스포츠 정보2011. 4. 7. 10:59
카타리나 비트 뮌헨 2018 유치위원장은 오는 5월8일 실시예정인 가미쉬-파르텐키르헨지역(동게올ㄹ미픽 스키경기장 예정지역) 주민투표에서 찬성투표가 압도적으로 많을 것이라고 언급했다고 한다.
반대자가 있다는 것은 독일 민주주의 문화의 일부라고 자신감과 자부심을 표현하였다고 한다.
외신이 전하는 내용을 살펴보자.

                          (1984 사라예보 및 1988 캘거리 동계올림픽 피겨 2관왕인 카타리나 비트)

- 5월 8일, 가르미쉬-파르텐키르헨 주민 2만 2천여명을 대상으로 2018뮌헨 동계올림픽 유치 찬반 주민투표 진행예정이다.

   - 스포츠어코드 현장에서 만난 기자들의 질문에 카타리나 비트는 “주민투표 결과가 긍정적으로 나올 것으로 생각”한다며 “많은 사람들이 올림픽을 지지”한다고 발언하였다.

   - 행사장에서 만난 IOC 위원들이 진행사항에 대해 묻기도 했다며 “물론 이런 대형 행사에는 반대하는 사람들이 있기 마련이기에 IOC 위원들도 잘 판단할 것으로 생각한다. 우리는 숨길 게 없으니 솔직하게 상황을 이야기하고 있다. 이런 대화는 독일 민주주의 문화의 일부”라고 설명하였다.

   - 비트는 독일인들의 겨울스포츠에 대한 열정을 근거로 주민투표 결과를 낙관한다고 말했다. 

Katarina Witt Confident Munich Will Get Yes Vote for 2018 Winter Olympics

Katarina Witt, the two-time Olympic figure-skating champion who is leading Munich’s bid for the 2018 Winter Games, says she’s confident that local residents will vote in favor of the event in a referendum.

On May 8, about 22,000 inhabitants of the Bavarian mountain resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen will be eligible to vote on whether they want another Olympic Games.

Munich is competing with Annecy, France, and Pyeongchang, South Korea, to host the Games, with the International Olympic Committee voting July 6 in Durban, South Africa. Garmisch would host the skiing events in 2018, should Munich win the bid.

“We’re quite positive about the outcome,” Witt said in an interview with reporters at the Sport Accord conference in London today. “We have a lot people supporting the pro- Olympic” movement.

The referendum has occasionally come up during discussions with members of the IOC, 40 of whom are attending Sport Accord in London, Witt said.


They ask, of course, because it’s been ongoing since the summer,” she said. “But in general, you will always have people who are against a big event, against innovation. So they know how to judge it. We are open about it. There is nothing to hide, it’s just part of our culture in our country. It’s democracy and people are allowed to express their opinions.”

Witt said she is confident of a positive outcome because of the passion for winter sports inGermany. More than one million spectators attended various sports event in the Garmisch area in the past season, ranging from skiing to ice hockey.

Land Dispute

Witt said a previous dispute with local landowners in Garmisch-Partenkirchen about a piece of land had been “solved” before the FIS Alpine Ski World Championships that took place in the resort in February.

Witt, 45, became the public face of the Munich 2018 bid in September after bid chief Willy Bogner stepped down because of illness.

Garmisch and Munich have hosted Olympic events before, each bearing painful memories. Garmisch was the scene of the 1936 Winter Games, when the Nazi regime used the event to portray the image of a peaceful Germany.

Munich, which is seeking to become the first city to host both the Olympic summer and winter games, was the scene of the 1972 Summer Olympics, where 11 members of the Israeli team were killed by the Black September terror group. The IOC was criticized for allowing the competition to go on after the murders.

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)