스포츠 영어2010. 8. 18. 17:18

                                         (IOC올림픽 박물관 소장 작품)

1. 군대 일상 용어

1)작전보안: operation security
2)보급창: supply depot
3)병기창: ordnance depot
4)군수품/전쟁물자: -munition
                           -munitions of war
5)군수공장: munition factory[plant]
6)폐품: salvage
7)조달: procurement
8)현지조달: local procurement
9)중앙조달: government procurement
10)해외조달: offshore procurement
11)긴급보충: fast fill(F/F)
12)대량보급: bulk supply
13)상황판단: estimate of the situation
14)방책: courses of action
*상황판단이야말로 문제해결의 관정이다.
-The estimate of the situation is a problem-solving process.
15)돌파: penetration
16)포수: gunner
17)탄약수: loader
18)전반 기관총사수: bow gunner
19)철조망:-barbed wire
              -wire entanglement
20)기본 휴대량: basic load

2. 군대약어

1)EM: Enlisted man(사병)
2)EW: Early Warning(조기경보)
3)EUSA: Eighth United States Army(미8군)
4)FAP: Fragmentation Anti-Personnel(대인파편지뢰)
5)FFTG: FireFighting(소방)

(다음 호에 계속됩니다.)

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)