I probably faint.

까무러 치겠네

It really fits like a glove.

정말 꼭 들어 맞네요

(It) Couldn't be better.

이보다 더 좋을 순 없지<어떻게 더 좋아?!>

It's a real turn-on.

lt really turns me on.

죽여 주는구만! 끝내 주네요!

You're just too much.

잘났어 정말

(I) Can't complain.

이 정도면 됐지뭐!

Call a spade a spade!

까놓고 애기하라니까! <이실직고 하렸다!>

I hate myself doing this.

이러는 내가 정말 미워!

Any idea of his whereabouts?

어디서 무얼 하는지?

Then your name will be entirely out.

그럼 대가 끊기겠네요.

I am positively shockproof.

난 정말이지 끄떡 없다구!

He's got your looks exactly.

당신 쏙 빼어 닮았군요

I must have passed out.

깜박 좋았었나봐요

I wan spellbound the whole time.

뭔가에 씌였었나봐(홀렸었나봐)

Don't overdo it!

오버 하지마 (분수를지켜)

Sleep tight. Have a dream of me!

잘자! 내꿈꿔!

I sleep like a log.

난 잠들면 업어가도 몰라.

You have a finger in every pie.

약방의 감초 같으니라구.

You must be patient.

참아야 하느리라

You've beside yourself.

당신  제정신이 아니군

Nothing needs to be done until tomorrow.

오늘에 충실 하자구.

You want to vex my sister?

우리누나 열 받게 할려구 그래?

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)