동계올림픽 7개 국제경기염맹에 대한 후원의 50%가 독일이란다.
독일 다국적 기업들이 동계스포츠 발전을 위해 연간 37억 불에 해당하는 후원금을 기탁하고 있다며 국제동계스포츠연맹과의 불가분의 관계를 간접적으로 힘주어 강조하였다고 한다.
독일이 동계스포츠를 먹여(?) 살려주는 거나 마찬가지니까 2018년 동계올림픽도 마땅히 독일 유치후보도시인 뮌헨이 가져가야 한다는 논리인가?
Bach and Witt meet the press after the IOC commission visit. (ATR)
외신이 전하는 내용을 살펴보자.
- 런던 스포츠어코드에서 비드 홍보 중인 카타리나 비트, 독일의 스포츠 후원사들이 뮌헨 비드에 큰 힘이 될 것이라고 화요일 발언
- “7개 동계 IF 후원의 50%는 독일에서 온다”며 “아직 더 성장할 여지가 많다”고 설명
- 비트에 의하면 독일 회사들은 연간 37억불을 스포츠 후원을 위해 기여
- 스포츠어코드 프레젠테이션에 BMW 이사회의 Ian Robertson이 참여해 비즈니스 측면에 대해 발표할 것이라고 밝혀
- 한편 비트는 5월 8일로 예정된 가르미쉬 주민투표에 대해서는 어느 후보도시에나 소수의 반대는 있기 나름이고, 현지의 진행사항을 IOC에 지속적으로 알려주고 있으며 “이 사안에 대해 솔직하게 공개하고 있으며, 우리(독일)의 문화고 민주주의의 일부”라며 의미 축소
- 또한 문제가 되는 부지는 크지 않은 면적이며, 유치 성공 시 문제 해결을 위한 시간은 충분하다고 강조
Witt cites German sponsors as key to Munich bid
LONDON — The financial clout of German sponsors should be a key factor in favor of Munich's bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics, Katarina Witt said Tuesday.
Witt, the two-time figure skating gold medalist who chairs the Munich bid, said companies including BMW and Audi pay a total of $3.7 billion a year in sports sponsorship in Germany.
Half of the sponsorship revenues of the seven Olympic international winter sports federations comes from German companies, she said.
"This shows how much German companies are behind winter sports," Witt said at a media briefing during the SportAccord convention.
Germany's leading role in sports sponsorship is expected to figure prominently in Munich's official presentation to international sports leaders on Thursday. Witt said Ian Robertson, BMW's head of sales and marketing, will be part of the presentation focusing on the "business side."
Munich is competing against Pyeongchang, South Korea, and Annecy, France. Pyeongchang is widely considered the front-runner.
All three cities are using the London convention to push their case, a month before they make formal presentations to the IOC in Lausanne, Switzerland, on May 18-19. The IOC will select the host city by secret ballot on July 6 in Durban, South Africa.
Witt downplayed the May 8 referendum on the bid in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the mountain resort that would host the Olympic skiing events.
"We're quite positive of the outcome," Witt said.
She declined to say how big a victory she hopes for or expects.
“It's about a majority," she said.
Some Bavarian landowners have objected to giving up their land for the Olympics, but one key opponent agreed to let his land be used for this year's Alpine skiing world championships.
"We are very positive this will also happen for the Olympics," Witt said. "It's one small piece of land in the field of play."
Witt acknowledged that IOC members are following the issue closely.
"Of course they ask about it," she said. "We're positive. We're honest about it. We're open about it. We have nothing to hide. It's part of our culture. It's a democracy. People are allowed to express their opinions. There will always be a few people who are against a chance or against a big event."
1) 최고수준의 동계스포츠조직력
2) 수백만명에 달하는 독일 동계스포츠팬들의 열화와 같은 성원과 폭발적인 인기집중도
3) 바바리아 지방(뮌헨을 포함한 주)의 동계스포츠운동미래로 향한 끝 없는 기회의 창
Munich, 7 March 2011: After taking time to reflect on a highly successful IOC Evaluation Commission visit, the Munich 2018 Bid Committee today underscored three of its key assets:
• experience in staging top-flight winter sports events;
• the unparalleled excitement that Germany’s millions of fervent winter sports fans will generate;
• and the endless opportunities a Winter Games in Bavaria will offer for the future of the winter sports movement.
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