1. 군대전투 작전 및 공격용어
1)사격술: markmanship
2)사수: marksman
3)저격수: sniper
4)특등사수: expert/expert gunner
5)1등사수: sharp shooter/first class gunner
6)2등사수: marksman/second class gunner
7)조준!: aiming
8)사격준비!: stand by fires,
9)엎드려 쏴 자세로!: Assume the prone position!
10)앉아 쏴 자세로!: Assume the sitting position!
11)서서 쏴 자세로!: Assume the standing position!
12)9발 탄약 준비!: Coaches secure grounds of ammunition!
13)한 발 장전!: Lock one round load!
14)우선[좌선, 사선] 준비!: Ready on the right[left, firing]line!
15)표적이 나타나면 사격개시!: Commence firing when your target appears!
16)사로 봐!: Watch your target!
17) 사격 끝!: Cease firing!
18)문어: challenge word8)사격준비!: stand by fires,
9)엎드려 쏴 자세로!: Assume the prone position!
10)앉아 쏴 자세로!: Assume the sitting position!
11)서서 쏴 자세로!: Assume the standing position!
12)9발 탄약 준비!: Coaches secure grounds of ammunition!
13)한 발 장전!: Lock one round load!
14)우선[좌선, 사선] 준비!: Ready on the right[left, firing]line!
15)표적이 나타나면 사격개시!: Commence firing when your target appears!
16)사로 봐!: Watch your target!
17) 사격 끝!: Cease firing!
19)답어/암구어: pass word
20)동초: walking guard
21)고정보초: stationary guard
22)척후: scout
24)통신보안: communications and signal security
25)정지! 누구냐? : Halt ! Who's there?
26)박대위다.(아군): Capt. Park(friend)
27)보초 앞으로 !: Sir, advance and be recognized !
28)보호수칙은? : What are your oders?
29)보호수칙은 두 가지입니다. 일반수칙과 특별수칙: Sir, my orders ar of two classes, general and special.
30)보초구역은? : What are the limits of this post ?
31)야간에는 복초가 선다: At night, double sentinels are posted.
32)군견: scout dog26)박대위다.(아군): Capt. Park(friend)
27)보초 앞으로 !: Sir, advance and be recognized !
28)보호수칙은? : What are your oders?
29)보호수칙은 두 가지입니다. 일반수칙과 특별수칙: Sir, my orders ar of two classes, general and special.
30)보초구역은? : What are the limits of this post ?
31)야간에는 복초가 선다: At night, double sentinels are posted.
33)능선: ridge line
34)등고선: countour line
35)방향선정/항해[항공]술: navigation
36)북극성: north star
37)지형참조좌표: GEDREF(Geographic References)
38)지도방위측정: map orientation
39)적의 주의를 다른 곳으로 돌려라.: Divert the enemy's attention from other areas.
40)적으로부터 필요 자원을 탈취하라.: Deprive the enemy of required resources.
41)주도권을 잡다: gain[seize] the initiative40)적으로부터 필요 자원을 탈취하라.: Deprive the enemy of required resources.
42)협공: coordinated attack
43)작전의 세 가지 기본형태는 돌파, 정면공격, 그리고 포위다.: The three basisi forms of maneuver are the penetration, frontal attack, and the enveolpment.
44)거점: strong point45)역습: counter attack
46)반격: counter offensive
47)지역방어: area defense
48)사주방어: perimeter defense
49)파쇄공격: spoiling attack
50)고도의 전투태세를 유지해야 한다.: We must maintain a high state of combat readiness.
51)취약점을 제거하려고 노력해 왔다.: We have been trying to eleiminate vulnerabilities.
52)사후 보고서를 발간하겠음: I will be publishing a follow-up action report.
51)취약점을 제거하려고 노력해 왔다.: We have been trying to eleiminate vulnerabilities.
52)사후 보고서를 발간하겠음: I will be publishing a follow-up action report.
53)긴급요청: immediate request
54)근접항공지원: C.A.S.(Close Air Support)
55)공군의 작전명령: frog order
56)선회대기지점: orbit point
57)접촉시간: RZ(Rendez-vous) Time
58)1,000 피트(feet)<단위>: ANGEL
59)불발탄: dud
60)항공기에 의한 작전비행: sortie
61)폭격피해판정: B.D.A.(Bomb Damage Assessment)
62)전방항공통제반: F.A.C.(Forward Air Controller)
63)기계획요청: preplanned request
64)제공시간: BIngo Fuel
65)무장/화기/병기: ordnance
66)기상: WX(weather)
67)기수: heading
68)긴급출동: scramble
69)중앙관제소: C.R.C.(Control and Reporting Center)
70)기총소사: strafing
71)긴급(전술항공요청 시): emergency
72)현위치를 알려라. 이상! : What's your position, over.
73)현재 고도 8,000 피트 상공 선회대기 지점에 있다.: Now, orbit point angel 8.
74)내가 보이는가? : Do you have me in sight?
75)안 보인다.[보인다.]: Negative in sight.[I have in sight.]
76)공격기수는 동에서 서로하고 이탈방향은 좌선회하라.: Attack heading east to west, and break off left.
77)무장투하순서는 네이팜, 다음이 기총소사 순위다.: Ordnance sequence Napalm and strafing.
78)제공시간 30분, 4회공격! : BIngo fuel 30minutes, 4 pass.
(계속)73)현재 고도 8,000 피트 상공 선회대기 지점에 있다.: Now, orbit point angel 8.
74)내가 보이는가? : Do you have me in sight?
75)안 보인다.[보인다.]: Negative in sight.[I have in sight.]
76)공격기수는 동에서 서로하고 이탈방향은 좌선회하라.: Attack heading east to west, and break off left.
77)무장투하순서는 네이팜, 다음이 기총소사 순위다.: Ordnance sequence Napalm and strafing.
78)제공시간 30분, 4회공격! : BIngo fuel 30minutes, 4 pass.
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