스포츠 외교2011. 4. 12. 10:56
평창 2018의 세계를 향한 메시지가 반향을 얻고 있다.
2011년 4월 초, 런던개최 SportAccord에서 국제스포츠 계 지도자들에게 평창은 신선하고 참신하며 실속있는 유치계획을 천명하였다.
외신이 전하는 내용은 다음과 같다.




<평창, New Horizons에 대한 새로운 신선함을 전달>

- 조양호 위원장, 비드 테마인 “New Horizons”에 신선한 내용으로 PT를 진행하였다.

   - Rio de Janeiro의 2016 올림픽 유치 시 강조한 ‘새로운 대륙’을 본뜬 것처럼 평창은 ‘새로운 시장’에서 동계스포츠의 기회임을 강조하였다.

   - Theresa Rah 대변인은 New Horizons은 성장과 잠재성에 대한 것이며, 젊은 세대들에게 동계스포츠의 기회를 극대화해주는 것이라며, 아시아의 6억 5천만 젊은 세대를 강조하였다.


   - 문대성 IOC 위원은 평창 유치의 5가지 이유를 compact plan, 범정부적 지원, 범국민적지지, IOC와의 약속 이행, IOC와의 최상의 파트너라고 설명하였다. 

   - 조양호 위원장은 올림픽 유치는 10년 동안 국민적 염원이었으며, “올림픽 무브먼트를 위한 역사적 선택과 기회”를 강조하였다.

   - NOC와 IF를 위한 자문 프로그램 계획도 밝혔다. 

PyeongChang 2018 Presents a Fresh Spin On New Horizons

(London) – Led by bid Chairman Yang-Ho Cho, PyeongChang 2018 presented to the SportAccord Audience Thursday with a fresh spin on their “New Horizons” Olympic bid theme.

Trying to mimic a successful model used by Rio de Janeiro to win the 2016 Olympic Games on a new continent – PyeongChang has been emphasizing opportunities for winter sport in new markets.

Earlier Thursday, Munich and Annecy based their selling points on tradition and existing and lucrative markets – a valid counter-proposition.

Theresa Rah, Director of Communications for the bid summed it up:

“New Horizons is focused on growth and potential,” she said. 

The argument really isn’t about new versus old; or traditional markets versus new markets, or even clever metaphors about groups and new horizons.  No, the real decision is about maximizing the opportunity for winter sport for as many young people as possible wherever they may live.”

And she said she believes that only PyeongChang can offer that.  The bid claims that a Games in Asia could impact as many as 650 million youth.

Korean IOC Member Dae Sung Moon said there are five reasons why PyeongChang should host the Games – the most compact plan; strong government support; passionate public support; promises that have been kept to the IOC and that “we will make a good partner for the IOC.”

PyeongChang’s sport ambassador and Olympic figure skating champion Yu-Na Kim was unable to attend as she prepares for the rescheduled figure skating World Championships in Moscow, but she was featured in a video that was used to explain the venue plan.

In the video, Kim said she wouldn’t have become a champion without the previous two PyeongChang bids that generated a winter sports training program allowing her to develop her skills.

Another video showed the existing venues, athletes and words and images from the general public help visualize the 93% local support the Korean bid enjoys.

Yang-Ho Cho said the bid has been a national priority for ten years and now it is an “historic Choice and historic chance for Olympic movement.”

“Korea has kept every promise we made.”

“We promise you memories to last a lifetime,” said Rah.

The bid introduced an NOC advisory program that would fund travel for NOC’s to visit PyeongChang during preparations and also an International Federation plan that promises similar subsidies.

To close the presentation, a final, youthful video portrayed modern Korea – what IOC members might expect from their 2018 experience.

From the closing applause in the room - that may have been the loudest of the day - it seemed the audience approved.


<평창, 한국의 동계스포츠 성장을 위해 5억불 투자>

- 평창, 동계스포츠를 위한 7년간의 5억불의 정부 투자계획은 발표하였다.

   - 정병국 문체부장관은 'Drive the Dream' 프로그램을 통해 2018년까지 모든 국민이 이용 가능한 동계스포츠 시설에 대한 업그레이드 및 신축, 트레이닝 센터 건립 등을 약속하였다.

   - 이 프로그램은 평창의 장기 비전이자, IOC를 위한 "new horizons"인 셈이다. 

   - 조양호 위원장, 올림픽 무브먼트를 촉진 시키고, 새로운 지역에 동계스포츠 활성화를 강조하였다.

   - PT영상에서 김연아는 “지난 10년간 두 번의 비드의 열정이 없었다면, 올림픽 챔피언이 될 수 없을지도 모릅니다“라고 피력하였다.


   - 문대성 IOC 위원은 평창 유치의 5가지 이유를 compact plan, 범정부적 지원, 범국민적지지, IOC와의 약속 이행, IOC와의 최상의 파트너라고 설명하였다. 

   - Theresa Rah 대변인은 NOC와 IF를 위한 자문 프로그램 계획도 밝혔다.

PyeongChang to Invest $500m on Driving Winter Sports Growth in Korea

PyeongChang 2018, the Korean city bidding to host the winter Olympics, today launched a government-backed programme to invest $500 million in the country's winter sports scene over the next seven years.

Byoung-gug Choung, Korea's minister of culture, sports and tourism, and a member of the PyeongChang 2018 bid team, said that the landmark investment, dubbed the 'Drive the Dream' initiative, will run until 2018 and will be used to upgrade and build new winter sports facilities and training centres in South Korea, which will be made available to all people, not just elite athletes.

It also aims to identify and nurture elite-level athletes, develop more coaches and provide greater funds for teaching winter sports in schools.


The programme is another development in PyeongChang 2018's long-term vision, which claims that hosting the winter games will open up "new horizons" for the International Olympic Committee.

Addressing international federations in a presentation at the SportAccord convention in London today, Yang Ho Cho, chairman and chief executive of the bid, said: "We want to help promote the Olympic Movement and grow winter sports to new regions of the world, to leave a legacy like never before."

The impressive PyeongChang pitch, which was greeted with regular outbreaks of applause from the audience, included for the first time Kim Yu-na, who won Korea's first ever figure skating gold medal at the games in Vancouver, Canada last year.

Kim, who appeared via video, as she is training for the figure skating world championships in Moscow, said that even though PyeongChang missed out twice on hosting the winter Olympics, for 2010 and 2014, Korea has continued to improve its winter sports performances and facilities.

She said: "Without the continued efforts of the past two bids over the last 10 years, I may not have had the chance to become an Olympic champion."

Kim is expected to be part of the PyeongChang 2018 bid committee team that gives a technical briefing to IOC members in Lausanne next month.

Dae Sung Moon, an IOC member and a gold medallist in taekwondo at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, outlined to international federations the five reasons why PyeongChang should win the 2018 vote in Durban on July 6.

He said: "We are offering the most compact and efficient games; total government support; the complete support of the local people; we have kept our promises to the IOC; and we would be a good partner to the IOC."

Theresa Rah, communications director of PyeongChang 2018, told the international federations and national Olympic committees in the room that their interests would be well served with a winter games in Korea.

She said: "For the NOCs we will pay for two representatives to travel to PyeongChang for three days once a year to review our planning and offer advice. To the international federations, we will provide additional travel to send representatives to PyeongChang also to check progress."

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