Thomas Bach 제9대 IOC위원장은 1차 투표에서 43표, 2차 투표에선 과반수가 넘는 49표로 시종일관 선두주자로 질주하며 당선되었다
제125차 IOC총회 끝자락 자크 로게 제8대 IOC위원장이 자신의 후계자인 Thomas Bach를 당선자로 발표하고 나서 그에게 단상을 넘겨주자 Bach 신임 위원장의 일성이 바로 “Thank you very much to all of you."였다.
쉽고 알아듣기 평이한 영어로 이어지는 그의 취임소감은 다음과 같다:
“First of all, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all my dear friends and colleagues who voted for me this morning.
This is really an overwhelming sign of trust and confidence.
But I would also like to thank my fellow candidates, who I greatly respect, and all those who did not vote for me this time.
I will also work for and with you in the coming years and want to win your confidence, too.”
그는 이어지는 취임연설에서 본인이 IOC위원장의 책무가 막중하다는 사실을 알고 있다고 평이하고 쉬운 준비된 영어 원고로부터 토로하면서 "다양함 가운데 일체감을 이루자"(Unity in Diversity)고 호소한다:
“I know about the great responsibility of an IOC President."
“This makes me humble.
I want to lead the IOC according to my motto: ‘unity in diversity.’
I want to be a President for all of you.
This means I will do my very best to balance well all the different interests of the stakeholders of the Olympic Movement.
This is why I want to listen to you and to enter into an ongoing dialogue with all of you.
You should know that my door, my ears, and my heart are always open for you.”
Bach IOC위원장의 후보 선언서(manifesto)내용을 보면 그는 올림픽을 '다른 행사들로 술에 술 탄듯 물에 물탄듯 물게 하지 않고' "독특한" 방식으로 유지하면서(keep the Olymic Games "unique" and not "diluted by other events") 올림픽대회 개최권을 한편으로는 IOC의 이익을 고려하여 유치도시들에 대한 심도 있는 검토와 위험요인분석을 하고 다른 한 편으로는 잠재적인 유치도시가 투자한 것에 대하여 사회적이고 홍보적으로 그에 상응하는 반대급부가 돌아 가도록 확실시 하는 방법을 강구하겠노라고 천명하기도 하였다.
(Bach’s manifesto states he wants to keep the Olympic Games “unique” and not “diluted by other events,” while ensuring the awarding of the Games is based on “the interest of the IOC in an in-depth review and risk analysis of a bid on the one hand, and the interest of a potential bidder in a social and promotional return on investment in the other.”)
한편 아시아 대표후보 중 한 명으로 3강 후보(Bach, Ng, Carrion)으로 까지 물망에 올랐지만 IOC위 특성상 한개 대륙에 2개의 꽃을 동시에 주지 않는다는 추세로 도쿄가 3일전(9월7일) 2020년 올림픽 개최도시로 선정됨으로써 위원장 당선 가시거리에서 멀어지는 바람에 Carrion(29표)에 23표 차이나는 단 6표로 3위에 그쳐 아쉬움이 남는 결과를 안고 물러서여했던 싱가포르의 Ser Miang NG후보는 그럼에도 불구하고 당선자 Bach를 진심으로 축하하고 있다.
<Ser Miang NG의 축하 메시지 및 소감코멘트 내용>
“I have already spoken to President Bach to congratulate him on his victory,”
“He ran a great campaign and is humble in triumph.
“This is a time of great challenge for the Olympic Movement, and I wish President Bach the very best of success in guiding the IOC as we move into a new and exciting era.
“I ran for IOC President because I was concerned by the challenges facing world sport and because I felt I could make a difference.
President Bach shares my concerns, and I know that the Olympic Movement is in good shape with him at the helm.
I am a big believer in the Olympic Movement, the Membership, and our new President and I will continue to preserve all to the best of my abilities.
“I would also like to thank my colleagues, family, friends and the public for their unwavering support over the past few months.
This truly was an exciting chapter of my life.”
1) IOC위원장 1차 투표(Round 1) 결과
(제 9 대 IOC위위원장 후보 6명 :좌로부터 Thomas Bach 당선자, Sergey Bubka, Richard Carrion, Ser Miang Ng, Denis Oswald, C.K. Wu)
1위/ Thomas Bach: 43(과반수에 못미침)
2위/ Richard Carrion: 23
3위/ Sergey Bubka: 8
4위/ Denis Oswald: 7
공동5위/ Ser Miang Ng: 6
공동5위/ Ching-kuo Wu: 6
2) 1차 투표 동점자 처리투표(Round 1 tie-break):
기사회생/Ser Miang Ng: 56
탈락/Ching-kuo Wu: 36
3) 2차 투표(Round 2) 결과:
1위 당선/Thomas Bach: 49(제 9 대 IOC위원장 확정)
2위 탈락/Richard Carrion: 29
3위 탈락/Ser Miang Ng: 6
4위탈락/Denis Oswald: 5
5위 탈락/Sergey Bubka: 4
*Carlos Nuzman 2016년 리우데자네이루 올림픽 조직위원장 축하 코멘트:
“Rio 2016 warmly congratulates Thomas Bach on his election to President of the International Olympic Committee at the 125th IOC Session in Buenos Aires today,”
“We look forward to benefitting from his leadership, guidance and wealth of experience as we continue to work in very close partnership with the IOC on our journey towards hosting the first Games in South America in three years’ time.
“I would also like to take this opportunity to pay homage to Dr. Jacques Rogge, who has led the IOC with integrity, vision and innovation for 12 outstanding years. During his stewardship the Olympic Movement has gone from strength to strength and among other remarkable achievements, the manner in which Olympic youth sport has flourished during his tenure is an inspiration to all of us at Rio 2016.
With the 2016 Games in Rio followed by the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, we thank the IOC, and President Rogge in particular, for truly brining the Olympic spirit to our continent.”
*Joel Bouzou 세계올림피안협회(World Olympians Association)회장의 축하 메시지:
(Joel Bouzou WOA회장 겸 Peace and Sport 회장 겸 UIPM사무총장)
“On behalf of Olympians across the globe I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to Thomas Bach on his election as the new IOC President."
“Thomas brings fantastic experience to the Presidency and we are very proud that an Olympian has once again been elected to the highest office in the Olympic Movement.
“We are honoured that as IOC President Thomas will also now be WOA Honorary President and we are looking forward to working closely with him in the promotion of Olympism and the work of Olympians everywhere.”
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