스포츠 정보2022. 1. 3. 09:13

[Bach IOC위원장 202211일 신년 메시지(Beijing2022동계올림픽 앞둔 시점 올림픽 脫정치화 강조)]


Thomas Bach IOC위원장은 올림픽과 IOC모든 형태의 정치적 논쟁을 초월해야한다”(beyond all political disputes)는 자세를 재삼 강조하는 한편, Beijing2022동계올림픽이 안전하고 확고할 것”(safe and secure)이라고 주장하였다.


Beijing은 중국의 인권문제로 본질적 논쟁 하에서 동 하계 올림픽을 공히 개최하는 첫 사례의 올림픽개최도시가 될 것이지만 미국-영국-호주-뉴질랜드 등을 포함한 국가들이 대회 외교적 보이콧을 선언한 상태다.


또한 중국 여자테니스스타이자 테니스 복식 세계1위선수인 Peng Shuai의 안위 문제로 인해 중국공산당이 비판 받는 빌미가 제공된 바 있다.


Peng선수와 2차레 화상대화를 가진 바 있는 Bach 위원장 및 IOCPeng선수에 대한 처리문제를 놓고 비판의 대상(criticised for their handling of the Peng case)이 되기도 했다.


Beijing 2022 성화봉송(Torch Relay) 또한 항의집회에 맞닥뜨렸던(encountered protests) 바도 있다.



다음은 Bach IOC위원장 신년 메시지 주요 내용요약이다:


Bach IOC위원장은 Tokyo2020올림픽이 코로나19로 인해 1년 연기되어 개최되었음도 알리면서 Tokyo2020올림픽은 디지털 플랫폼 상에서 사상최대규모의 시청률과 가장 활발하게 전개된 대회(the most-watched ever on digital platforms and the most engaged Games ever)였다고 언급하기도 하였다.


Bach IOC우원장은 IOC가 채택하여 적용한 Olympic Agenda 2020+5에 대하여 반복적으로 강조하였는데 UN의 지속가능발전목표(UN’s Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs)와 일맥상통하는 공약 임을 부각시켰다.


그는 IOC가 내년 사하라사막에서 올림픽산림사업을 위한 계획을 차질 없이 추진할 것임(the IOC will press forward plans for an Olympic forest in the Sahara Desert next year)도 언급하였다.


그의 메시지 결론은 (1)“2022년은 올림픽공동체에 있어서 위대한 기회가 될 것인 바, 사회공동체에서 스포츠의 역할을 강화시키는 위대한 기회가 되어 더 나은 포스트코로나19 세상을 만들도록 기여할 것”("2022 will be a great opportunity for our Olympic community: a great opportunity to strengthen the role of sport in society and to contribute to build a better post-pandemic world)(2)”2022년은 새로운 올림픽표어를 되살리는 기회가 될 것인바, 모두 단결하여 보다 더 신속하게 전진하고, 보다 더 높은 목표를 지향하고, 보다 더 강하게 함께 일어서는 것”(2022 will be our chance to live our new Olympic motto: to go faster, to aim higher, to become stronger by standing together - in solidarity)임을 천명하였다.


[Bach IOC위원장 New Year’s Message원문]


Dear Olympic friends,


2021 – what a year it was. At the end of this Olympic year, we can look back with great pride, because with regard to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, we can say: we did it. And we did it together, we did in great solidarity and we did it for the athletes.


We can all be very happy about the overwhelming response from the athletes, their huge appreciation for the fact that the Games could take place – and that they could take place in a safe way. The entire world gave an overwhelming response to these Olympic Games from all walks of life.


More than 3 billion unique viewers tuned in and followed more than 28 billion streams of coverage across linear TV and digital platforms. These Games were indeed a success on all fronts. First, and most important, with regards to the athletes, but also to the worldwide audience and, as important, to the Olympic values. They were the most engaged Olympic Games ever, the most watched Olympic Games ever on digital platforms, and they were the first streaming Games.


But now our focus is already on Beijing 2022. We are looking forward to successful Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 and we have great confidence, built on our experience, that we will stage safe and secure Olympic Winter Games for everybody.

With these Olympic Winter Games, Beijing will write history, as the first city ever to host both summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games. In doing so, they will greatly benefit from the legacy of the Olympic Games 2008. These Winter Games will open a new era for winter sports globally. 300 million Chinese will become familiar with sport on snow and ice. 


The support of the international community for these Olympic Winter Games is very evident and is very much welcomed. The United Nations General Assembly approved the Olympic Truce Resolution by consensus from all 193 UN Member States. This Olympic Truce Resolution is another demonstration that we can only accomplish our mission to unite the world, if everybody respects that the Olympic Games must be beyond all political disputes. In this way, the Olympic Winter Games 2022 can set another great example for a peaceful competition. The Olympic Games stand above any conflict. In the Olympic Games we all respect the same rules and each other. In the Olympic Games we are all equal.


Olympic life will continue after these Olympic Winter Games 2022. Next year will also be the opportunity to walk the talk with regard to our new reforms of Olympic Agenda 2020+5. There we have 3 pillars. One is to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), to show that we are the enabler to achieve these goals. The other is our commitment to solidarity. And finally, it will be about driving the digitalisation of the Olympic Movement even further.


To give you some examples with regard to the UN SDGs, we will plant our Olympic Forest next year in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is our contribution to climate action, to sustainable agriculture and building resilient communities, because we will not only plant over 350,000 trees, we will also help 90 villages to a better and more sustainable life.

The pandemic crisis has also shown the great importance of sport to health and to resilient societies. Also in this respect, we will drive our actions even further.

With regard to solidarity, we will strengthen the Olympic Refuge Foundation. We will strengthen the direct support to athletes worldwide. And we will show our solidarity with the Olympic community in Afghanistan.


With regard to digitalisation, we will experience the second edition of the Olympic Virtual Series, where people can compete in their sport virtually, and where we will offer new opportunities in particular to the young generation.


In all these ways, 2022 will be a great opportunity for our Olympic community: a great opportunity to strengthen the role of sport in society and to contribute to build a better post-pandemic world. 2022 will be our chance to live our new Olympic motto: to go faster, to aim higher, to become stronger by standing together – in solidarity. This should be our motto and our motivation for the new Olympic Year, for which I wish you all the very best and I look forward to hopefully seeing many of you in this New Year 2022.


Thomas Bach

IOC President




-IOC website

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)