<우리말 속담을 영어로~ X>


1) Idle folks have the least leisure.

  -게으른 놈 책장 센다.

2) Men are not to be measured by inches.

  -작은 고추가 더 맵다.

3) Might is right.

  -이기면 충신, 지면 역적.

4) The cobbler should stick to his last.

(*cobbler:구두수선장이/ 인간송충이 :a human caterpillar)

  -송충이가 갈잎 먹으면 떨어진다./ 송충이는 솔잎을 먹어야 한다.

5) The cobbler's wife goes the worst shod.


  -짚신장이 헌신 신는다.

6) Money talks.

  -돈이면 귀신도 부린다.

7) Foul within, fair without.

  -빛 좋은 개살구.

8) It is like viewing things in a favorite light.

  -아전인수 격이다.

9) An innocent bystander gets hurt [suffers a side blow] in a fight.

  -고래싸움에 새우 등 터진다.

10) -One must be well fed before one can be well bred.

     -To get to the best part.

   -의식이 족해야 예절을 안다.

11) -The story gets interesting.

    -The plot thickens.


12) -Remembering forever.

     -Cherishing the memory of...


13) Simplicity and clarity.


14) To be very grateful.


15) -Mediation.




16) The impression of being poles apart in generations.


17) It seems as if it belonged to another [a far-off] age.

  -격세지감이 있다

18) -A far-fetched interpretation.

     -A distortion.


19) To force the meaning [opinion].


20) One's humble service [to the king].


21) -Seeing is wanting.

    -The object gives rise to the desire.


22) -To have recourse to the last resort.

     -To take a desperate measure [under the circumstances].


23) -It takes two to wrestle.

     -One needs assistance to accomplish anything.


24) -Sweet after bitter.

     -Pleasure follows pain.

    -Pain is gone, and pleasure is come.


25) Fairness and justice.


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)