<우리말 사자숙어를 영어로~>


1) A sumptuous feast [banquet, repast]


2) -Incoherence



3) [Many] thousands of troops and horses


4) -The mercy [grace] of Heaven [God]

   -Heavenly assistance


5) -All kinds of forms and figures



6) -Monotony



   -Lack of variety


7) -Deep-rooted enmity

   -An inveterate grudge


8) A pupil excels his master.


9) -Herb roots and tree bark

   -Coarse and miserable food


10) -Leading a life of befuddled and dreamy indolence

     -Idling one's life away


11) -An object lesson

    -An example one may profit by

    -Food for thought

*You should learn something from it.:~으로 삼아라


12) -A corrupt official

    -A graft-happy official


13) Bravado and bluster


14) -Frankness



15) A heated controversy


16) -Completing the eyes of a painted dragon

     -A finishing touch


17) A lovely face and graceful carriage


18) The bridal room for the wedding night


19) -A desirable but unattainable object

    -"Pie in the sky".

  --화중지병(그림의 떡) 

20) -Returning home loaded with honors

     -Returning home in glory


21) -Absurdity



22) -Those who meet must part.

    -We never meet but we part.


23) -Shameless

     -Brazen imprudence


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)