스포츠 외교2011. 4. 15. 17:30
카타르는 2022년 FIFA월드컵 개최국이다.
카타르는 2014년  FIFA월드컵 개최후 2년 후인 2016년 올림픽유치에 성공한 브라질(리오 데 자네이로)의 선례를 본떠 2024년 올림픽을 유치할 가능성이 있다고 한다.
그러나 중동 이웃사촌인 UAE의 두바이와 아부다비가 2020년 올림픽유치에 발을 먼저 담가 입도선매하는 것을 수수방관만 하지는 않을 것 같다.
그럴 경우 중동의 국제스포츠유치 신흥강국인 카타르의 도하(2006년 아시안게임 개최 및 2016년 올림픽유치신청도시)를 내세울 가능성도 있다.
그렇게 될 경우 중동 지역 IOC위원들은 2018년-2020년 올림픽의 대륙안배를 의식하게 될 것이다.

인터넷 스포츠 전문 매체인 Around The Rings 보도내용을 소개한다.

<카타르와 더반의 2020 비드>


- ATR 소식통에 의하면 카타르는 2020보다 2024 비드에 나설 가능성이 있으며, 카타르에서 12월로 예정된 범아랍 경기대회 준비도 최근 여러 중동 국가들의 동요로 차질을 빚고 있음

- 카타르는 2022 월드컵 준비를 통해 개발이 촉진되고 있으며, 소식통은 카타르가 2014 월드컵 준비를 통해 2016 올림픽에 필요한 각종 경기장과 기반시설 조건들을 충족시킨 브라질의 선례를 따를 가능성이 있다고 전해

- 하지만 두바이와 아부다비가 여전히 2020 비드 가능성을 검토하고 있으므로, 중동 첫 올림픽 개최 타이틀을 빼앗기지 않기 위해 도하가 2020 유치에 나설 가능성도 여전히 존재한다고도 언급

- 더반 부시장, 7월 IOC 총회를 훌륭하게 치르고 이것이 올림픽 비드에 힘을 보탤 것이라고 자신

- 남아공 매체 보도에 의하면 그는 “더반은 (총회 참가자들을) 환대하고, IOC 집행위원회와 참가자들에게 더반의 올림픽 개최 능력을 보여줄 것”이라고 발언

- 또한 더반이 올림픽 개최를 위한 “최적의 날씨”를 갖추고 있다고 언급 

Qatar May Pass on 2020; Durban Confidence

Qatar Unsure About 2020

Qatar may decide to pass on a bid for the 2020 Olympics in favor of a pitch for the Games four years later, a source close to the Gulf state's Olympic committee tells Around the Rings.

The source also said Qatar's organization of the 12th Pan-Arab Games in December has been impacted by the current unrest in some Arab countries.

"I don't think they have a plan to try and organize the Olympic Games in 2020," the source told ATR Thursday. "I know they are interested in 2024. That is what I have heard all the time.

"But I am sure they have not made up their minds."

The staging of the FIFA World Cup in 2022 is accelerating the development of the oil-rich nation. An Olympic bid could complicate the timetable of the multi-billion dollar construction effort. 

The source, who is familiar with Qatar's aggressive approach to bidding for international sports events, believes the country's government may take its cue from Brazil. The South American nation is using the 2014 World Cup to put in place some venue and infrastructural requirements needed for the Rio 2016 Games.

"With all the infrastructure being built for the [2022 World Cup], it all makes sense to do something afterwards. They [Qatar] are spending so much money in the years leading up to it," he added.

With Dubai and Abu Dhabi still mulling a bid for 2020, he suggested Doha could still be forced to enter a bid amid fears the United Arab Emirates might winning hosting rights.

Such a scenario would mean Doha would have to scrap its plan to bid for another Games in the Middle East in 2024.

The petroleum-rich Gulf state lost out on the 2016 Olympics, with Rio de Janeiro winning hosting rights in 2009.

In December, IOC president Jacques Rogge welcomed another Olympic bid from the Middle East.

"There is an interest in certain Middle Eastern countries for the Games, and we would welcome their bids," he said in Muscat as the 2nd Asian Beach Games got underway.

Expressions of interest from the region brought a change to the IOC's 2020 bidding contest.

Doha’s 2016 bid fell short because the IOC was unhappy with its plan to hold the Games in October to avoid the blistering desert summer temperatures.

The IOC is now asking for NOCs to request submission of proposed dates, if nations want to stage the Games outside the normal period set by the IOC (July 15 and August 31). The IOC will respond to NOCs on these points by the end of August. The deadline for applicant city nominations from NOCs is Sept. 1.

In the coming months, Qatar's sports leaders are focusing much of their efforts on the 12th Pan-Arab Games.

With less than eight months until the multisport event, Qatar is currently facing significant challenges in its preparations.

The ATR source claimed that the toppling of governments in the region and unrest in other Arab countries was causing "major problems" in communications between organizers and some of the 22 participating NOCs such as Libya and Syria.

Durban 2020

Logie Naidoo, deputy mayor of Durban, says the city is confident it will put on a good IOC Session, which will be a boost for an Olympic bid.

“We will roll out the red carpet and convince the IOC board and conference members that Durban is capable of hosting the Olympics” he was quoted by South African media.

“We believe that we are on the right track and are fairly confident that we will pip the other cities and win the right to bid,” Naidoo said.

The Session is scheduled to take place July 6-9.

Durban must beat out the other South African cities that want to bid, including Cape Town, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth.

Naidoo also said Durban has “perfect weather” for an Olympics.

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