<우리말 속담을 영어로~ VI>

1) -(We are) outnumbered/overcome by numbers.

   -There is no contending against such odds.


2) It is difficult to stop the voice of the people.


3) Even a mere child knows it.

  -삼척동자도 그것은 안다.

4) To feel a moment as if it were three years.

  -일각이 여삼추

5) -The wisest thing to do is to beat a retreat.

   -Discretion is the better part of valor.

  (조심, 분별은 용기의 태반이다)

(*beat a retreat:퇴각하다 (사업에서)손을떼다)

  -삽십육계 줄행랑이 제일이다.

6) Absorption in reading.


7) -A saint's maid quotes Latin.

   -The sparrow near the school sings the primer.

  (*primer:초보독본, 입문서)

  -서당개 3년에 풍월을 읊는다.

8) A candle flickering in the wind.


9) -It's like waiting for pigs to fly.

    -If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.


10) Evil people are rampant.


11)  -Seeing is believing.

      -The proof of pudding is in the eating.

      -A thousand hearings are not worth one seeing.

      -There is nothing like seeing for oneself.

    -백문이 불여일견

12) Bad habits are hard to break.

   -제 버릇 개 못준다.

13) -Myriads of people.

     -The people.

     -The masses.


14) Preaching to deaf ears.

   -말귀에 염불/쇠귀에 경읽기 

15) -To talk incongruously.

     -To talk nonsense.

     -To talk of cabages and kings.

   -말살에 쇠살

16) One goes where one shouldn't.

  -말간데 소간다.

17) Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.

   -말 타면 경마 잡히고 싶다.

18) To make a great fuss [uproar].

   -덴 소 날치듯 하다

19) -To stare vacantly [with no interest].

    -To look at each other in silence.

   -소 닭 보듯 (닭 소 보듯)하다

20) -To force water down an ox.

     -To walk at a snail's pace.

   -소 걸음으로 건다/ 소에 물을 먹이다(근수를 올리려고)

21) -To lock the door after the horse is gone.

    -To close the barn door after the horse is stolen.

   -소 잃고 외양간 고친다.

22) -After death, the doctor.

     -After the march, the trumpet sounds.

   -버스 지나간 뒤 손 흔들기(원님 행차후 나팔불기)

23) Wanting the improbable often leads to frustration.

   -동네 색시믿고 장가 못든다.

24) To only find faults with a person without complying with his request.

   -동냥은 아니주고 쪽박만 깬다.

25) A black hen laid white eggs.

  -개천에서 용 난다.

26) To work harm to one's own fellows.

   -망둥이 제 동무 잡아 먹는다.


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)