스포츠 외교2020. 7. 30. 10:03

[스포츠외교현장이야기실록76(8Jacques Rogge IOC위원장과의 인연과 OST<Our Story Telling>)]


7Samaranch IOC위원장을 이어 제8IOC위원장으로 선출된 Jacques Rogge2001Moscow개최 IOC총회에서 막강 경쟁후보였던 한국의 김운용 IOC부위원장을 2위로 밀어 내고 선출되었다. (Dr. Jacques Rogge was elected the 8th IOC President having succeeded the 7th IOC President J.A. Samaranch in 2001 at Moscow IOC Session, defeating dr. Un-Yong Kim, then-IOC Vice President & KOC President, his runner-up candidate of IOC Presidential election.)

Rogge IOC위원장은 벨기에 서울1988올림픽 벨기에 NOC부위원장으로 선수단장 그리고 이후 NOC위원장 및 EOC(European Olympic Committee)회장을 역임하였다. 정형외과 의사 출신으로 올림픽 요트선수로도 활약하였다. (IOC President Rogge, orthopedic surgeon by profession and Olympic athlete in Yachting, came to Seoul as Chef-de-Mission of Belgium Olympic Delegation at Seoul 1988 Olympics. He was also Vice President of Belgium NOC at that time.)


(벨기에 NOC부위원장 겸 서울1988올림픽 벨기에 선수단장자격으로 방한 한 Jacques Rogge<2001년 제8IOC위원장 당선>가 김종하 KOC위원장 오찬에 참석하였다. 필자는 당시 KOC국제과장으로 가운데서 통역 중/Dr Jacques Rogge, Chef-de-Mission of Belgium Olympic Delegation in the picture<1st from left> was invited to a luncheon hosted by KOC President Chong-Ha Kim<first from right> at Chinese Restaurant of Seoul Plaza Hotel in 1988, Rocky Yoon, myself,<in the middle> also attended as interpreter for KOC President.)


영어-불어-스페인어에 능통하였으며 “Mr. Clean”이란 별칭을 얻을 정도로 청렴결백을 강조하였다. (He is a multilingual, speaking English-French-Spanish, and was called “Mr. Clean” as he emphasized the importance of the integrity.)

Salk Lake City 2002동계올림픽유치 과정에서 불거진 IOC위원들의 부패행위로 인해 IOC가 곤욕을 겪고 난 시절이어서 그는 부패-약물복용-경기조작 무관용주의’(Zero Tolerance on Corruption, Doping, and Match-Fixing/Manipulation Policy)를 표방하며 IOC“Clean Up”에 앞장 선 IOC위원장이었다. (In the aftermath of the scandals in the bid process of Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic and Paralympic Games in which some IOC members got involved, consequently having tarnished the reputation of the IOC, it was just fitting and proper that the new IOC President Rogge took the initiatives of the Clean movement and Clean-Up campaign in the Olympic Movement with the catch phrase of “Zero Tolerance on Corruption, Doping and Match-Fixing or Competition Manipulation”)


(2003년 대구 하계유니버시아드 대회 참관 차 방한 Jacques Rogge IOC위원장과 함께/IOC President paid a visit to Daegu, Korea as VIP Special Guest at the time of 2003 Daegu Summer Universiad)


유럽올림픽위원회(EOC)회장 시절부터 청소년올림픽에 남다른 애정을 쏟아 유럽청소년올림픽 Festival을 발전시킨 주역으로 재임 중인 2010년 제1회 청소년올림픽(YOG: Youth Olympic Games)를 발족시켜 오늘에 이르고 있다. (IOC President Rogge during his tenure as EOC President used to have special affinity to the youth movement which triggered the creation of the 1st European Youth Olympic Festival. Upon his election as IOC President, he also realized the creation of the Youth Olympic Games<YOG> with its first editions taken place in Singapore2010<Summer> and Innsbruck2012<Winter>)


(2008 Beijing개최 ANOC총회 개회식 단상에서 필자가 대한민국최초로 수상한 ANOC공로훈장 수여 시 ANOC공로패를 전달하면서 축하해 주고 있는 Jacques Rogge IOC위원장<-1>과 공로훈장을 수여해 준 Mario Vazquez Rana ANOC회장 겸 IOC집행위원<-1>/At the time of ANOC General Assembly Opening Ceremony in Beijing2008, ANOC President Mario Vazquez Rana<left> awarded to me<the middle> an ANOC Merit Award followed by IOC President Rogge<right> who handed over to me an ANOC Merit Award Plaque with congratulations)


(Torino2006 동계올림픽 당시 평창2014 동계올림픽유치위원회 국제사무총장으로 Jacques Rogge IOC위원장과 김진선 강원도지사와 함께 면담 후 함께/IOC President Rogge and myself right after a private meeting in Turin/Torino2006 OWG with Gangwon Province Governor Jin-Sun Kim and myself as Secretary General of PyeongChang2014 OWG Bid Committee)


그가 IOC집행위원 시절 필자는 ANOC총회 최종일 열린 IOC집행위원회-NOCs연석회의때 마다 (1)태권도의 올림픽정식종목 정당성-(2) IOC 금지약물리스트(IOC Prohibited Substance List)에 포함되었던 Caffeine에 대한 모순성(Coca ColaIOC 마케팅 주요 파트너) (3)올림픽 표어 진화 필요성에대한 의견 개진 (4) 김치를 향후 모든 올림픽 선수촌에서 균형된 식단을 위한 메뉴 채택 요청 등을 위한 적극적인 제안 발언으로 그 인연이 더 끈끈해 진 셈이다. (While serving as IOC Executive Board member and then the next IOC President, Dr. Jacques Rogge must have paid special attention to a variety of my questions, proposals, and interventions at the joint meeting between IOC Executive Board and NOCs convened every final day of regular ANOC General Assembly meetings for many years. Those remarks included, but not limited to, the main subjects of (1) Taekwondo to be considered as Olympic program sport, (2) contradictory phenomenon of Caffeine closely related to Caffeine-containing beverage<Coca Cola> of the IOC Olympic Marketing Partner<TOP>. Caffeine used to be categorized as I-1 in the Prohibited Substance List by then-IOC Medical Commission. As a result of my intervention at the consecutive meetings in 1998-2000-2002, Caffeine was deleted from the IOC Prohibited Substance List afterwards. (3) My proposal of the necessity of new Olympic motto as the existing motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius<Faster, Higher, Stronger> has limited contexts to express most of the components of modern Olympic Games sports, such as Archery, cross beam of Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Shooting, and many other disciplines. Mine was more V.I.P. motto. IOC President Rogge asked me to elaborate what V.I.P. stood for. I explained that V.I.P. stood for “more Vividly, Precisely, Impressively. Finally, at the ANOC General Assembly meeting in Kuala Lumpur 2002, he mentioned that he would positively consider it on the condition that I wouldn’t claim any intellectual property rights. I also willingly accepted his verbal condition, but from that time until now, there has been no sign of progress to use my proposed new Olympic motto. Therefore, V.I.P motto has been temporarily used as slogan of International Sport Diplomacy Institute that I have set up and operated since 2004.)


(2005Singapore 개최 IOC총회 기간 중 Jacques Rogge IOC위원장과 함께/IOC President Rogge and myself sometimes exchanged views even at the sport-related reception.)


Rogge IOC위원장은 이후 김치 애호가가 되기도 하였다. 결과적으로 김치는 그 이후 지속적으로 동 하계올림픽 선수촌 공식 식단 메뉴로 한국뿐만 아니라 아시아-유럽-아프리카-미주-호주 등 글로벌 올림픽 참가 선수들의 에너지원 및 입맛을 돋우는 특별 메뉴로 자리매김 하였다. ((4) Kimchi, indigenous Korean food, spicy and delicious fermented salad side dish was proposed and eventually adopted as a fixed Olympic Village food menu item in order to guarantee the balanced food concept in the Olympic Games. It has been favored and enjoyed not only by Korean and Asian Olympic Athletes, but also by European, American and African athletes. It has been positioned as global Olympic food. IOC President Rogge also became Kimchi-lover afterward due to its excellent, nutritious effects and its taste.)


또한 2003년 무렵부터 Caffeine이 금지약물리스트(Category I-a)에서 제외되었다.

올림픽표어인 Citius-Altius-Fortius(Faster-Higher-Stronger)를 보안하자고 하면서 진보된 필자의 제안 표어인 V.I.P.(More Vividly-Impressively-Precisely)에 대하여 지적 재산권요구만 없으면 긍정적으로 검토하겠다(Unless you claim intellectual property rights, we will positively consider)라는 Rogge IOC위원장의 공식적이고 공개적인 답변을 2002Kuala Lumpur 개최 ANOC총회 마지막 날 열린 IOC집행위원회-NOCs연석회의 석상에서 이끌어 냈다.

Three out of my 4 main above proposals were well reflected, applied, and realized in the Olympic Movement, except new Olympic motto “V.I.P.” proposal When compared to the baseball game, my hitting rate still is up high 75%. Pretty good and satisfactory results! I thank God for all what happened to me in the Olympic Movement for the last nearly 40 years since 1982 when I first joined the Korean Olympic Committee.


(ANOC총회 최종일 IOC집행위원회-NOCs연석회의에서 발언 중인 필자<-3>과 신박제 KOC부위원장<-2> 및 김영환 KOC명예총무 겸 연세대 교수<-1>/KOC Delegates to ANOC General Assembly<from right to left: Prof. Young-Hwan KIM, KOC Sec. Gen., Mr. Bak-Jae SHIN KOC VP, and myself)


하지만 이 후 공식적인 feedback이 없어서 필자가 2004년 설립하여 운영중인 국제스포츠외교연구원(ISDI)표어로 사용해 오고 있다. 필자가 IOC-ANOC-OCA총회 등지에서 제안 및 발언으로 각인되면서 전 IOC마케팅국장인 Michael Payne은 필자더러 질문 및 의견제시 횟수로도 귀하는 기록보유자다” (you have a new record in the number of intervention.)라고 평가해 주었다. (In the elevator of the hotel I stayed during the ANOC G/A meeting, I encountered Mr. Michael Payne, Former Director of IOC marketing who evaluated me as the record holder in terms of the number of intervention at the IOC EB-NOCs meetings.)

필자가 2004년 초 KOC 국제사무차장에서 자의 반 타의 반으로 물러나오고 국내 스포츠 계에서 고난의 행군이라는 상황에 처했을 때 Rogge IOC위원장은 기꺼이 Athens2004 올림픽에 IOC위원장 Special Guest 자격의 AD카드(Gi)발급 및 IOC총회 개회식 초청을 통한 각종 편의 제공을 비롯하여 이듬해인 2005년에도 Singapore개최 IOC총회에도 초청하여 AD카드 발급 혜택 등 연이어 배려해 주었다. (When I left the KOC half-unwillingly in 22-year services in the face of domestic hardship due to ‘maybe’ jealousy, IOC President Rogge encouraged me by inviting me to the Athens2004 Games with Accreditation “Gi Category” as his special guest followed by the same privilege at the Singapore2005 IOC Session as well. I still appreciate his kind consideration.)


(Athens2004 올림픽 IOC위원장 Special Guest AD카드 및 singapore2005 IOC총회 IOC위원장 Guest 카드/IOC Accreditation Cards for Athens2004 Games and Singapore2005 IOC Session)


필자가 양평에 평산스포츠박물관 설립 소식을 알려주었더니 전폭적지지를 표현하는 (“You have my full support”)라는 요지의 공문 형식의 공한까지 보내 주었다.

(In addition, IOC President Rogge sent out to me his letter of thanks in relation to my Sport Museum and the gesture of establishment of Asian Sport Museum Association. He wrote to me saying “You have my full support”.)

(Jacques Rogge IOC위원장의 평산스포츠박물관 개관 소식<아시아스포츠박물관 협의회 계획>에 대한 감사 및 전폭 지원 표명 공한/IOC President Rogge’s letter of thanks and his full support)


참 고마운 분이다. Rogge IOC위원장 역시 필자의 국제 스포츠 계에서 스포츠외교력 내공을 갈고 닦도록 격려해 주고 자리를 마련 해 준 은인 중 한 명이다. 이 지면을 통해 다시 한번 Jacques RoggeIOC명예위원장인 감사의 마음을 전한다. (I still feel grateful to former IOC President Rogge for his unsparing support and encouragement during his tenure. He is one of major benefactors and mentors who supported me in upgrading and further strengthening my sport diplomatic mastery. I would like to avail myself of this occasion to express my special thanks to Honorary IOC President Rogge once again.)

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)