1. 군대 일상 영어
*화기(weapons), 차랑(vehicles) 및 야전 군장비(field equipment)
1)권총: pistol
2)카빈 소총: carbine
3)M-1 소총: M-1 rifle
4)자동 소총: A.R.(Automatic Rifle)
5)수류탄: hand grenade
6)유탄 발사기: grenade launcher
7)기관단총: submachine gun
8)저격경: sniper scope
9)적외선버치:infra-red device
10)경기관총: light machine gun
11)중기관총: machine gun
12)로켓포(발사기): rocket launcher
13)무반동총: recoilless rifle
14)로켓발사기: rocket projector
15)박격포: mortar
16)곡사포: howitzer
17)야포: artillery gun
18)대공포(고사포): anti-aircraft gun
19)유도탄: guided missile
20)대인지뢰: anti-personnel mine
21)대전차지뢰: anti-tank mine
22)어뢰: torpedo
23)조명탄: illuminating shell
24)조명지뢰: trip flare
25)공장차: shop vehicle
26)인원운반차: personnel carrier
27)화물자동차: cargo truck
28)구급차: ambulance
29)구조차: wrecker truck
30)보병상륙용주정(舟艇): landing craft infantry
31)수륙양용전차와 자동차: amphibious tank & truck
32)전차회수차: tank recovery vehicle
33)상륙용무한궤도차: landing vehicle tracker
34)블도저: bulldozer
35)수륙양용차: amphibious vehicle/DUKW
36)반궤도차: half tracked vehicle
37)상륙용 고무주정(舟艇): landing craft rubber
38)장갑차: armored car
39)전투기: fighter plane
40)야간전투기: night fighter plane
41)정찰기: reconaissance aircraft
42)연락기: liaison plane
43)수송기: transport plane
44)경공격기: light assault aircraft
45)폭격기: bombardment plane
46)제트기: jet plane
47)헬기: helicopter
48)함대: fleet
49)전함: warship/battleship
50)순양함: cruiser
51)구축함: destroyer
52)잠수함: submarine
53)소해정: mine sweeper
54)기뢰 부설정: mine layer
55)항공모함: aircraft carrier
56)탐조등: search light
57)전파탐지기: radar(radio detecting and ranging)
58)주교(舟橋)/배다리: pontoon bridge
59)부교: floating bridge
60)공기배 부교: pneumatic float bridge
61)방독면: gas mask
62)압축기: compressor
63)무전타자기: teletype
64)방탄의/복: body armor
65)야전화로(가솔린): field range
66)쌍안경: binacular
67)나침반: compass
68)방벽/옹벽: revetment
69)철조망: barbed wire entanglement
70)전기톱: power saw
71)발전기: generator set
72)침낭: sleeping bag
73)위치 표정판: plotting board
74)유류 공급선: fuel ship(tanker)
*화기(weapons), 차랑(vehicles) 및 야전 군장비(field equipment)
1)권총: pistol
2)카빈 소총: carbine
3)M-1 소총: M-1 rifle
4)자동 소총: A.R.(Automatic Rifle)
5)수류탄: hand grenade
6)유탄 발사기: grenade launcher
7)기관단총: submachine gun
8)저격경: sniper scope
9)적외선버치:infra-red device
10)경기관총: light machine gun
11)중기관총: machine gun
12)로켓포(발사기): rocket launcher
13)무반동총: recoilless rifle
14)로켓발사기: rocket projector
15)박격포: mortar
16)곡사포: howitzer
17)야포: artillery gun
18)대공포(고사포): anti-aircraft gun
19)유도탄: guided missile
20)대인지뢰: anti-personnel mine
21)대전차지뢰: anti-tank mine
22)어뢰: torpedo
23)조명탄: illuminating shell
24)조명지뢰: trip flare
25)공장차: shop vehicle
26)인원운반차: personnel carrier
27)화물자동차: cargo truck
28)구급차: ambulance
29)구조차: wrecker truck
30)보병상륙용주정(舟艇): landing craft infantry
31)수륙양용전차와 자동차: amphibious tank & truck
32)전차회수차: tank recovery vehicle
33)상륙용무한궤도차: landing vehicle tracker
34)블도저: bulldozer
35)수륙양용차: amphibious vehicle/DUKW
36)반궤도차: half tracked vehicle
37)상륙용 고무주정(舟艇): landing craft rubber
38)장갑차: armored car
39)전투기: fighter plane
40)야간전투기: night fighter plane
41)정찰기: reconaissance aircraft
42)연락기: liaison plane
43)수송기: transport plane
44)경공격기: light assault aircraft
45)폭격기: bombardment plane
46)제트기: jet plane
47)헬기: helicopter
48)함대: fleet
49)전함: warship/battleship
50)순양함: cruiser
51)구축함: destroyer
52)잠수함: submarine
53)소해정: mine sweeper
54)기뢰 부설정: mine layer
55)항공모함: aircraft carrier
56)탐조등: search light
57)전파탐지기: radar(radio detecting and ranging)
58)주교(舟橋)/배다리: pontoon bridge
59)부교: floating bridge
60)공기배 부교: pneumatic float bridge
61)방독면: gas mask
62)압축기: compressor
63)무전타자기: teletype
64)방탄의/복: body armor
65)야전화로(가솔린): field range
66)쌍안경: binacular
67)나침반: compass
68)방벽/옹벽: revetment
69)철조망: barbed wire entanglement
70)전기톱: power saw
71)발전기: generator set
72)침낭: sleeping bag
73)위치 표정판: plotting board
74)유류 공급선: fuel ship(tanker)
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