스포츠 외교2024. 10. 1. 12:23

[Bach IOC위원장과 2024년 뉴욕 UN총회 Highlights]



9월 하순 열린 제79UN총회에 Bach IOC위원장이 참석하여 미래의 정상회담”(Summit of the Future)과 제79UN총회 참석차 미국 New York을 방문하였다고 합니다.



미래의 정상회담 동안 세게지도자들에게 행한 연설에서, Bah IOC위원장은 스포츠미래를 위한 협약(Pact for the Future)내용에 포함시킨데 대하여 진심으로 그들에게 감사를 표명하였다(thanked them wholeheartedly for including sport in the )Pact for the Future고 합니다.


이정표와 같은 이 기념비적인 문건(The landmark document) 922() 193개국 UN회원국들이 채택하였다고 합니다.


반기문 제8UN사무총장 역시 UN총회 기간에 유엔총회에 참석, 사무총장, 부총장 면담을 비롯하여Asia Society 연설, Global Center on Adaptation 회의 주재 등 여러 활동을 마치고928일 이른 아침에 귀국하였다고 필자에게 알려 주셨습니다



(8UN사무총장과 유엔 사무총장 시절인 2009Nelson Mandela 남아공 대통령을 부인 유순택 여사와 예방한 모습)


* landmark document: 이정표와 같은 기념비적 문건


다음은 Bach IOC위원장이 UN총회 본회의(Plenary Session)에서 UN SDGs성취를 위한 스포츠의 역할 인지에 대하여(recognizing the role of sport as an important enabler – and indeed, accelerator – to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals) 감사를 표명한 연설문의 일부입니다:


*plenary session: 총회 본회의




“Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the adoption of the Pact for the Future. In particular, I would like to thank you for recognising the role of sport as an important enabler – and indeed, accelerator – to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The recent Olympic Games Paris 2024 illustrate in an excellent way how the IOC is contributing to the SDGs through sport,” said the IOC President during the plenary session.

“We are ready to continue and strengthen this contribution of sport in the framework of the Pact for the Future – because this Pact perfectly reflects our Olympic motto: Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together,” President Bach continued.

Sport is mentioned multiple times in the Pact for the Future, where, in Action 11 of the 56 Actions, the UN Member States declare: “We will protect and promote culture and sport as integral components of sustainable development.”

They continue: “We recognise that culture as well as sport offer individuals and communities a strong sense of identity and fosters social cohesion. We also recognise that sport can contribute to individuals’ and communities’ health and wellbeing. Culture as well as sport therefore are important enablers of sustainable development.”

Furthermore, the UN Member States say in the Pact: “We decide to ensure that culture as well as sport can contribute to more effective, inclusive, equitable and sustainable development, and integrate culture into economic, social and environmental development policies and strategies and ensure adequate public investment in the protection and promotion of culture.”


미래의 정상회담(Summit of the Future)과 제79UN총회 고위급 토론행사에서 Bach IOC위원장은 30명 이상의 국가 원수들과 UN사무총장(more than 30 heads of state and government and the UN Secretary-General)을 만났다고 합니다.


Bach IOC위원장은 이 만남에서 Paris 2024올림픽성공개최에 대한 축하와 칭송(congratulations and praise)을 받았으며 평화와 단결이라는 압도적인 메시지(resounding message of peace and solidarity)도 함께 받았다고 합니다.



* congratulations and praise: 축하와 칭송


* resounding message of peace and solidarity: 평화와 단결이라는 압도적인 메시지



Bach IOC위원장의 New York 방문기간동안 IOCUN 상임 옵저버(Permanent Observer)Luis Alberto Moreno 콜롬비아 IOC위원이 동반하였다고 합니다.


* accompanied by: 동반하다




(Bach IOC위원장과 포르투갈 출신 António Guterres 9UN사무총장)



In a meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the IOC President congratulated the UN and him personally on the adoption of the Pact for the Future and thanked him for his support for the peace mission of the Olympic Games and the IOC.




(Bach IOC위원장과 UN안전보장이사회 의장 겸 슬로베니아 총리 Robert Golob)


With the President of the UN Security Council and Prime Minister of Slovenia, Robert Golob, the IOC President discussed the contribution of sport to peace. Slovenia currently holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council. Prime Minister Golob expressed his full appreciation for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and their contribution to peace through the participation of athletes from the territories of 206 NOCs and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team, including Individual Neutral Athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport.


This contribution of sport to peace is fully in line with the objectives of the signature event the Security Council hold on 25 and 26 September in New York, to which the Prime Minister of Slovenia invited the IOC President to deliver a speech. A high-level open debate of the Security Council on “Leadership for peace” was convened as part of the “Maintenance of international peace and security” agenda item.”.



(Bach IOC 위원장과 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 브라질 대통령)


Upon meeting Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the IOC President thanked him for his commitment to the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016. The federal government is working closely with the city of Rio to maintain the legacy of the Games.


 (Bach IOC위원장과 Cyril Ramaphosa 남아공 대통령)


The IOC President also met with South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa. The two leaders discussed the importance of the non-politicisation of sport and its unifying mission.



(Bach IOC위원장과 Giorgia Meloni 이태리 총리)


The IOC President addressed the upcoming Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 with the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.



(Bach IOC위원장과 Narendra Modi 인도 총리)


With the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, President Bach discussed India’s interest in hosting the Olympic Games in 2036.



 (Bach IOC위원장과 Prof. Muhammad Yunus 방글라데시 총리 대행 겸 노벨 평화상 수상자 겸 올림픽월계관<Olympic Laurel>수상자)


The IOC President also met with Prof. Muhammad Yunus, the Interim Prime Minister of Bangladesh, and attended an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s membership of the UN. Noble Peace Prize laureate Prof. Yunus is strongly connected to the Olympic Movement. He received the Olympic Laurel during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.


* Olympic Laurel:올림픽 월계관


(Bach IOC위원장과 Wang Yi 중국국가주석 특별대표/Special Representative of the Chinese President 겸 중국외무부장관)


Wang Yi, Special Representative of the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, and Chinese Foreign Minister, and the IOC President spoke in their meeting about China’s success at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the strong and longstanding cooperation between the IOC and China.


(Bach IOC위원장과 Anacláudia Rossbach IOC-UN-Habitat 신임사무총장/Executive Director)



President Bach discussed the implementation of the joint IOC-UN-Habitat memorandum of understanding with the organisation’s new Executive Director, Anacláudia Rossbach. Initial joint projects in Ghana and Australia (Brisbane) have already been announced, and additional projects in four cities are being prepared and will be announced shortly.



(Bach IOC위원장과 Prince Albert II 모나코 국왕 겸 IOC위원)


While in New York, the IOC President received the Prince Albert II Leadership in Post-Conflict Development Award from the Foundation for Post-Conflict Development (FPCD), under the patronage of IOC Member Prince Albert II of Monaco. The prize recognises excellence in diplomacy, particularly efforts that contribute to peace and post-conflict development. Read the full news release here. The IOC President also agreed on a memorandum of understanding with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. The partnership will focus on using the power of sport to promote young leaders in the field of environmental protection. It builds on the IOC’s existing Young Leaders Programme, which empowers young talents to leverage the power of sport to make a positive difference in their communities.



(Bach IOC위원장과 Laura Chinchilla 코스타리카 IOC위원 겸 코스타리카 전직 대통령<2010-2014> 2024 Concordia Annual Summit 진행자)




At the 2024 Concordia Annual Summit, at a fireside chat hosted by IOC Member Laura Chinchilla, President Bach discussed the peace mission of the IOC, sport as an important enabler for the UN SDGs, the success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 and the Olympic Esports Games. Concordia is a global convener of heads of state, government officials, C-suite executives, and leaders of non-profits, think tanks and foundations, which aims to find cross-sector solutions that address the biggest challenges of our time.


* fireside chat: 노변담화


(Bach IOC위원장과 Katrina Adams 전직 프로 테니스 선수 겸 Global Winner of the IOC’s 2023 Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Champions Award 수상자)



While in New York, the IOC President met Katrina Adams, the former professional tennis player and now tennis executive who was the Global Winner of the IOC’s 2023 Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Champions Award. The President thanked her for her continued work to empower women in and through sport.

The IOC President also hosted a dinner, to which IOC Members present in New York were invited. Gerardo Werthein, Kirsty Coventry, Prince Albert II of Monaco, Luis Alberto Moreno, Laura Chinchilla, Princess Reema Bandar Al-Saud and Johan Eliasch attended.


From New York, President Bach will go to Colorado Springs before continuing his trip to Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and Asunción (Paraguay).



-IOC website


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