스포츠 외교2011. 7. 25. 11:47
경천동지, 사상 최대 득표로 세게스포츠 계를 놀라게 했던 평창의 2018 동계올림픽유치 승리에 대한 국제 스포츠 계 지도자들의 반응은 어땠을까?

# 자크 로게 IOC위원장:

Congratulating PyeongChang’s team, IOC President Jacques Rogge
praised the high quality of their file and final presentation, “PyeongChang presented a strong and
inspiring project that enjoys massive support from the government and the public,” said Rogge
ahead of the press conference that followed the announcement ceremony. “I have every
confidence that PyeongChang will deliver on its commitment and host excellent Games in 2018.
“PyeongChang’s inspiring project sets out to have the heart of the Olympic Winter Games
beating in the mountains. The South Korean project will leave a tremendous legacy as
PyeongChang will become a new winter sports hub in Asia, allowing athletes and young
generations to practise winter sports at home, be exposed to the Olympic Values of Excellence,
Friendship, and Respect, and pursue their Olympic dream. I congratulate PyeongChang. The IOC
looks forward to collaborating with them over the next seven years.”

# Charles Beigbeder 안시2018 유치위원장:

"It's a cold shower and it hurts," said Annecy 2018 chair Charles Beigbeder
after the French city’s painful defeat, receiving only seven votes "I think there is a lot of introspection to be
done. We need to work out why France, one of the founding Olympic nations, has failed to land an Olympic
games for the fourth time in 14 years." Stressing that Games aren't about boosting a country's commercial
interests but rather promoting a higher calling, Beigbeder said: "Business is important but we must not
reduce the games to this. Otherwise they will be a failure." ◄◄◄

# 돈 주고 동계올림픽 살 수 있을까?

“Can you buy Olympic Winter Games?” asks Evi Simeoni

in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and comes to the conclusion: “Perhaps you can. Perhaps Sochi
managed to do it with its almost obscene appearance in 2007 when the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) allowed itself to be impressed by the pretentious presentation of the Russians and the charisma of
Vladimir Putin”.
“However”, continues Simeoni, “PyeongChang did not buy the Olympic Games from under the
noses of its rivals from Munich and Annecy. The Korean city had prepared a brilliant bid, which has
matured in the course of three attempts and it is in a position to deliver outstanding Winter Games -
provided that the political situation remains stable. The sports venue concept is convincing and
the plans to make winter sports more popular in Asia represent a great opportunity for the international
sports associations and the industry. It is high time that this continent with its rapid economic growth and
its young population is given the place it deserves in the world of sports. The representatives of the great
winter sports have recognized this opportunity and propagated it; they believe their roots in the old world
are durable enough to embark on a campaign of conquest.
“For the friends of European sports tradition it may be painful to realize that the old cult sites have
gone out of fashion, however the expansion possibilities lie elsewhere”, according to the analysis of the
leading German Olympics commentator, “This is also demonstrated by the infinite patience and the
almost inexhaustible finances with which PyeongChang has won the 2018 Winter Games”.

#뮌헨 2018의 공식 축하 성명서:

“Congratulations to PyeongChang. They were good opponents and we are sure they will
stage an excellent Winter Games in 2018. Commiserations, too, to Annecy and their
team. Munich 2018 put together a strong bid and we are immensely proud of everyone involved.
Of course we are disappointed because we came here to become the host of the 2018 Winter
Games. But the IOC has decided to award this honour to another candidate and because we are
a sporting team, we accept this decision. We always knew that this would be a very tough race
alongside two strong competitors.””

-Statement by the Munich 2018 Bid Committee-

# 안시2018의 공식 축하 성명서:

“Annecy 2018 would like to congratulate PyeongChang for being awarded the right to
stage the 2018 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. We would also like to thank the IOC for
their help and support in this bidding process. During this campaign we have been proud to
serve Olympism. We believe very strongly in our vision of authentic Games in heart of the
mountains, with the athletes and for the future and had some excellent feedback from IOC
members about our plans… Olympism is a way of life in France. We staged this bid because we
wished to serve the Olympic movement and work in partnership with the IOC to benefit winter
sports and Olympism worldwide. Many lessons have been learnt during this process and it can
only make French sport stronger. We will continue to promote the values of Olympism every day
of the year and hope to find other opportunities for France to serve the Olympic movement.”

-Annecy 2018 Bid Committee Statement-


#AP통신 평창승리 찬사:

“The Olympics will be breaking ground again when PyeongChang hosts the 2018 Winter
Games. After a decade of trying and two painful defeats, the South Korean city finally won its
Olympic prize Wednesday, crushing two European rivals in a landslide vote for the 2018 Games
and taking the event to the Asian country for the first time. - PyeongChang’s overwhelming
victory in a secret ballot of IOC members was a resounding endorsement of the bid campaign
pledge to expose winter sports to a hungry new market in Asia. - The victory followed the IOC's
trend in recent votes, having taken the Winter Games to Russia (Sochi) for the first time in 2014
and given South America its first Olympics with the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro.”

-The Associated Press-

# 2014년 소치동계올림픽유치위원장(Dmitry Chernyshenck)의 첫 번째 승리 축하 메세지:

Sochi 2014 President and CEO Dmitry Chernyshenko

was the very first to have his congratulations to PyeongChang communicated on the Internet. The
effusive statement was admittedly preceded by an amusing and quickly corrected error, because in the
accompanying text it was to be read: “Following today’s announcement that Russia has been selected as
the host of the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games”. And then it continued: “On behalf of
everyone at Sochi 2014, I want to give my warmest congratulations to PyeongChang 2018. Like Sochi
2014, they offer an exciting “New Horizon” for the Olympic Movement. Together we will take the power of
Olympism to new territories. PyeongChang will be an excellent host city and I look forward to working
with them in the future. For Annecy 2018 and Munich 2018, I can only offer them my most sincere
commiserations. They both put together very strong bids, and I’m sure they could have both staged an
amazing Winter Games…”

#Vero Communication Agency 보도자료:

“It has been a great journey together”, says PyeongChang’s Bid Committee
chairman Yang Ho Cho, praising British spin-doctor Mike Lee for the role Lee’s VERO
Communication agency played in the successful campaign for the 2019 Winter Olympic Games..
“VERO has been with us from the earliest days of our campaign and their input and strategic
insights were first-class throughou2; Cho is quoted as saying in a VERO press
release, “ Whether it was helping us define our narrative and key messaging or building our profile with
global media VERO were there every step of the way.”
Mike Lee added: “VERO is honoured to have played a role in what is an historic campaign for the
Olympic Movement and Korea. It was a privilege to have worked with such a committed bid team and
PyeongChang’s victory came as no surprise to us given the dedication and passion of the bid’s
leadership. We are thrilled for the people of PyeongChang, Gangwon Province and entire Korean
nation.” VERO’s success with PyeongChang 2018, the release continues, comes on the back of its
winning work with the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup Bid Committee, Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic
Games Bid Committee, the International Rugby Board in its campaign to get Rugby Sevens into the
Olympic Games, Glasgow’s successful bid for the 2015 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships and
New England Sports Ventures in its takeover of Liverpool FC.

# Munich’s Süddeutsche Zeitung 지:

“It was a decision between two extremes”, writes Ulrich Schäfer
in Munich’s Süddeutsche Zeitung . “In the end the business interests triumphed over tradition... But the
decision in Durban was about more than just a venue. The Committee decided what the future of the
Olympic movement will look like. It was a decision between the great tradition which is associated with the
Olympics - and the big business which the Olympics have meanwhile become. It was a decision between
the Old and the New World of sports, between two cities which could hardly be more different.
“One the one hand, Munich with its 853-year history, the Munich Beer Festival, the Viktualienmarkt,
the splendid castles in the surrounding region. And on the other, a custom-made Asian ski resort
whose streets are as homely as your average shopping center, a place whose ski runs were stamped out
of the ground for the Olympics, because supposedly within a radius of two flying hours, a billion people
are waiting to do what the Europeans have been doing for decades: ski.
“The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided in favor of business, for the many
billions which are to be earned in Asia, this still not quite so mature winter sports market. And that is
disappointing: for Munich, but also for the idea of the Olympic movement. It used to be a question of more
than commerce, namely to provide the world with a little stability. And tradition offers stability.

# 조양호 평창2018 유치위원장:

"On behalf of everyone involved with this bid, everyone in Gangwon Province
and the entire nation of Korea, we are absolutely delighted that PyeongChang has been
awarded the right to host the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Over the course of
10 years of bidding we have been listening and learning from the Olympic Family, improving
our offer to the Olympic Movement each time. Today, our effort and commitment to hosting the
Winter Games has been rewarded. We ill now ensure that this hard work continues all the way
through to 2018 to create an amazing Winter Games experience."

-Yang Ho Cho, PyeongChang 2018 Chairman and CEO-

  # Korea Times 지:

“Yes, it's PyeongChang!” jubilates The Korea Times daily,
reporting on how “PyeongChang beat Germany’s Munich and France’s Annecy in a nail-biting IOC
vote”. “Korea’s successful bid was the result of hard work and joint efforts by Chairman Cho,
Korean Olympic Committee Chairman Park Yong-sung, Vancouver Olympics figure-skating gold
medallist Kim Yu-na, as well as President Lee and other delegates… PyeongChang’s slogan “New
Horizons” represented its resolve to become a hub of Asian winter sports by helping build related
infrastructure among Asian countries. South Korea has invested more than $1.5 billion to build
facilities in and around PyeongChang, which has a population of about 40,000. The central
government has promised an additional $1.53 billion to upgrade railways and other infrastructure
there.” Bid committee chief Cho Yang-ho is quoted as saying: “At the heart of PyeongChang’s bid
for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is the desire to connect winter sports with a
young, dynamic and growing population in Asia, and help extend the reach of Olympic ideals to
millions of new hearts and minds across the continent.”

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)