Gilbert Felli IOC올림픽대회 수석국장이 인터뷰를 통해 밝힌 내용을 살펴보자.
- Gilbert Felli, IOC와 미래의 비드 도시들 간 협력방안에 대해 ATR과 독점 인터뷰
- IOC의 신청(application) 시스템으로 IOC와 비드 도시 간 대화가 단절되고 있다.
- 올림픽공원, 베뉴 간 근접성, 올림픽 빌리지 요구사항, 대학 캠퍼스 활용 여부, 베뉴의 영속성, 규모 등 비드를 위한 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 포럼을 개최 예정이다.
- “Bidding for the Games”로 이름 붙여진 세미나가 11월 1~2일에 로잔에서 열릴 예정이다.
- 더 많은 비드 도시들을 모으기 위해 비드에 대한 NOC의 결정과 후보도시 파일의 제안에 대한 1:1 토론을 허용할 방침이다.
- IOC는 안시에게 베뉴 클러스터 간 거리를 줄이도록 후보도사파일을 수정하도록 요구한 적도 있다
- 이러한 자문은 11월의 세미나에서 비공개로 이루어질 것이다.
IOC Plans Forum, Consultations to Attract Better Olympic Bids
(ATR) IOC Executive Director for the Olympic Games Gilbert Felli reveals exclusively to Around the Rings a two-pronged plan to increase collaboration between the IOC and future Olympic bid cities.
“Often, [bidders] don’t have contact with us and we don’t have contact with them because you have to go through our [application]
IOC Executive director for the Olympic Games Gilbert Felli. (ATR)system,” Felli told ATR in London on the sidelines of SportAccord.
“Some assumptions have been taken before by the cities or even by advisors to a national Olympic committee, and they’re maybe not good assumptions.
“We could help cities to understand the project sooner.”
Does the IOC demand an Olympic Park? Must a group of venues be close by? What kind of installation is required for an Olympic Village? Can a city use a university campus? Which venues can be temporary and which must be permanent? What about their capacities? Must an Olympic swimming pool be covered? Must the swimming venue even be a pool?
These questions and more will be answered when the IOC hosts its first-ever forum for interested candidates to receive highly detailed information about bidding for both the Olympic and Youth Olympic Games.
The aptly titled “Bidding for the Games” seminar will be unveiled later this week by the IOC and will convene Nov. 1-2 at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
“We said why don’t we have a place where people can get the information so we could there give a little bit the vision of the IOC and how we believe the Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games are a part of that vision,” Felli said.
“It’s a forum where NOCs, of course, but mainly cities that have got the intention to bid can understand the project a bit better.”
The second prong of the IOC’s plan to attract more and better bidders is an allowance for one-on-one discussions in between an NOC’s decision to bid and a city’s submission of its candidature file.
“Before they bring the final file of the first phase to the IOC, we would be happy to talk with them about their concept,” said Felli.
“We could have a step where we could make a general assessment of the concept of the city.”
The IOC asked Annecy to reformulate the sports plan included in its initial candidature file in order to shrink distances between venue clusters, a blow that set the French bid behind rivals Munich and PyeongChang in the race for 2018.
Felli twice pointed to Annecy as an impetus for the IOC to strive for greater – and earlier – collaboration with potential bid cities.
“Sometimes they [get so far with internal discussions] that it’s difficult to correct in the second phase,” he told ATR.
“We have seen lately with the Annecy concept in the first phase that we could maybe say to them there’s no point to come to us with this concept. Maybe it’s better if you can correct this.”
Felli stressed that these consultations would be a behind-closed-doors counterpart to November's bidding seminar.
The IOC will cap attendance at about 120, the capacity of the Olympic Museum.
Though applicant city nominations for 2020 are due from NOCs on Sept. 1, interested candidates can request an exemption by the end of July to allow for a decision after the seminar.
NOC approval is not required to participate in consultations with the IOC, but the seminar is a bit more stringent – attendees must be sent by their mayor.
Felli added that an information seminar for 2020 applicants already loosely scheduled for October may be pushed back a bit so as to run back-to-back with the bid forum and to utilize the same Games experts.
Felli will discuss IOC specifics at the two-day forum, and past Olympic organizers will weigh in on legacy aspects.
A minimal fee – not more than a few hundred dollars – will be required for participation.
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