Thomas Bach 신임 IOC위원장 선출에 대한 국제 스포츠 계 인사들의 반응과 평가가 흥미롭다.
(Thomas Bach)
Thomas Bach(1위) 및 Richard Carrion(2위)과 함께 3강후보 그룹구도의 한 축이었던 Ser Miang NG 싱가폴 IOC위원의 경우 1차 투표에서 제일 먼저 탈락한 같은 아시아 출신 대만의 C.K. Wu의 표 분산과 같은 아시아 국가인 도쿄의 3일 앞선 9월7일 실시된 2020년 올림픽 개최도시 성공에 대한 댓가(payback)로 인해 득표에 실패한 것이 표 선실의 주요 패인이라고 간주되고 있다.
(Bach 신임 IOC위원장 당선 발표를 듣고 있는 Ser Miang NG 싱가폴 IOC위원 겸 IOC위원장 후보)
물론 칭찬일색이긴 하지만 기록으로 남겨 두어야 할 대목들이라서 어록으로 요약 정리해 본다.
IOC위원들과 올림픽 주요 구성원들은 Bach IOC위원장 선출과 관련하여 그가 그 간의 재고를 철저히 조사한 후(take stock) 커다란 변화을 꾀할 것(making big changes)이라고 전망한다
1) John Coates 신임 IOC부위원장(호주):
Entry in the IOC | 2001 |
Country | AUS (Australia) |
Born | 07 May 1950 |
-“He was clearly the best man for the job."
-“Most importantly, he thanked all those who voted for him and he said he wants to now have the support of those who didn’t,” Coates said. “I’m sure he’ll be an inclusive president.”
- “He’s got to take stock. In corporate life, you often talk about the first 100 days. That’ll be his call. But I think we all know that the most important thing that we do is running Olympic Games, and we also know that we’ve got some difficulties in Rio. And I would think that would be top of his list of priorities.”
2) Princess Anne IOC위원(영국):
HRH the Princess ROYAL
Entry in the IOC | 1988 |
Country | GBR (Great Britain) |
Born | 15 August 1950, LONDON |
-“He had the ‘X’ factor,” Princess Anne of Great Britain said of Bach. “He’s healthy because this is a really hard job and a fulltime appointment.”
- “I think it’s a great decision. Every candidate has his arguments and positive points. But Thomas Bach is the most experienced person. I think he will be a great president.
-"We have to constantly find ways to make the IOC and the Olympic Movement more meaningful in the world of today.”
3) Marius Viser IJF 및 SportAccord 회장(오스트리아):
(2012년 런던올림픽 유도경기를 참관하고 있는 전직 유도 선수출신 Vladimor Putin 러시아 대통령과 함께 한 Marius Viser 국제유도연맹회장/사진 출처: ATR)
-A Bach presidency is “good for every Olympic sport. Through his position as IOC president, he will totally support sports with an open mind, supporting new reforms, which can modernize the IOC, the movement, and sport in general.”
4) Craig Reedie IOC부위원장(영국):
-There will be some “restructuring” ahead at IOC headquarters, that is not expected to happen soon.
-"Thomas knows more about the running of the IOC. I think he is very well suited to handle the challenges ahead. Sochi is just around the corner; he acknowledged that it would be a challenge."
5) Patrick Hickey IOC집행위원 겸 EOC회장(아일랜드):
-“I imagine he will evaluate everything, all operations,”
-“He will bring in his own people to evaluate and then in a very careful, methodical way, he will see where the changes if any need to be made.
-“But there will be no revolution.”
"Thomas is cool, calculated, is a great diplomat, has great business experience and he will be superb for the new leadership of IOC."
6) Gerhard Heiberg IOC위원(노르웨이):
Gerhard Heiberg IOC留덉????꾩썝??jpg
-Bach will be able to separate himself from another supporter, Sheikh Ahmad, the influential head of the Association of National Olympic Committees.
-“Thomas is a strong man. We need people who can say no, and Thomas can say no.”
-Bach “has some challenging times ahead of him. I’m thinking about Sochi, thinking about Rio, thinking about doping, illegal betting. There are many things he has to cope with.”
-“There are many ambitious people in the world. “Thank God it is like that. Somebody has to do the job.”
7) Richard Carrion IOC위원 IOC위원장 선거 차점자 후보(푸에르토리코):
-“I was told once, 'There are no silver medals in this competition.'”
- “I wish [Bach] a great presidency. The Session made its choice and the Session is supreme and we respect that. Now we all work for the unity of the Olympic Movement.
-“Once we vote, we become united again. This is part of sport. If you are not willing to go in and win or lose, you don’t belong in sport.”
8) Kevan Gosper IOC위원(호주):
-“We saw the stuff going on this week, which disappointed, but people stayed with Thomas and Thomas stayed composed.”(독일 라디오 등 Bach 흠집내기 성 보도)
-“I think it was the depth and breadth of Olympic experience that Thomas had to his advantage, while Richard Carrion demonstrated with his numbers just how well-regarded he is even though he didn’t get the final cards.
-"The best thing you could do is not try and shake things up. Things are in good shape. He’s got the benefit with what Jacques Rogge has given him to just get people together. He talked about unification, embracing, and listening. Good. Do that. He’s got Sochi coming up. It’s in pretty good shape. Just settle into the job. Feel the job. Feel the strength of the presidency. He doesn’t need to be in a hurry. Let him grow in the job.”
9) Prince Albert IOC위원(모나코 국왕):
HSH the Sovereign Prince ALBERT II
Entry in the IOC | 1985 |
Country | MON (Monaco) |
Born | 14 March 1958, MONACO |
-He does not believe the IOC is divided into two camps.
-“I think he’s eager and keen to bring everybody together, to hold the Movement together. The divisions aren’t that deep that can’t be mended. He’s someone who listens a lot and is always very engaging with other people.”
10) Francesco Ricci Bitti ITF및 ASOIF회장(이태리):
- “Bach is a man of sport. I hope he can cope with the challenges. I think he has the qualities and can do that. I am very confident. ASOIF is looking forward to working with the new president. I hope that they will listen.”
11) Tony Estanguet IOC위원(선수출신/프랑스):
- “I’m very excited to see the IOC will be led by an Olympic champion. For all of those who are saying the IOC should be more focused on the athletes, now we have an Olympic champion at the top of the pyramid.”
12) Carlos Nuzman Rio 2016 조직위원장:
-” I think it was a fantastic choice and I’m very happy that he’ll be with me to open the Olympic Games in Rio. He has the capacity, the knowledge, the experience to be the IOC president. “
13) Jean-Claude Killy IOC위원(프랑스):
Mr Jean-Claude KILLY
Entry in the IOC | 1995 |
Country | FRA (France) |
Born | 30 August 1943, St Cloud |
-“Thomas Bach was a good choice; he’s an outstanding administrator. He’s going to keep the movement together for sure. We have a good president.”
14) Svein Romstad ILF사무총장:
(Josef Fendt ILF회장<우측>과 Svein Romstad ILF사무총장<좌측>)
-“The president is very deliberate, so I know he’s going to evaluate everything. I would expect some changes, but I don’t think anything radical. I think he’s an extremely good organizer and listener.
He regularly attends luge events, so he has first-hand knowledge and we’re very excited about it.”
15) Lassana Palenfo ANOCA회장 겸 IOC명예위원(코트디브와르):
-“A good team around him will help him a lot to be efficient in his work. I have no doubt that he’s going to be a good president because you can see what he has been doing from the different positions that he is occupying. He is also very open and keen to exchange and get people’s opinion and has a very clear vision.
-“I think Bach will be helpful to Africa because he’s always done some training for sports administrators in Africa. If you want to bring the Olympic games to Africa, you definitely need to help people, train the administrators, bring competition, train the technicians, and prepare people to host the Games properly.”
16) C.K. Wu IOC 집행위원 겸 위원장 선거 후보:
-“I think there's only one winner and we should all stand with him.”
17) Bernard Lapasset IRB회장:
-“I think it’s a good signal for the continuity of the Olympic Movement.”
18) Fernando Aguerre 국제 서핑연맹( the International Surfing Association)회장:
-“The IOC has been quite traditional in its approach to these sports. I think there probably are going to be some changes, maybe even for Tokyo 2020. I hope it does. We have the technology to make waves everywhere. Just like snowboard brought a youthful culture to the Winter Olympic Games, I think surfing can bring that to the Summer Games.
19) Alexander Zhukov 신임 IOC위원(러시아):
-“I think it’s very good because he’s [a] very experienced, very active member of IOC, now president. I think it’s good for all the Olympic Movement, not just for Russia.”
20) Ivo Ferriani 국제 봅슬레이 연맹(he International Bobsled and Tobogganing Federation):
-“I know Thomas knows very well our winter sport disciplines and I think he will care more and more for our growth and development. The good thing for me is that the IOC showed a consensus vote.”
21) Mike Chambers 전임 캐나다 NOC위원장 :
Mike Chambers 罹먮굹??NOC?꾩썝??jpg
-“I think Thomas Bach has an open mind and will be suggesting improvements here, there, and everywhere. I believe that together, with Thomas’ NOC background, together with a reconstituted ANOC, I believe the NOCs will have a significant place in the balance of power of the Olympic Movement."
22) Nenad Lalovic 국제레슬링연맹( the International Wrestling Federation)회장:
-“He is a man of sport and we were honored by this election.”
23) Jacques Rogge 직전 IOC위원장(벨기에):
-“I feel happy to give a strong IOC to Thomas Bach. I know he will do a very good job. I have done my term; I have another chapter in my life to enjoy.”
24) Angela Merkel 현 독일 총리(성명서 형태로/ in a statement):
-"I warmly congratulate you on your election as IOC president. Being chosen for this politically important office shows impressively how much trust you enjoy within the Olympic family. I am very pleased that Germany will be represented by you further at international level."
25) Dirk Nowitzki 미국프로농구 수퍼스타 겸 2008년 베이징 올림픽 참가선수(NBA superstar and 2008 Olympic participant)
-"A German at the head of the IOC...that's what we Germans can all be proud of."
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