스포츠 영어2010. 10. 19. 10:54

(2007년 7월 2014년 동계올림픽개최도시가 결정된 과테말라 인근도시 안티구아에서/좌로부터 이창희Hill & Knowlton 전무이사, 필자, 오영우 문화체육관광부 국제과장)

(제6공화국 최고 실세 박철언 문화청소년부장관과 함께 베트남, 라오스와 국가간 체육교류협정체결 출장 중 베트남 호지민 시에서)

1. 군대에서 많이 쓰이는 군사 일반용어 영어표현

1)인식표: identification tag
2)인해전술: human wave tactics
3)임기응변: improvisation
4)자해행위: self-infliction
5)재고현황: stock status
6)재물조사: inventory
7)적성검사: aptitude test
8)전령: messenger
9)전면전쟁: general war
10)전면포위: encirclement
11)전속(轉屬): permanent change of assignment(PCA)
12)전투준비태세: combat readiness conditions
13)전투식량: C-ration
14)접근로: avenue of approach
15)정면공격: frontal attack
16)정식간격: normal interval
17)정신교육: motivational education
18)정신훈화: edifying talk
19)정훈: troop information and education(TI&E)
20)제공권: air supremacy
21)제독(除毒): decontatmination
22)조명탄: illuminationl shell
23)즉결처분: non-juridical punishment
24)지구전: sustained conflict
25)지휘소 연습: command post excercise(CPX)
*기동훈련: maneuver excercise(MX)
26)집결지역: assembly area
27)집중사격: concentrated fire
28)징발/징병: requisition
*징집병/신병: conscript
*징병제도: conscription system
29)철거: roll-up
*철수: withdraw
*철회: retirement
30)총동원: total mobilization
31)최대병력: peak strength
32)총소요: gross requirement
33)총사령관: commander-in-chief(CINC)
34)최루탄: tear shell
35)최루가스: lachrymatory[tear] gas
36)취약성: vulnerabilities
37)침투부대: inflitration force
38)탄도수정: ballistic correction
39)탄띠: ammunition belt
40)파견근무: temporary duty(TDY)
41)파편: fragment
42)폭발물처리: explosive ordnance disposal
43)폭파: demolition
44)폭풍효과: blast effect
45)피아식별장치: identification friend or foe(IFF)
46)하사관: non-commissioned officer(NCO)
47)항명(抗命): insubordination
48)항복: surrender
49)해체부대: deactivated unit
50)핵공격 경고: nuclear strike warning
51)핵관측 보고: NBC(Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) Report 
52)행군간 경계: security on the march
53)행동개시: move out
54)현 보유: on hand(O/H)
55)현역정년: active duty expiration period
56)현재원: strength for duty
57)현지실습: terrain excercise
58)현지임관: battlefield commission
59)현지조달: local procurement
60)호출부호: call sign
61)화생방전: CBR(Chemical, Bilological, and Radiological) warfare
62)화염방사기: flame thrower
63)화학탄: chemical projectile
64)후퇴작전: retrograde operation
65)훈련탄: drill ammunition
66)휴대보급품: accompanying supplies
67)휴대식량: small detachment ration
68)휴식시간: off time
69)휴식지역: rest area
70)휴양: rest and recuperation
71)휴전: armistice
72)흑색선전: black propaganda
73)전복활동: subversion activities

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)