Thomas Bach IOC위원장은 화상(Ser Miang NG 및 Denis Oswald는 직접 참석)으로 진행된 IOC집행위원회에서 회의에 앞서 8월29일 별세한 전임 IOC위원장 겸 IOC명예위원장이었던 고인 Jacques Rogge에 대하여 1분간의 묵념(to observe a minute’s silence in tribute to IOC Honorary President Jacques Rogge)에 동참하도록 요청하였다.
Tokyo2020올림픽 206개 참가국 중 유일하게 불참한 북한 NOC(PRK NOC)에 대하여 IOC집행위원회는 2022년 12월까지 자격정지(올림픽 헌장 27조 3항 위반) 결정을 내렸다.
IOC에 따르면 IOC는 Tokyo2020올림픽 개최에 앞서 북한 NOC와의 교신을 통하여 IOC가 북한이 우려하는 점들(안전한 올림픽 등)에 대한 보장조치(백신제공포함)와 건설적인 제안 제시로 거듭 약속하였지만 끝내 대회참가를 거부한 것(the IOC provided reassurances for the holding of safe Games and offered constructive proposals to find an appropriate and tailor-made solution until the very last minute (including the provision of vaccines), which were systematically rejected by the PRK NOC)이라고 한다
다음은 불참에 따른 NOC자격정지와 관련된 IOC조치결과에 따른 보도자료 전문내용이다:
The NOC suspension has the following consequences:
The accrued financial support from the IOC, that was due to be allocated to the PRK NOC but had been withheld due to international sanctions, will be definitively forfeited, given that the PRK NOC did not contribute to the success of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. (북한 NOC에 대한 재정지원금몰수조치)
The PRK NOC will not be entitled to benefit from any assistance or programme from the IOC during the period of suspension. (자격정지 시행 기간 중 IOC지원프로그램 혜택 자격 박탈)
Should any athlete(s) from the PRK NOC qualify for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 through the qualification process in force, the IOC EB will take an appropriate decision in due course for the athlete(s) concerned. (북한선수들이 올림픽 출전자격 취득 시 IOC집행위원회가 해당선수들에 대한 Beijing2022동계올림픽 참가에 따른 적절한 결정 내릴 것임)
The IOC EB reserves the right to reconsider the duration of the suspension at its discretion.
The PRK NOC was the only NOC that did not participate in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
Through the various communications and discussions held between the IOC and the PRK NOC over the months preceding the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, the IOC provided reassurances for the holding of safe Games and offered constructive proposals to find an appropriate and tailor-made solution until the very last minute (including the provision of vaccines), which were systematically rejected by the PRK NOC.
Throughout the process, the PRK NOC was given a fair opportunity to be heard, and received very clear warnings about the consequences of its position and the fact that any violation of the Olympic Charter would ultimately expose the PRK NOC to the measures and sanctions provided in the Olympic Charter.
By not participating in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, the PRK NOC failed to fulfil one of the fundamental duties and obligations of an NOC, as per Rule 27.3 of the Olympic Charter, which states: “The NOCs have the exclusive authority for the representation of their respective countries at the Olympic Games and at the regional, continental or world multi-sports competitions patronised by the IOC. In addition, each NOC is obliged to participate in the Games of the Olympiad by sending athletes.”