스포츠 외교2022. 3. 5. 11:44

[Beijing2022 동계 패럴림픽 개회식(34) Andrew Parsons IPC위원장 영문 연설문 전문과 촌철살인 (寸鐵殺人) 메시지 “Change Starts With Sport”]


Andrew Parsons IPC위원장의 Beijig2022 동계 패럴림픽 개회식 개회사는 짧고 간결하며 심층적 메시기가 담겨 있는 듯 했습니다.


그의 개회사 연설문 마지막 단어는 “PEACE!”(평화)인데 외침으로 한 호소였습니다.


Beijing2022동계 페럴림픽 개회식 스탠드에는 동계올림픽 때보다 더 많은 관객들이 운집하여 98분짜리 개회식을 참관하는 가운데 열렸습니다.


그들은 Parsons IPC위원장의 평화를 호소하는 연설에 많은 박수갈채가 잇달았습니다.


46개국에서 564명의 선수들이 참가하였는데 평창2018과 동일한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 물론 개최국인 중국은 96명의 선수들을, 미국은 두 번째로 큰 규모인 65명의 선수들이 참가하였다고 합니다.


8부로 나뉘어 봉송 된(an eight-part relay) 패럴림픽 성화 최종 점화자는 시각장애인 선수인 Duan Li(패럴림픽 육상 4차례 메달리스트)로써 안내인과 함께 걸어 오며 상승하는 플랫폼으로 이동하여 성화를 개회식 장 마당에 위치한 또 다른 거대한 눈송이(another giant snowflake)형태 안쪽에 점화함으로 동계올림픽에서 사용된 촛불”(candle) 테마를 이어갔습니다. 이제 대회는 313일까지 계속됩니다.



Andrew Parsons spoke at the Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2022. OIS Photos (IPC위원장인 Andrew Parsons가 대회 개회사를 하고 있음/출처: IPC Web site)



다음은 아주 편안하고 쉽게 구성되어 굳이 번역할 필요도 없는 군더더기 없이 간결하고 훌륭한 개회사 입니다:


“Your Excellency, Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China,

President of the Organising Committee, Cai Qi,

Sport fans all around the world,

Athletes from all competing delegations, officials and distinguished guests,

Good evening and welcome to the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games.

Tonight, I want to begin with a message of peace.

As the leader of an organisation with inclusion at its core, where diversity is celebrated and differences embraced, I am horrified at what is taking place in the world right now.

The 21st Century is a time for dialogue and diplomacy, not war and hate.

The Olympic Truce for peace during the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a UN Resolution adopted by consensus by 193 Member States at the 76th UN General Assembly. It must be respected and observed not violated.

At the IPC we aspire to a better and more inclusive world, free from discrimination, free from hate, free from ignorance and free from conflict.

Here in Beijing, Paralympic athletes from 46 different nations will compete with each other, not against each other.

Through sport they will showcase the best of humanity and highlight the values that should underpin a peaceful and inclusive world.

Paralympians know that an opponent does not have to be an enemy, and that united we can achieve more, much more.

Tonight, the Paralympic Movement calls on world authorities to come together, as athletes do, and promote peace, understanding and inclusion. The world must be a place for sharing, not for dividing.

Change Starts with Sport.  Not only can it bring harmony, but it can be a catalyst to transforming the lives of people, cities and countries.

As the first city to stage both the summer and winter Paralympics, Beijing is proof of this.
Ahead of these Games, hundreds of thousands of facilities have been made barrier free. 

The venues are magnificent. The organisation is extraordinary. The Covid-19 prevention and control — safe and efficient.

The hospitable Chinese people have built the stage to fully showcase the best of Paralympic winter sports.

Efforts to encourage and engage persons with disabilities to try winter sports have been outstanding.

To the people of China: Xièxiè!

Paralympians, there is an important moment in your lives when, because of sport, you embrace your disability. Not as something that defines you, but something that is part of who you are.  As you embrace it, you find your strength, where others have seen weakness, and you find your own power and path to maximise what you can do.

If 15% of world’s population has a disability, Paralympians show to the remaining 85% of people that persons with disabilities can do whatever they want, if given the opportunity.

This is why the IPC and the International Disability Alliance launched WeThe15 alongside a coalition of 18 international organisations.

Through WeThe15 we want to campaign for disability visibility, accessibility, inclusion, and equality of rights.

Every one of the world’s 1.2 billion citizens with disabilities should have the same opportunity to live life to the fullest, chasing their dreams, finding their way through life’s ups and downs, and contributing to society. As humankind, it is up to each and every one of us to Commit to Change to guarantee that opportunity.

Finally, Paralympic athletes, your preparations to reach these Games have not been easy, especially due to the global pandemic. You define the meaning of determination, you personify perseverance.

Celebrate your achievements here, and be proud that your abilities can, and will, change the world for a many, many millions of people.

Above all, have fun and play fair. 

I wish you all the best of luck.

Xièxiè! Thank you very much! Muito obrigado! Peace!

It is now my honour to invite the President of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Xi Jinping to declare open the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games.


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)