1) I'm through with you.
-너하곤 이제 끝났다구.
2) I think we have very good chemistry between us.
-너하곤 통 하는 데가 있단 말야.
3) Two of a kind.
-한 통속/ 그놈이 그놈이지
4) All's well that ends well.
-모로 가도 서울만 가면 되는 거지.
5) Hit-and-run deal.
-떳다방/치고 빠지기 방식
6) Don't give a hard time.
-똥개 훈련시키지 마./애 좀 작작 먹이라구.
7) Don't give me bullshit, ok?
-똥개 훈련시키는 거야 뭐야?/ 수작 부리지 말라구.
8) No comment.
-유구무언이여./할 말 없네.
9) You are killing with kindness.
-엿 먹이고 있네./염장 지르지 말게.
10) Sudden appearance and disappearance from nowhere.
-동에 번쩍 서에 번쩍/ 신출귀몰
11) Why don't you read between the lines?
-숨은 뜻을 찾게나/행간을 읽길 바라네. (언중유골이라네)
12) How about taking the bull by the horns?
-이 난국을 정면 돌파해 나가는 게 어때?
13) We are in the same boat.
-오월동주 일세./공동 운명체라네.
14) What a sour grape!
-계륵이라고나 할까?/버리긴 아깝고, 남 주자니 싫고.
15) You are barking at the wrong tree.
-자다가 봉창 긁는 소리 말게./번지 수 잘 못 찾았수다.
16) I got the message.
-무슨 말인지 감 잡았다구.
17) The belly has no ears.
-금강산 구경도 식후경 아니겠나? (Nothing feels better than a full tommy.) or
(It takes a full stomach to appreciate even the best of scenery.) or (Bread is better that the song of the birds.)
*작별 인사 말
-It's been nice talking with you.
-Nice talking to you.
-Nice meeting you.
-See you around.
-See you soon.
-See you again.
-So long!
-I've got to to be going now.
-Our meeting has been a most memorable occasion.
-It was such a fruitful meeting with you.
-I really enjoyed meeting with you.
-I wish you every success and continued prosperity.
-With close of our meeting. let me say how much I appreciate your kindness/friendship/hospitality.
-I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again in the near future.
-I bid you farewell.
-I must say good-by now.
-I think I must be going now.
-I kiss you good-by.
-I really appreciate your coming-by.
-I really appreciate your time.
-We will now return to our daily responsibilities.
-I look forward to seeing you soon.
-I look forward to meeting you again soon.
-I look forward to meeting with you again soon in the near future.
-I am gonna miss you soon.
-Parting is such a sweet sorrow.(Romeo and Juliet)
*자기가 뿌린 씨는 자기가 거둬들여야 한다./자업자득/인과응보
-As a man sows, so he shall reap.
-He asked for it.
-That serves him right.
-He has brought it on himself.
-It's his own fault. Let him stew in his own juice.(자업자득이니까 내버려 두어라.)
*His poverty is of his own making.(그의 가난은 자업자득이다.)
-A reward in accordance with a deed.(인과 응보)
-Retributive justice(in the universe)/Retribution(인과 응보)
*Though no one can escape retribution for evil-doing, he had a tragic end.(인과 응보라고는 하지만 그의 말로는 참으로 비참했다.)
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