스포츠 외교2011. 4. 12. 11:09
뮌헨 2018은 평창 2018을 강력한 경쟁자이자 위협을 가하는 존재로 정의하고 평창의 약점은 뮌헨의 강점으로 평창의 강점은 희석시키는 전략을 구사하고 있다.
평창의 약점인 동계스포츠인구와 열성팬들의 부족으로 경기장 관중채우기가 약점인 점을 부각시키기위해 뮌헨은 프레젠테이션에서 이를 집중 조명하여 역논리로써 반증하고 있으며 독일은 동계스포츠 강국으로써 이 두 가지 모두 평창을 크게 압도하고 있다고 홍보하고 있는 중이다.

“We are not just promising full stadia, we guarantee full stadia." (경기장은 꽉 들어차 입추의 여지도 없을 것임을 약속이 아니라 보장한다.)라고 카타리나 비트 뮌헨 유치 공동위원장은 공식프레젠테이션에서 열을 올리며 역설하였다.

뮌헨 2018 프레젠테이션 팀원으로 참석한 Hans-Peter Friedrich 독일 내무부장관은 
“In Germany we love winter sport,”(독일은 동계스포츠를 사랑한다.)라고 역설하였다.
대중지지도 역시 2010년 12월 25%에서 현재 73&까지 상승하고 있다고 주장하였다.
또한 평창이 동계올림픽개최를 통해 아시아 동계스포츠시장을 개척하겠다고 천명하자 Thomas Bach IOC부위원장 겸 뮌헨 2018유치위원장은  "
하나의 시장이 아니라 모든 스포츠와 올림픽 패밀리를 위해 올림픽 브랜드를 강화하고, 우정의 축제를 만들 것" (“The challenge of strengthening the Olympic brand, not just for one market, but for all sport and the entire Olympic family,” Bach described as being a key motivator of the bid.)임을 역설하면서 뮌헨유치의 핵심동기라고까지 묘사하였다.
또한 뮌헨유치의 유산은 <일부지역이 아니라> 전 세계올림픽운동을 위한 유산을 뮌헨2018을 통해 구현할 것이며 이는 "우정의 축제"로써 여러분 모두가 결코 잊을 수 없는 올림픽의분위기 창출기회의 창이다. (
“That’s the kind of legacy we want to leave through Munich 2018 – a legacy for the whole Olympic movement … a festival of friendship … in an Olympic atmosphere you will never forget.”) 라고 하면서 뮌헨이 모든 명분에서도 평창보다 설득력이 더 분명하다고 홍보하고 있다.

평창이 아시아에서 동계올림픽이 개최된지 20년(1972년 삿포로 및 1988년 나가노)이나 되었으므로 이번에는 아시아 유치도시인 평창의 차례라는 호소에 반하여 Bach는 강력한 어조로 독일은 80년간이나 동계올림픽을 개최하지 못하고 있노라면서 독일의 역대 10개 세대에 이르는 청소년들이 이러한 기회를 놏쳐왔다라고 하면서 평창의 20년 운운을 일축하는 발언으로 프레젠테이션을 결론지었다.(DOSB President Thomas Bach concluded the presentation with strong thoughts and words.

He said that there has been no Winter Games in Germany for 80 years; ten generations of youth who have missed this opportunity.)

세계적인 독일차의 지존 "BMW"는 IOC의 TOP Partner합류계획 카드까지 꺼내고 있다.
동계종목 국제연맹7개뿐만 아니라 IOC의 재정에도 독일이 기여하겠다는 의지표명으로 어떻해서도 IOC위원들의 표심이탈을 방지하고 독일의 힘, 뮌헨의 의지를 강력하고 역설하면서 평창2018 윽죄기에 필사적인 것 같다.


<뮌헨, 스폰서십, 흥행, 올림픽개최 명분 강조>

- PT영상에서 뮌헨의 미 강조

   - 뮌헨 시장 Christian Ude는 뮌헨을 베뉴가 있는 곳마다 예술과 문화가 살아있는 “축제의 도시”로 묘사하며, 하계 베뉴들을 동계 베뉴로 변경함으로 올림픽 유산을 80년까지 확대할 수 있다고 설명

   - 독일의 내무 장관 Hans-Peter Friedrich 는 강한 정부 지지와 73%까지 상승한 대중 지지를 부각

   - Bernhard Schwank는 항공 영상을 통해 바이에른주의 동계스포츠 베뉴의 사실적인 모습을 보여줌

   - BMW의 영업담당 Ian Robertson는 독일기업들의 스포츠에 대한 공헌을 피력하며, 100만명의 관람객과 10억명의 누계 시청자를 강조

   - Katarina Witt는 올림픽 흥행을 약속


   - Thomas Bach는 80년간 독일은 동계올림픽을 개최하지 않았으며, 10세대에 걸친 젊은이들이 이러한 기회를 놓쳐왔음을 설명

   - 하나의 시장이 아니라 모든 스포츠와 올림픽 패밀리를 위해 올림픽 브랜드를 강화하고, 우정의 축제를 만들 것임을 역설 

Munich 2018 Highlights It's Sponsorship Opportunities at SportAccord Presentation

(London) -- The two-time Olympic Figure Skating Champion, Munich 2018 Chair Katarina Witt led her team in a presentation Thursday to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Sport Federations at SportAccord in London.  As she took the podium, a video of her medal-winning performances filled the video screen.

A video described by Witt as “a taste of Munich” showed the art, culture in sport in and around Munich. 

Lord Mayor of Munich, Christian Ude described his city – “a city of festivals” with art and culture “right where the venues are”.  Oktoberfest hosts 6 million people, the largest cultural festival in the world.

Ude suggested that by transforming Summer Games venues for the Winter Games – the 1972 Olympic legacy will be extended from 40 to 80 years.

Germany’s Federal Minister of the Interior, Hans-Peter Friedrich highlighted the strong government support that the bid enjoys.  Public support has risen 25% to 73% over the past few months.

“In Germany we love winter sport,” he said. 

He said that there has been no Winter Games in Germany for 80 years; ten generations of youth who have missed this opportunity.

“The challenge of strengthening the Olympic brand, not just for one market, but for all sport and the entire Olympic family,” Bach described as being a key motivator of the bid.

“That’s the kind of legacy we want to leave through Munich 2018 – a legacy for the whole Olympic movement … a festival of friendship … in an Olympic atmosphere you will never forget.”

After the presentation Witt was very upbeat.

“We wanted to show the support from every level we can,” she said.

“It was a very strong presentation.“

”We did everything the way we hoped.”

Munich 2018 CEO Bernhard Schwank described the venues offered by the bid and described them as a flyover video appeared on screen described as the reality of winter sport in Bavaria.

BMW Group’s Head of Sales and Marketing, Ian Robertson, took the podium next and described BMW’s partnership with the bid and the Olympic movement.  He also spoke about the entire contribution German corporations make to sports.

“Through their sponsorships, German companies already now fund 50% of the revenues of the seven winter Ifs on the Winter Games programme,” he said.

Robertson spoke of the scope of the German sports audience – 1 million spectators and a cumulative television audience of over 1 billion viewers.

“That’s the kind of reach sponsors want.”

Katarina Witt took the podium again to describe the athlete experience the bid will deliver.

“I came back to the Olympic movement to help Munich create a plan that delivers the ultimate athlete experience,” she said.

“We are not just promising full stadia, we guarantee full stadia."

Witt introduced a video showing athletes at the Ski World Cup held recently in Garmisch-Partenkirchen that featured international athletes such as Lindsey Vonn from the United States endorsing the venue for 2018.

DOSB President Thomas Bach concluded the presentation with strong thoughts and words.

He said that there has been no Winter Games in Germany for 80 years; ten generations of youth who have missed this opportunity.

“The challenge of strengthening the Olympic brand, not just for one market, but for all sport and the entire Olympic family,” Bach described as being a key motivator of the bid.

“That’s the kind of legacy we want to leave through Munich 2018 – a legacy for the whole Olympic movement … a festival of friendship … in an Olympic atmosphere you will never forget.”

After the presentation Witt was very upbeat.

“We wanted to show the support from every level we can,” she said.

“It was a very strong presentation.“

”We did everything the way we hoped.”

<뮌헨 후원사 BMW, IOC TOP 스폰서 염두>

- BMW 영업담당 Ian Robertson, BMW가 IOC의 TOP 스폰서 고려한다고 밝혔다.

   - 뮌헨의 유치를 위한 것이냐의 질문에 Robertson는 뮌헨과 결부 짓는 것이 필수적이지는 않지만, 힘든 경쟁인 것은 사실이다고 답변하였다.

   - 2012와 2014에는 자동차 분야에 TOP 스폰서가 없으며, 소치 2014에만 local tier-one sponsor로BMW의 경쟁사인 Volkswagen이 가입하고 있다. 

   - Robertson는 TOP 스폰서는 Rio 2016을 검토한다고 밝혔다.

   - 그는 PT에서 많은 독일 기업이 IF에 대한 재정 뒷받침을 하고 있으며, 뮌헨의 2018동계올림픽 유치는 더 많은 지원을 이끌어 낼 것이라고 설명하였다.

   - 또한, 100만명의 관람객들이 12개의 동계스포츠 월드컵과 3개의 챔피언십을 즐겼으며, 누계 시청자만 10억명이나 달한다고 강조하였다.

   - 독일의 내무 장관 Hans-Peter Friedrich 는 강한 정부 지지와 73%까지 상승한 대중 지지를 부각시켰다.

   - Thomas Bach는 동계올림픽으로 40% 수입이 생기며, 2018 뮌헨은 전체 올림픽 패밀리에게 잠재적인 경제성을 가진다고 설명하였다. 

<Munich 2018 Supporter BMW: We're Considering Stepping up to Become IOC TOP Sponsor>

BMW, the German automotive company that is a local sponsor of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, as well as supporting the bid of Munich, the brand’s home city, to host the 2018 winter Olympic Games, is considering stepping up to become a top-tier International Olympic Committee TOP sponsor, according to Ian Robertson, BMW's head of sales and marketing.

Speaking on the sidelines of the SportAccord convention in London this morning, having also taken part in a presentation to delegates by the Munich 2018 bid, Robertson, a member of BMW's board of management, said: “We would consider being a TOP sponsor. We need to see
what develops.”

Asked if the decision on whether to become a TOP sponsor rests on Munich winning the right to host the 2018 winter Olympics (the IOC is due to select the host city on July 6), Robertson replied: “It’s not necessarily linked to Munich winning. Clearly we would like it to be successful, but it’s up against tough competition.”

Munich is bidding against Annecy in France and PyeongChang in Korea to host the games.

There is no TOP sponsor in the automotive category for either the 2012 Olympic Games in London or the Sochi winter Olympics, albeit in September 2009 Sochi 2014 announced that it had signed Volkswagen, BMW’s German rival, as a local tier-one sponsor of the winter games.

Asked by Sportcal in June that year whether Sochi’s imminent announcement of a car sponsor meant that the IOC had given up its own search, Gerhard Heiberg, the IOC member who heads up the marketing commission, replied: “Absolutely not.”

Robertson said that the TOP sponsors car category is available for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

During the Munich 2018 presentation, Robertson said that the level of financial support that the likes of BMW give international federations would increase if Munich wins the right to host the 2018 games.

Making his first appearance in a Munich 2018 presentation, Robertson told members of international federations present at the convention: "Many German companies understand the wide-ranging benefits of hosting the winter games. In fact through their sponsorships, German companies already now fund 50 per cent of the revenues of the seven winter international federations on the winter games programme. Olympic winter games in Munich 2018 would of course encourage them to stay on for decades and even increase their support."

"And that will mean much greater winter sport sponsorship everywhere and a much stronger Olympic Movement as a result."

Robertson said that the German public's love for winter sports - nearly 1 million people turned out for the 12 winter sport World Cups and three championships that the country hosted this past winter - would also play into the hands of sponsors.

He added: "The cumulative German television audience [for those events] was well over one billion. That's the kind of reach sponsors want." 

Other members of the Munich 2018 presentation team today included Hans-Peter Friedrich, Germany's minister of the interior, who was quick to point out the "100-per-cent" support the bid enjoys from "every level of government in Germany."

Friedrich said: "Parliament, our major political parties, including the opposition, and the Free State of Bavaria have made Munich 2018 a national and regional priority."

Despite a planned referendum on May 8 on whether Olympic events should take place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the snow sports cluster, Friedrich claimed that the Munich bid "enjoys the highest level of support of any major public project in recent times."

He said public support now stands at 73 per cent, up 25 per cent from December 2010.

Katarina Witt and Bernard Schwank, respectively chair and chief executive of the Munich 2018 bid, Thomas Bach, the IOC vice-president and chair of the shareholders board for the bid, and Christian Ude, the mayor of Munich, all appeared before the international federations in what Witt described as Munich 2018's "best presentation to date."

Referring to the commercial opportunities presented by Munich, Bach said: "With 40 per cent of all Olympic revenues generated by the winter games, the economic potential of Munich 2018 extends to the entire Olympic family."

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