스포츠 외교2024. 4. 2. 19:00

[Paris 2024성공기원 영어5행시와 Paris공식방문 추억담과 당시 프랑스대통령 앞에서 당당하게 구사했던 불어 어휘 에피소드 그리고 IOC 쿠베르탱 메달 이야기]




이틀 전(331) IOC에서 IOC문화 및 올림픽 헤리티지 위원들에게Paris올림픽 관련 스토리가 있으면 419일까지 보내 달라고 요청하는 서한을 받았습니다.


마침 제가 2008년 올림픽 IOC평가위원회 위원으로 활동하면서 12개 유치신청도시(Applicants Cities)들 중 최종 결선에 선정되었던(Short-Listed) 5개 후보 도시들(Candidate Cities)2개월에 걸쳐 일일이 방문하면서 현장답사와 더불어 기술적인 측면에서부터 대회 조직 운영에 관한 세부사항을 점검한 바 있었습니다.


Beijing-Osaka-Toronto-Istanbul에 이어 마지막 방문 도시였던 Paris에서의 경험한 생생한 에피소드 중 프랑스대통령궁(Palais dElysee)에서 당시 Jacques Chirac 프랑스대통령과 만나 면담 자리에서 미리 준비하여 제가 구사한 현란한(?) 64가지 불어 어휘 이야기를 포함하여 성공기원 PARIS 5행시까지 작시하여 작성한 후 IOC에 오늘 오전에 발송하였습니다.


Paris 2024올림픽 및 패럴림픽의 성공을 기원합니다.



다음은 Paris2008년올림픽 유치후보도시 당시 IOC평가위원으로 공식 방문 시 당시 Jacques Chirac대통령과의 공식 면담에서 필자의 불어 발언 그리고 Paris2024올림픽을 향한 PARIS 5행시 등을 공유합니다:


[Reminiscences of Paris and Tribute to the Former French President Jacques Chirac who loved most the Olympic Games in Paris]



When it comes to Paris, it reminds me that Paris, France was the birth place of the IOC, and birth country of Baron Pierre de Coubertin who was the Founding Father of the IOC in 1894 and the Renovator of the modern Olympic Games in 1896 and the 2nd IOC President over 30 years (1896~1925).




 (Baron Pierre de Coubertin seems to welcome me to the Olympic House, and together with IOC Member Mr. Sergey Bubka, one of my colleague-members of the IOC Evaluation Commission for 2008 Olympics/ photos taken on 22 October 2022)




Having been awarded the IOC Pierre de Coubertin Medal at first hand from IOC President Thomas Bach on 21 October 2022 at the time of the 2022 ANOC General Assembly in Seoul, and having served the Olympic Movement during the last 40 years, it was indeed my greatest personal honor during my lifetime Olympic career. God bless the Olympic Movement!



 (IOC Pierre de Coubertin Medalist Prof. Rocky Kang-Ro YOON and IOC President Thomas Bach/21 October 2022)


Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my special gratitude and appreciation from the bottom of my heart to IOC President Thomas Bach who generously presented it to me on behalf of Korea.


Paris already played host to the Olympic Games in 1900 and 1924, and is about to host its 3rd Games, the 33rd edition in 2024.


I still vividly remember Paris like I smell the fresh paint!


When I served as a member of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the 2008 Olympics under the chairmanship of the late Hein Verbruggen(then-UCI President and IOC member in Netherlands), the Commission members paid a visit to 5 short-listed finalist candidates cities out of 12 applicant cities in the initial bidding process in 2000~2001.



At that time, Paris was the last (but not the least) candidate city after Beijing, Osaka, Toronto, and Istanbul all bidding for the 2008 Olympics in 2001 that the IOC Evaluation Commission Delegation officially visited for on-site inspections and technical assessments.



(IOC Evaluation Visit to Paris 2008 and its metro with the Chairman Hein Verbruggen<left-below>)



Welcoming Red Carpet was rolled out upon our arrival at Charles De Galle International Airport. When all of the IOC Commission members were cordially invited by then-President Jacques CHIRAC to the Palais d'Eysée, Mr. Hein VERBRUGGEN as our Chairman talked with Mr. President in French.


As the conversation continued only between Hein and Mr. President Chirac, President Chirac, looking around the Commission Members, asked if there were any Member to join the conversation, and then Mr. Guy DRUT and Mr. Jean Claude KILLY, IOC Members, for France invited me to speak to President Chirac, saying “Rocky, vous avez posé beaucoup de questions en francais dans la réunion (Rocky you asked many questions in French in the meeting)


As nobody else spoke, I commented in French with the permission of our Chairman (Hein Verbruggen).



(Shaking Hands with French President Jacques Chirac at Palais d’Elysee, and French Prime Minister 2001)


”Je suis sûr, certain, convincu, et persuadé que(I am sure, certain, convinced and persuaded that) le programme de la manifestation culturelle de la céré monie d'ouverture des Jeux olympique en France sous le ciel de Paris(the cultural program of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in France under the sky of Paris) sera excellent, passionant, impressionant, intéressant, ravissant, charmant, élégant, flamboyant, romantique, dynamique, chic, magique, fantastique, magnifique, symblique, historique, unique, merveilleux, mystérieux, superbe, splendide, mémorable, inoubliable, adorable, admirable, remarquable, notable, incomparable, inégalable, incroyable, impeccable, irré sistible et spectaculaire (excellent, passionate, impressive, interesting, delightful, charming, elegant, flamboyant, romantic, dynamic, stylish, magical, fantastic, magnificent, symbolic, historic, unique, wonderful, mysterious, superb, splendid, memorable, unforgettable, adorable, admirable, remarkable, notable, incomparable, matchless, incredible, impeccable, irresistible, and spectacular)”


As a result of my ample source of French vocabulary, President Chirac smiled and spoke highly of my French saying that I was the best French Speaking Foreigner. But I must confess that I had prepared some French vocabulary the night before just in case. Hein Verbruggen, Els Van Breda Vriesman, Gilbert Felli, Patrick Baumann (Secretary General of International Basketball Federation), Carlos Nuzman spoke better French than I.


Good old memories about Paris 23 years ago.


I wish Paris 2024 and the Olympic Movement another resounding success!!!


With this aspiration in mind, I dedicate the following 5- line Poem to Paris 2024.


P: Peace-loving

A: Arts-loving

R: Rejuvenating

I: Invigorating and Inspiring

S: Smiles to the World


I admire the Olympic Games, Olympic Spirit, Olympic Values, Olympism, Olympic Ideals, and the Olympic Motto of “Faster, Higher, Stronger-Together”


Dedicated and Written by Prof. Rocky Kang-Ro YOON

Member of IOC Culture and Olympic Heritage and

IOC Pierre de Coubertin Medalist 2022





Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)