1. 군대 일상용어
1)방독면: gas mask
2)반납하다: turn in
3)유류(석유, 기름, 주유): petroleum, oil, and lubricant(P.O.L.)
4)휘발유: mogas
6)항공유: JPA
7)비축물자: stock pile[War Reserve Material]
8)대치픔목: substitute item
9)동원물자: mobilization material
10)급수낭: water bladder
11)주둔지: beddown site
12)지원: back up
13)대량물자: bulk material
14)적재: on load
15)하화: off load
16)치장장치: stored equipment
17)소무품: expendables
18)공중 재보급: areial resupply
19)급식 및 숙소: messing and billeting
20)피해복구대: damage repair team
21)정비 및 보수: maintenance and modification
1)방독면: gas mask
2)반납하다: turn in
3)유류(석유, 기름, 주유): petroleum, oil, and lubricant(P.O.L.)
4)휘발유: mogas
6)항공유: JPA
7)비축물자: stock pile[War Reserve Material]
8)대치픔목: substitute item
9)동원물자: mobilization material
10)급수낭: water bladder
11)주둔지: beddown site
12)지원: back up
13)대량물자: bulk material
14)적재: on load
15)하화: off load
16)치장장치: stored equipment
17)소무품: expendables
18)공중 재보급: areial resupply
19)급식 및 숙소: messing and billeting
20)피해복구대: damage repair team
21)정비 및 보수: maintenance and modification
2. 군대약어
1)FY: Fiscal Year(회계년도)
2)KIA: Killing In Action(전사)
3)MIA: Missing In Action(행방불명)
4)LA: Limit of Advance(전진한계선)
5)LMG: Light Machine Gun(경기관단총)
6)MOS: Military Occupational Specialty(군사특기)
7)LO: Lubrication Order(주유 명령)
8)MOQ: Married Officers'Quarters(기혼장교숙소)
9)MX: Maneuver Excercise(기동훈련)
10)OD: Officer of the Day(일직사관)
11)POW: Prinsor of War(전쟁포로)
12)RR: Recoilless Rifle(무반동총)
13)TMO: Transportation Movements Office(여행장병안내소)
14)WIA: Wounded In Action(전상자)
15)ZP: Zone of Fire(사격지대)
1)FY: Fiscal Year(회계년도)
2)KIA: Killing In Action(전사)
3)MIA: Missing In Action(행방불명)
4)LA: Limit of Advance(전진한계선)
5)LMG: Light Machine Gun(경기관단총)
6)MOS: Military Occupational Specialty(군사특기)
7)LO: Lubrication Order(주유 명령)
8)MOQ: Married Officers'Quarters(기혼장교숙소)
9)MX: Maneuver Excercise(기동훈련)
10)OD: Officer of the Day(일직사관)
11)POW: Prinsor of War(전쟁포로)
12)RR: Recoilless Rifle(무반동총)
13)TMO: Transportation Movements Office(여행장병안내소)
14)WIA: Wounded In Action(전상자)
15)ZP: Zone of Fire(사격지대)
(다음 호에 계속됩니다.)
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