[LA2028올림픽 및 패럴림픽 준비상황관련 제3차 IOC조정위원회 매우 만족스러운 평가 내리다]
Nicole Hoevertsz IOC조정위원장은 “IOC는 현재까지 LA 28 준비진척상황에 매우, 매우 만족스럽다”(very, very happy with LA28 progress to date)고 최근(9월15일)기자회견에서 밝혔다고 합니다.
(Aruba출신 Nicole Hoevertsz LA28 IOC조정위원장 겸 IOC부위원장과 함께)
LA 2028 올림픽대회 제3차 IOC조정위원회는 LA1984 올림픽 당시 Aruba국가대표 싱크로 수영선수(artistic swimmer)로 출전한 바 있는 Nicole Hoevertsz위원장이 9월15일 조정회의 후 가진 40분짜리 기자회견에서 회의 결과에 대하여 다음과 같이 선언하였다고 합니다:
(1)“L.A. is an amazing place. The Games are going to be amazing, and the venues are amazing. So, in general, we are very, very happy, about this CoComm [meeting].(이번 IOC조정위원회는 LA2028준비상황에 대단히 만족함)
(2)“The venues that are going to be used are actually a mix – and that’s so beautiful – of the historic venues that were used in 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games, and of course, we have world-class, modern venues that were built since the Games took place in 1984, so we have this beautiful mix of the old and the new, and the CoComm was actually very excited to be visiting the venues (1932년-1984년 올림픽에서 사용된 역사적인 올림픽경기장은 세계적 수준이며 근대적인 경기장으로 2028년 올림픽에서도 최대한 활용될 것임에 놀라움을 금치 못하는 바임)
(3)“We also saw a lot of beautiful projects with kids, that is one of the things that I want to talk about. The PlayLA program is actually fantastic, $160 million that the IOC and [LA28] are investing in these youth sports programs, and we saw them first-hand. … (어린이들과 함께 하는 프로젝트들 역시 감탄할 만하며 PlayLA프로그램은 환상적 임. IOC와 LA28조직위원회는 이러한 청소년 스포츠프로그램운영을 위하여 US$1억6천만 불을 투자하고 있으며 그러한 것들을 현장에서 직접 보았음)
(4)“We saw a number of sports and we saw how the [2028] Games are already creating a legacy way ahead of the Games. That was so beautiful to see. When we talk about legacy, people always think about, ‘well, that happens after the Games are over.’ But that’s not true. We could see here, in the City of L.A. how a youth program – PlayLA – is already creating legacy now, today, for these kids.” (많은 스포츠를 직접 보았으며 2028년 올림픽이 이니 대회에 앞서 이미 레거시를 창출하고 있음. 레거시는 대회 이후에 거론되는 것으로 사람들은 알고 있지만 실상은 그렇지 않음. 그 레거시가 이미 지금, 오늘 이 자리에서 어린이들을 위해 펼쳐지고 있음)
Hoevertsz위원장은 그 외에 Casey Wasserman위원장 휘하에 130명 가량의 임직원들이 움직이고 있어 아직 소규모 조직인 LA28조직위원회에 대하여서도 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다고 합니다:
(5)“We saw great energy on the organizing committee. I cannot stop to congratulate you on the wonderful team you have assembled, that you are assembling. The best in the world, I would say, is really working on the L.A. Olympic Games. Wonderful people, young people, a lot of athletes and that’s wonderful, a lot of Olympians and Paralympians. We like that, that natural mix and we find it very important as you all know. The city of L.A. and the USA is going to be hosting, for the first time, the Paralympic Games and for us, that’s very important as well. …
(6)“The Commission members were very pleased, were very impressed, impressed with the progress, impressed with the optimism that is really so clear to sense, to feel from the organizing committee. So we are very happy with what we saw these days and looking forward with great optimism.”
이와 관련 LA208조직위원장인 Wasserman의 코멘트는 다음과 같았습니다. (그냥 읽어도 무방할 것 같아서 변역은 생략하였습니다):
(1)“We are on track to host an incredible Olympic and Paralympic Games. …
(2)“In short, the Olympics and the Paralympics are the biggest events on earth, and we think the City of Los Angeles is the perfect partner to host those Games.
(3)“As we have said from the very beginning, our model is very different. We’re fortunate to have incredible venues, incredible facilities all over the city, and as such, we’re going to host a Games using those facilities for about 45 days in the summer of 2028 and turn them back over to their owners and their operators so they can return to their existing use.
(4)“L.A. Live, SoFi Stadium, the Coliseum, Banc of California [Stadium], Dignity Health [Sports Center], USC and UCLA were visited by the Coordination Commission, and I think the ability to see those venues up close, in person, understand the level at which they operate, the competitiveness of the marketplace which requires them to be excellent, the passion and the commitment of their operators and their owners to not just the Olympics, but to every day make sure that they are the best venues on earth, really prove the point that we are Games-ready, our venues are ready, and the Games are going to be well taken care of, from the athletes on up when they arrive in 2028.
(5)“We have no permanent new construction. Obviously, there will be some temporary venues, but we are ready to host the Games. Our venues are more than capable. L.A. is in the events business. We are one of the tourism capitals of the world. We host big events all the time. … that’s what we do here and that’s why we are proceeding with such great excitement and confidence. …
(6)“Truthfully, the secret of our Games plan is USC and UCLA. There is no city on earth that has two universities at [their] scale, with athletic programs and student bodies of the size they are, that are in the city center, 10 miles from each other. And that truly is, the heart of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. … We are well positioned for an exceptional event, and we’re excited for 2028.”
아직 진행 중인 대회 정식종목선정에 관한 질문에 대하여 Wasserman조직위원장은 가용 가능 경기장과 비례하여 LA28에 부여된 괄목할만한 융통성(remarkable flexibility afforded LA28 by the availability of facilities)을 언급하였습니다
(7)“Not every city has a venue like Intuit Dome being built [in Inglewood] that didn’t exist when we bid, and so our goal is to be responsible and adaptive to a city that’s ever changing, and that includes venues. So, obviously, one of the considerations for sports is where are they going to be and how are they going to fit into the venues that we have, and that’s obviously a part of our plan.”
그는 변경된 하나의 경기장이 카누와 조정종목용인데 Lake Perris에서 Long Beach Marine Stadium으로 이동하였지만 조정 종목 1,500m(대비 2,000m)로 다소 짧은 코스(a shorter-than-normal course)라고 설명하였는데 IOC올림픽수석국장인 Christophe Dubi는 경기장승인과정이 진행 중이지만 선수에게 주는 영향이 특히 기억해야할 중요한 점이라고 다음과 같이 코멘트 하였습니다.
(1)“What we’re heard from the president of the rowing federation, they are very happy to move to a shorter course. We have to go through the motions and the process for the validation of the venue itself going through the Coordination Commission, formally, the Executive Board. (국제조정경기연맹 회장은 약간 짧은 코스로 이동하는 것이 만족하면서 경기장 승인에 대한 동의와 과정을 거쳐야 하는데 IOC조정위원회와 또 공식적으로 IOC집행위원회의 승인이 필요함)
(2)“But what we’ve heard out of the rowing community is that for the benefit of being in the center of the Games, downtown south, we can change the length of the course. And guess what, this is a formidable opportunity and very good news indeed.” (조정종목공동체 의견은 대회 중심지에 조정 경기장이 위치하는 것이 혜택이란 점을 이야기하였으며 LA중심부 남쪽에 위치할 경기장의 코스 길이는 변경할 수 있다고 생각함. 이것은 굉장한 기회이며 정말 좋은 소식이라고 생각됨)