로 평창2018이 한반도 통일의 초석이 되기를 소망한다는 문장을 넣었습니다만 결국 첨삭과정에서 빠져 정작 개회식 당일 개회식사내용에는 반영되지 못한 바 있습니다. 천기누설(天機漏洩)?




이 문구를 초안에 포함시킨 이유는 북한뿐만 아니라 전 세계 약 76억 인구가 TV중계를 통해 모두 지켜 보는 역사적 장면이기 때문이며 역사에 길이 기록될 중요한 한 페이지였기 때문이었습니다.


아뭏든 이 문구대로 남북이 하나로 되어 통일이 되는 날이 현실이 되기를 바라는 마음입니다.








[Thomas Bach IOC위원장의 평창2018동계올림픽 영문개회식사]

"Hello, PyeongChang


Dear Olympic fans around the world


Your Excellency, Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea,

Your Excellency, Antonio Guterres, Secretary general of the United Nations


Dear athletes

Dear members of the Olympic family,

Ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018!


This is the moment that we have all been waiting for: the first Olympic Games on snow and ice in the Republic of Korea.


This is the moment that the Organising Committee, the public authorities and so many Korean people have been working for with great dedication and commitment. You all can be very proud tonight.


Now is the time for PyeongChang!

Thank you to everyone who has made this moment possible.

My special thanks go to the thousands of volunteers who have welcomed us so warmly:

Thank you, volunteers.

Dear athletes, now, its your turn!


This will be the competition of your life.

Over the next days, the world will be looking to you for inspiration.

You will inspire us all to live together in peace and harmony despite all differences we have.


You will inspire us by competing for the highest honour in the Olympic spirit of excellence, respect and fair play.

You can only really enjoy your Olympic performance if you respect the rules, and stay clean.


Only then will your lifelong memories be the memories of a true and worthy Olympian.

While you compete with each other, you live peacefully together in the Olympic Village, respecting the same rules, sharing your meals and your emotions with your fellow athletes.


This is how you show that in sport we are all equal.

This is how you show the unique power of sport to unite people.

A great example of this unifying power is the joint march here tonight of the two teams from the National Olympic Committees of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. We thank you.



평창2018은 서울1988올림픽 30주년되는 해에 열렸습니다.


30년 전 그룹 Koreana가 서울1988올림픽 주제가로 부른 “Hand in hand’의 구성진 노랫말이 귓가에 쟁쟁합니다.


[Hand In Hand] (노래: Koreana)


See the fire in the sky

We feel the beating of our hearts together

This is our time to rise above
We know the chance is here to live forever

For all time


(Refrain: 후렴)

Hand in Hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world
A better place in which to live

Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time






Everytime we give it all
We feel the flame eternally inside us
Lift our hands up to the sky
The morning calm helps us to live in harmony
For all time


(Refrain: 후렴)

Hand in hand we stand
All across the roadWe can make this world
A better place in which to live
Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time


Posted by 윤강로