<우리말 사자숙어를 영어로~>



1) A natural disaster [calamity]


2) -What happens once in a thousand years

    -The chance of a lifetime
   -Once-in-a-life-time chance


3) -An irresistable force

   -Force majeure



4) -An accident beyond human control

   -An Act of God


5) It takes two to tango.

  -손바닥도 마주쳐야 소리가 난다

6) It's like being stabbed in the back.

  -믿는도끼에 발둥 찍힌다.

7) -A thorn in the side


8) Circumstances alter cases.

  -사정에 따라 입장도 바뀐다.(내일일 장담 못한다.)


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Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)