[미국 PGA와 사우디 LIV Golf, 골프 분쟁종식차원에서 합병하기로 합의하다]
2023년6월6일, 미프로골프협회(PGA: Professional Golfers Association)와 사우디가 주관하는 LIV Golf가 골프 스포츠 내 불화와 반목(feud)를 종식시키기 위하여 합병(merger)하기로 합의하였다고 외신이 보도하였습니다.
사우디가 후원하는 LIV Golf는 2022년 6월에 출범하였는데, 남자골프게임에 분열을 조장하여(causing disruptions to the men's game) 왔다고 합니다.
이러한 합병으로 당사자들 간의 모든 계류 중인 소송문제가 종식되게(set to end all pending litigations between the parties) 되었다고 합니다.
합의서에는 PGA와 함께 하는 DP World Tour가 포함되어 있는데 합병으로 “골프 게임을 통합할 것”(unify the game of golf)이라고 주장하고 있다고 합니다
다음은 PGA의 합병 배경과 효과를 설명하는 성명서 내용입니다:
A. “The PGA TOUR, DP World Tour and the Public Investment Fund (PIF) today announced a landmark agreement to unify the game of golf, on a global basis”
B. “The parties have signed an agreement that combines PIF’s golf-related commercial businesses and rights (including LIV Golf) with the commercial businesses and rights of the PGA TOUR and DP World Tour into a new, collectively owned, for-profit entity to ensure that all stakeholders benefit from a model that delivers maximum excitement and competition among the game’s best players.”
공공 투자 편드(PIF: Public Investment Fund)의 자본투자(capital investment)로부터 혜택을 받게 되어 있다고 하는데 “새로운 기구”(new entity)의 명칭을 차후 발표될 것으로 알려지고 있습니다.
LIV Golf는 사우디 공공투자펀드(PIF)가 자금을 지원하고(bankrolled) 있는데 비평가들은 인권문제를 스포츠로 물타기하려는 또 하나의 중동국가의 정교한 프로젝트(another elaborate sports-washing project by the Gulf nation with poor human rights record )라고 비판의 화살을 날리고 있다고 합니다.
PGA와 결을 달리하는(the breakaway league) 골프 리그(LIV Golf)는 미국의 Phil Mickelson, 前 세계랭킹 1위 골퍼 Dustin Johnson, PGA선수권대회 타이틀 보유자(reigning PGA Championship winner)인 Brooks Koepka 및 호주의 Cameron Smith등 몇 명 굴지의 유명선수들을 영입한 바 있습니다.
LIV golf attracted some of the biggest names in golf like Phil Mickelson when it was launched last year ©Getty Images(출처: insidethegames)
LIV Golf에 참가한 선수들은 PGA Tour이벤트 출전이 금지됨으로 양대 골프 리그는 법적 다툼 상태에 휘말려(with both parties involved in legal battles since)왔습니다
PGA Tour 구단주(commissioner)인 Jay Monahan는 PGA와 LIV Golf 두기구의 합병에 대하여 골프 사에 “역사적인”날이라고 칭하였다(termed the merger as a "historic" day for golf)고 합니다.
PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan termed the merger as a "historic" day for golf ©Getty Images(PGA Tour 구단주 Jay Monahan/출처: insidethegames)
다음은 PGA Tour 구단주 Jay Monahan의 소감 발표 내용입니다:
A. “After two years of disruption and distraction, this is a historic day for the game we all know and love”
B. “This transformational partnership recognizes the immeasurable strength of the PGA TOUR’s history, legacy and pro-competitive model and combines with it the DP World Tour and LIV - including the team golf concept - to create an organization that will benefit golf’s players, commercial and charitable partners and fans.”
C. “Going forward, fans can be confident that we will, collectively, deliver on the promise we’ve always made - to promote competition of the best in professional golf and that we are committed to securing and driving the game’s future.”
D. “We are pleased to move forward, in step with LIV and PIF’s world-class investing experience, and I applaud PIF Governor Yasir Al-Rumayyan for his vision and collaborative and forward-thinking approach that is not just a solution to the rift in our game, but also a commitment to taking it to new heights.”
E. “This will engender a new era in global golf, for the better.”
DP World Tour 총괄사장(chief executive)인 Keith Pelley 는 합병한 날에 대하여 골프를 위한 “기념비적인 중요한 날”(momentous day for golf)이라고 선언하였으며 이러한 합병이 골프를 “이전 보다 훨씬 더 강력하게”만들어 줄 것(said the merger will make golf ‘stronger than ever’)이라고 소감을 표명하였다고 합니다:
Yasir Al-Rumayyan PIF(Public Investment Fund)총재(governor)는 다음과 같이 소감을 피력하였다고 합니다:
A. “Today is a very exciting day for this special game and the people it touches around the world”
B. “We are proud to partner with the PGA TOUR to leverage PIF’s unparalleled success and track record of unlocking value and bringing innovation and global best practices to business and sectors worldwide.”
C. “We are committed to unifying, promoting and growing the game of golf around the world and offering the highest-quality product to the many millions of long-time fans globally, while cultivating new fans.
D. “There is no question that the LIV model has been positively transformative for golf.”
E. “We believe there are opportunities for the game to evolve while also maintaining its storied history and tradition.”
F. This partnership represents the best opportunity to extend and increase the impact of golf for all. We look forward to collaborating with Jay and Keith to bring the best version of the game to communities around the world.”
-PGA website
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