당연히 3개 경쟁도시들이 다채로운 각종 행사들을 연출하였다.
인터넷 여러 외신이 전하는 소식들은 한데 요약해 보았다.

<PyeongChang 2018 celebrates 100days with ceremony and Best of Korea boost>
- 2018평창, Best of Korea 관련 두 번째 업무협약을 체결해 이로써 참여 업체는 총 39개 기업 123개 브랜드로 늘어났다.
- Best of Korea는 평창이 2018동계올림픽 유치에 성공하면 평창을 찾는 모든 이들에게 대회기간 동안 한국 최고 수준의 다양한 먹거리, 볼거리, 즐길거리를 올림픽 개최도시에서 즐기도록 하는 계획이다.
- 또한 28일 서울 올림픽공원에서 개최지선정 D-100일 기념행사(100 day ceremony) 가졌다.
- 행사에는 조양호 유치위원장, 정병국 문화체육관광부장관, 박용성 KOC 회장, 김진선 특임대사와 모태범, 이승훈, 이상화 등 홍보대사 참여하였다.
- 조양호 유치위원장, “더반에서의 개최지 결정까지 이제 딱 100일 남았다. 오늘 행사를 통해 여러 분께서 보여주신 성원에 감사하다. 오늘을 통해 동계올림픽 개최를 향한 평창의 열망과 동계스포츠 성장을 위한 뉴호라이즌스의 비전을 다시 한 번 강조할 수 있는 중요한 계기”라고 말했다.
- 기념행사 중 참가자들은 IOC 조사평가단의 강릉실내빙상장 방문 때 2018명의 자발적 합창단이 불러 큰 감동을 준 ABBA의 “I Have a Dream"을 다시 한 번 합창하였다.
- 한편 평창 지지자들은 한반도 최북단 백두산 정상에 올라 평창 유치를 기원하였다.
- 이는 지난 D-300일과 D-200일의 한라산 및 태백산 등반에 이은 세 번째 유치 기원 등반이다.
(기사 원문)
PyeongChang 2018 celebrates 100 days with ceremony and Best of Korea boost
The PyeongChang winter Games bid received another boost to their “Best of Korea” program ensuring the very best entertainment and cultural events to the region if PyeongChang wins the vote to host the Olympics in 2018.
'100 days to go' festivities at the Seoul Olympic Park / PyeongChang 2018 The cultural program now counts a total of 39 companies and 123 brands that have committed to participate in the ‘Best of Korea’ initiative. This makes the second signing of agreements for the entertainment program.
100 day ceremony
A special ceremony was held symbolically in Seoul at the Olympic Park’s World Peace Gate
Plaza to commemorate the 100 days to go to the final vote.
Hundreds of supporters joined top bid leaders including bid ceo, Yang Ho Cho; Korea’s Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Byoung Gug Choung; Korean NOC President, Yong Sung Park; Bid Ambassador, Special Envoy of the Korean President, Jin-sun Kim; and athlete Ambassadors including Tae-beom Mo, Seung-hoon Lee and Sang-hwa Lee.
Cho said: “With only a 100 days left until the IOC’s Host City announcement in Durban, we are delighted and moved by the wonderful support we have received at this celebration event.
“Today is an important moment to show PyeongChang’s passion for hosting the Winter Games and for the remainder of the campaign we are committed to highlighting how our vision of ‘New Horizons’ will contribute to the growth of winter sport.”
The supporters today also re-enacted the chorus that was done for the IOC Evaluation Visit last month and sang ABBA’s ‘I Have a Dream’. There were 2018 volunteers who burst into song at the Gangneung Ice Rink greeting the commission as they visited the venue.
Mountain climbers show support
An expedition of local people from PyeongChang also climbed Mount Baekdusan, the northernmost peak of the Korean peninsula.
This marks the third mountain expedition to support the bid following ones at Hallasan, the southernmost peak in Korea, and at the Taebaek Mountain Range in PyeongChang.
PyeongChang is bidding against Annecy and Munich to host the winter Games of 2018. The final vote will take place at the IOC Session in Durban, South Africa on July 6, 2011.
<올림픽 반대자들 안시(Annecy)에서 집회>
- 2018안시 반대 그룹인 CAO, 화요일 현지 기자회견을 통해 반대 의견을 공개적으로 밝힐 계획이다.
- 이들은 사람들에게 “올림픽 대회 및 스포츠 비즈니스의 과잉과 다국적 기업의 이해, IOC의 용납할 수 없는 요구들은 물론, 환경에 미치는 지대한 영향과 공금의 무분별한 지출로 인한 개최도시의 장기적인 부채에 대해” 이야기할 것이라고 밝혔다.
- 이들은 안시의 동계올림픽 유치 계획 반대서명을 13,140 건 모았다고도 밝혔다.
- 한편 2018안시 유치위는 월요일 D-100일을 맞이해 500명 이상의 운동선수들이 대중들의 비드 지지를 호소했고, 베그베데 유치위원장은 비드 플랜의 개발에 있어 선수들의 중요성을 강조하였다.
(기사 원문)
Olympic Objectors Gather in Annecy
Anti-Olympic protestors in Annecy will seek to make their concerns more widely known at a press conference in the French Alpine city Tuesday.
The CAO,(Annecy Anti-Olympic Committee, says it wants to tell people about what "not only the excesses of the Olympics, the sport business, the financial stakes of multinationals and unacceptable demands of the IOC, but also on adverse impacts on the environment and on uncontrolled public spending with long-term debt for the Olympic city".
The group says it has collected 13,140 names for its petition opposing plans to bring the Winter Olympics to Annecy.
In a press release issued Monday, the opposition group cited information reported exclusively by Around the Rings that an IOC poll shows only 51 percent of the local population supports the Annecy candidacy.
Annecy 2018 on Monday marked the 100 days to go mark until the IOC vote in Durban by urging public support for the bid through its 500+ athlete backers.
Bid chief Charles Beigbeder underlined the importance of athletes in the development of the bid plans.
"We are delighted to have been able to unite the entire French sporting movement, including athletes of all disciplines, behind Annecy 2018," he said. "Their collective support and commitment in helping galvanize public support and promoting the bid around the world is vital as we enter the final straight in this campaign
<뮌헨2018의 북극곰 홍보대사임명 및 D-100일 기념>
- 2018뮌헨, 개최지 선정 100일을 앞두고 새로운 홍보대사로 뮌헨 헬라브룬(Hellabrun) 동물원의 유명한 북극곰 Giovanna를 임명했다고 밝혔다.
- 2018뮌헨은 유치위 스카프를 한 Giovanna의 모습을 대형 배너를 동물원에 게시해 일일 17,000명에 이르는 방문객들이 볼 수 있도록 할 계획이다.
- 2018뮌헨 사무국장 Jürgen Bühl, “유치 막바지 100일 카운트다운이 시작됐고, 성공적인 IOC 실사는 뮌헨 비드에 큰 탄력을 주었다”며 “이제 4월 3~8일 스포츠어코드와 5월 로잔 IOC 테크니컬 브리핑 등 주요 milestone을 준비 중”이라고 밝혔다.
- “국제 프레젠테이션을 통해 세계 스포츠계의 영향력 있는 그룹들에 우리의 강점을 전달하고 우정의 축제라는 비전을 공유하는 것이 매우 중요하다”고도 언급하였다.
Polar bear adds some extra bite to Munich 2018 campaign
Munich 2018 today began counting down the final 100 days before the International Olympic Committee (IOC) elects the host city for the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics when they joined by a very special addition to the team: Giovanna the polar bear has become their newest official ambassador.
Giovanna, the star attraction at Munich's popular Hellabrunn Zoo, is to appear on large banners sporting her Munich 2018 scarf that will promote the bid to up to 17,000 people who visit the zoo daily.
Giovanna is a former companion of Knut, the polar bear who became a superstar at Berlin Zoo.
The two shared a enclosure in Berlin while Giovanna's den in Munich was being renovated and it was hoped that the two would one day mate.
Giovanna moved back to Munich while Knut collapsed and died unexpectedly earlier this month at the age of four.
Giovanna is now arguably Germany's most famous polar bear.
Jürgen Bühl, the managing director of Munich 2018, was thrilled to be entering the campaign's final push.
"The final 100-day countdown has started. Having such a successful IOC Evaluation Commission visit pushed our bid forward," he said.
"We are entering the home straight and we want to cross the finishing line in first place
"We are now preparing for the next important milestones: SportAccord from 3 to 8 April [in London]; and the technical presentation to the IOC in Lausanne in May.
"It is very important for us to use the international presentations to communicate our strengths to the world of sport's most influential players and share with them our vision of a holistic Festival of Friendship."
Munich 2018 also announced plans for a series of events in Bavaria on July 6, the day the IOC will pick its host city at its Session in Durban on July 6.
The announcement from IOC President Jacques Rogge will be broadcast live onto a huge screen on Munich's historic Marienplatz.
Annecy and Pyeongchang are also bidding for the 2018 Games.
<뮌헨 2018, 유치 홍보 열차 운행개시>
- 2018뮌헨 비드를 위해 스폰서인 독일국영철도회사 도이치반의 Munich 2018 Express 홍보열차가 비드의 두 클러스터인 뮌헨/가르미쉬-파르텐키르헨 구간과 뮌헨/오스트리아 짤츠부르크 구간을 지난 금요일부터 운행하고 있다.
- 이 여객 열차는 개최지가 결정되는 7월 6일까지 이들 노선을 운행될 계획이다.
- 2018뮌헨 CEO 슈방크, “독일의 최첨단 시설과 선수친화적 환경을 모든 NOC와 나누고 싶다. 2018뮌헨은 전세계 올림픽 무브먼트의 강화를 위해 우리의 훌륭한 자원을 활용할 수 있도록 최선을 다 할 것이다. 2018뮌헨의 컨셉은 세계 최고의 동계스포츠 강국(독일)으로부터 시작되는 동계스포츠의 장기적인 성장과 지속성에 대한 분명한 약속”이라고 하였다.
Munich 2018 Express Takes Maiden Voyage to Promote Winter Olympic Bid
Munich 2018, the German city’s bid to host the winter Olympic Games in 2018, on Friday began receiving extra exposure when the Munich 2018 Express, a train promoting the bid, which is backed by national sponsor Deutsche Bahn, took its maiden voyage between Munich and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the site for many of the Alpine events if the city’s bid to host the games is successful.
The train also travelled on the route between Munich and Salzburg in Austria.
The passenger train will continue to travel the routes until July 6, the day when the International Olympic Committee is due to select the host city.
Munich is bidding against Annecy in France and PyeongChang in Korea to host the games. All three bids gave presentations at the general assembly of the Oceania National Olympic Committees in New Calaedonia at the weekend, with Munich 2018 focusing on its plans for a 'Festival of Friendship.'
Bernhard Schwank, chief executive of the bid committee, said: "‘Germany wants to share our state-of-the-art facilities and athlete friendly environment with every NOC in the Olympic family—winter and summer: Munich 2018 is committed to using our excellent resources to help strengthen the Olympic Movement worldwide. Munich 2018’s concept is a clear commitment to the long-term health and sustainability of winter sports from one of the world’s most successful winter sports nations."
<뮌헨 2018, 글로벌 홍보대행사인 웨버 샌드윈과 계약체결>
- 2018뮌헨, 국제 커뮤니케이션 캠페인 지원을 위해 글로벌 홍보대행사 웨버 샌드윅과 계약 체결
- 지난 20년간 웨버 샌드윅은 2014소치, 2008베이징, 2006토리노 등 여러 유치위와 조직위를 위해 일하며 다양한 올림픽 캠페인 경험 보유
Weber Shandwick Appointed by Munich 2018 to Support International Public Relations
Munich 2018, a Bid Committee for Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, has appointed Weber Shandwick to support its international communications campaign.
The Munich 2018 international communications campaign fully adheres to and respects the International Olympic Committee (IOC) rules and processes on the use of international communications for the Bid Committees.
Weber Shandwick was a driving communications force in Sochi's successful bid when the International Olympic Committee chose the city of Sochi, Russia, as the host city for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in a close race against South Korea's PyeongChang and Austria's Salzburg. Weber Shandwick was responsible in leading the 16-month global public relations campaign for Sochi's Bid to demonstrate the city's and country's ability to stage great Games.
Weber Shandwick has significant experience managing global integrated communications campaigns for winning Olympic and event bid efforts and Olympic Organising Committees in the past 20 years, including most recently Sochi 2014 Bid and Sochi 2014 Organising Committee, Beijing 2008 and Turin 2006, among others.
"We are extremely happy to be able to work with Weber Shandwick. The agency's ability to develop impactful international campaigns, expertise and experience in Olympic and sport bidding, geographical spread we need and strong presence in Munich have been the decisive factors to select it as our international public relations partner and we have been happy with its support around major Olympic events to date," said Bernhard Schwank, Managing Director of the Munich 2018 Bid.
Colin Byrne, CEO UK and EMEA said: "We are honoured to be engaged to support Munich 2018. Our goal is to provide a winning global communications programme for Munich 2018 and support them throughout their journey across the world. Our Global Olympics practice, which helped lead the past three Weber Shandwick bidding campaigns including Sochi 2014, will bring to bear the best bidding and campaigning experts we have in our roster to support this effort."
'스포츠 외교' 카테고리의 다른 글
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