1.군부대(military unit; military corps)
<부대명칭(unit name)>
1)총사령부: general headquarters(G.H.Q.)
2)사령부: headquarters(H.Q.)
3)육군: the Army
4)해군: the Navy
5)공군: the Air Forces
6)해병대: the Marine Corps
7)특전단: a ranger-commando force
8)공수부대: -airborne troops
-an airborne unit[corps]
9)공수사단: an airborne division
*공수작전: airlift operations
10)공수기동사단: an air mobile division
11)사관생도대: the Cadet Corps
12)향토예비군: the Homeland Defense Forces
13)민방위대: the Civil Defense Forces
14)학군단: the Reserve Officers's Training Corps(ROTC)
15)예비대: Reserve
<부대명칭(unit name)>
1)총사령부: general headquarters(G.H.Q.)
2)사령부: headquarters(H.Q.)
3)육군: the Army
4)해군: the Navy
5)공군: the Air Forces
6)해병대: the Marine Corps
7)특전단: a ranger-commando force
8)공수부대: -airborne troops
-an airborne unit[corps]
9)공수사단: an airborne division
*공수작전: airlift operations
10)공수기동사단: an air mobile division
11)사관생도대: the Cadet Corps
12)향토예비군: the Homeland Defense Forces
13)민방위대: the Civil Defense Forces
14)학군단: the Reserve Officers's Training Corps(ROTC)
15)예비대: Reserve
2. 부대단위(unit denomination)
2)군: the Army
*제1군: the 1st Army
*제1군사령부:the 1st Army Headquarters
3)군단: the Corps
*제3군단: the 3rd Corps
*육균 제3군단: the 3rd Corps of the Amry
4)사단:the Division
*제12사단: the 12th Division
*육균 제12사단: the 12th Division of the Army
*육군 보병 제12사단: the 12th Infantry Division of the Army
5)연대: the Regiment
*제8연대: the 8th Regiment
*제12사단 8연대: the 8th Regiment of the 12th Division
6)대대: the Battalion
7)중대: the Company
8)소대: the Platoon
9)분대: the Squad
10)반: Section
11)분대 내무반: a Squadroom
2)군: the Army
*제1군: the 1st Army
*제1군사령부:the 1st Army Headquarters
3)군단: the Corps
*제3군단: the 3rd Corps
*육균 제3군단: the 3rd Corps of the Amry
4)사단:the Division
*제12사단: the 12th Division
*육균 제12사단: the 12th Division of the Army
*육군 보병 제12사단: the 12th Infantry Division of the Army
5)연대: the Regiment
*제8연대: the 8th Regiment
*제12사단 8연대: the 8th Regiment of the 12th Division
6)대대: the Battalion
7)중대: the Company
8)소대: the Platoon
9)분대: the Squad
10)반: Section
11)분대 내무반: a Squadroom
3. 병과 별 단위(unit by branches of the Army)
-an infantryman
-a foot soldier
-a dogface(미 속어)
-an artilleryman
-a gunner
*야전포병: field artillery
*포대: battery(포병중대)
3)기갑부대: an armored unit
4)기계화부대: a mechanized unit
5)외인부대: a foreign legion
6)전투부대: a fighting unit
7)후방부대: rear-guard units
8)파견대: detachment
*예속부대: assignment unit
*배속부대: attachment unit
9)육군 신병 훈련소: an Army Training Camp for Recruits
-an infantryman
-a foot soldier
-a dogface(미 속어)
-an artilleryman
-a gunner
*야전포병: field artillery
*포대: battery(포병중대)
3)기갑부대: an armored unit
4)기계화부대: a mechanized unit
5)외인부대: a foreign legion
6)전투부대: a fighting unit
7)후방부대: rear-guard units
8)파견대: detachment
*예속부대: assignment unit
*배속부대: attachment unit
9)육군 신병 훈련소: an Army Training Camp for Recruits
4. 군대 일반용어
1)수류탄: hand grenade
2)지뢰: -an earth grenade
-a mine
*지뢰 탐지기: a mine detector
*지뢰를 제거[회수]하다: remove[retrieve] mines
3)박격포: morter
4)폭약: charges
5)폭탄: bomb
6)폭파: demolitions
7)탄막: barrage
8)화염방사기: flame thrower
9)로켓포: -a rocket gun
-a rocket launcher
10)조명탄: illuminating shell
11)나침반: compass
12)권총: -a pistol
-a gun
-a hanggun
-a revolver
*38구경 권총: a 38-caliber revolver
13)소총: -a rifle
-small arms(총칭)
*엠십육소총: an M-16 (rifle)
*카빈소총: a carbine
*소총탄알:-a bullet
-a rifleshot
14)기관총: a machine gun(MG)
15)소음총: -a gun fitted with a silencer
-a silenced gun
16)소이탄: -an incendiary(bomb[shell])
-a fire bomb
17)연막탄: a smoke shell
18)자동소총: an automatic rifle
19)유도탄: a guided missile
20)대포: -a gun
-a cannon
*대포소리: the roaring[boom]of guns
*대포알/포탄: -a shell
-a cannonball
21)탄도탄: a ballistic missile
*대륙간 탄도탄: an intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM)
22)핵폭탄:-an atomic bomb
-a nuclear bomb
-an N bomb
*핵무기: -a nuclear weapon
-nuclear arms[weaponary](총칭)
*핵보유가능성: nuclear capability
*핵보유수: nuclear capacity
*핵공장: nuclear facilities
*핵보유국: a nuclear power
*핵무장: nuclear armament
*핵미사일: nuclear missiles
*핵탄두: a nuclear warhead
*핵탄두미사일: -a nuclear missile
-nuclear tipped missile
-missile with a nuclear warhead
*전략핵탄두: a strategic nuclear warhead
*핵폴발: a nuclear explosion
*핵항공모함: a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
*핵잠수함: a nuclear-powered submarine
23)수소폭탄: -a hydrogen bomb
-an H-bomb
*수소폭탄실험:-an H-bomb[a thermonuclear] test
24)중성자탄: a neutron bomb
1)수류탄: hand grenade
2)지뢰: -an earth grenade
-a mine
*지뢰 탐지기: a mine detector
*지뢰를 제거[회수]하다: remove[retrieve] mines
3)박격포: morter
4)폭약: charges
5)폭탄: bomb
6)폭파: demolitions
7)탄막: barrage
8)화염방사기: flame thrower
9)로켓포: -a rocket gun
-a rocket launcher
10)조명탄: illuminating shell
11)나침반: compass
12)권총: -a pistol
-a gun
-a hanggun
-a revolver
*38구경 권총: a 38-caliber revolver
13)소총: -a rifle
-small arms(총칭)
*엠십육소총: an M-16 (rifle)
*카빈소총: a carbine
*소총탄알:-a bullet
-a rifleshot
14)기관총: a machine gun(MG)
15)소음총: -a gun fitted with a silencer
-a silenced gun
16)소이탄: -an incendiary(bomb[shell])
-a fire bomb
17)연막탄: a smoke shell
18)자동소총: an automatic rifle
19)유도탄: a guided missile
20)대포: -a gun
-a cannon
*대포소리: the roaring[boom]of guns
*대포알/포탄: -a shell
-a cannonball
21)탄도탄: a ballistic missile
*대륙간 탄도탄: an intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM)
22)핵폭탄:-an atomic bomb
-a nuclear bomb
-an N bomb
*핵무기: -a nuclear weapon
-nuclear arms[weaponary](총칭)
*핵보유가능성: nuclear capability
*핵보유수: nuclear capacity
*핵공장: nuclear facilities
*핵보유국: a nuclear power
*핵무장: nuclear armament
*핵미사일: nuclear missiles
*핵탄두: a nuclear warhead
*핵탄두미사일: -a nuclear missile
-nuclear tipped missile
-missile with a nuclear warhead
*전략핵탄두: a strategic nuclear warhead
*핵폴발: a nuclear explosion
*핵항공모함: a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
*핵잠수함: a nuclear-powered submarine
23)수소폭탄: -a hydrogen bomb
-an H-bomb
*수소폭탄실험:-an H-bomb[a thermonuclear] test
24)중성자탄: a neutron bomb
5. 군대약어
1) PRI: Preliminary Rifle Instruction(사격술 예비훈련)
2) AL: Assaulting Line(돌격선)
3) ammo: ammunition(탄약)
4) AS: Authorized Strength(인가병력)
5) B.O.Q.: Bachelor Officers' Quarters(독신장교숙소)
1) PRI: Preliminary Rifle Instruction(사격술 예비훈련)
2) AL: Assaulting Line(돌격선)
3) ammo: ammunition(탄약)
4) AS: Authorized Strength(인가병력)
5) B.O.Q.: Bachelor Officers' Quarters(독신장교숙소)
(다음호에 계속됩니다.)
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