스포츠 외교2012. 1. 3. 10:40
새해 새아침을 기하여 몇 몇 친분있는 국제 스포츠 계 인사들에게 새해 인사메시지를 보냈습니다.

Long time no see.

How are you?

The New Year's morning has broken like the very first morning of the human history.

According to the oriental zodiac calendar-year system, the year of 2012 falls on the Year of Dragon.

In East Asia, Dragon is an auspicious and royal animal which symbolizes the King or Emperor.

Therefore, the Korean people, at all times, aspire and wish to dream a dragon dream throughout their whole life in order to get highly promoted and successful.

If a pregnant woman dream of a dragon while sleeping, she is supposed to produce a very talented baby.

On this auspicious New Year's Day, I wish you and your dear family a good health and prosperous luck for all your endeavors.

Again, thank you most awfully for all your support to PyeongChang 2018.

Sincerely yours,

Rocky Kang-Ro YOON^^

많은 분이 답 글 영문 메시지를 보내 주셨습니다.

그 중 10명(주로 IOC위원 들)이 보내준 몇 가지 신년 영문인사내용을 함께 나누고 싶어 소개 해 드립니다.

1. Hein Verbruggen SportAccord(GAISF) 회장:

Dear Friend Rocky,

A Magnificent, Healthy and Prosperous 2012 for You & Yours !!!!

Looking forward meeting again,


(Hein Verbruggen<우측>은 네덜란드 IOC위원, 국제사이클연맹<UCI>회장, 2008년 올림픽 IOC평가위원장 및 조정위원장 등을 역임하였다.)

2. Ser Minag NG 싱가폴 IOC부위원장:

Dear Rocky,


May the Dragon Year be a year for Rocky!! All the very best.

Ser Miang



                 (방한 후 귀국 탑승 전 인천 국제공항 귀빈실에서 우측이 Ser Miang NG IOC부위원장)

3. Gerhard Heiberg IOC마케팅위원장(노르웨이 IOC위원)

Dear Rocky,

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. Hopefully we will meet soon. I would very much like to pay a visit to South Korea before too long. …..



(Heiberg IOC마케팅위원장<좌측>은 2010년 동계올림픽 IOC평가위원장으로 평창후원자이며 2018년 평창유치성공에 막후지원을 아끼지 않았다. 1994년 릴리함메르 동계올림픽조직위원과 IOC집행위원을 2차례 역임하였다. 사진은 작년 초 오슬로에서의 해후 장면)

4. Francoise Zweifel: 전 IOC사무총장

Dear Rocky,

So nice to hear from you, so nice to know more about the Dragon, what will be our future in 2012. I liked very much the nice dragons you sent to me, thank you. Could the dragon bring peace in the world.

For you and your Family I send you my sincere wishes for a Great New Year and for good health and a lot of satisfactions.

I very much hope to see you soon again.

Best regards,



(Francoise Zwefel 전 IOC사무총장 겸 올림픽박물관장<우측>이 필자의 양평소재 개인 스포츠박물관<평산 스포츠박물관>을  방문하였다. 좌측은 스위스 입양아 출신 IOC박물관 직원인 Stephanie) 

5. Ivan Dibos 페루 IOC위원:

Dear Rocky:

Thank you very much for your warm and kind e-mail and please know that you have a very dear friend here in Peru. All the best to you and wishing you a very happy new year.

Warmest Regards,
Ivan Dibos


                (Ivan Dibos 페루 IOC위원<우측>은 리마시장 및 체육장관을 역임하였고 전통적인 친한인사다.)

6. Patrick Chamunda 잠비아 IOC위원:

Dear Rocky
Many thanks for your best wishes and in return I wish you and your loved ones all the best in the New Year and may it bring to you the dreams of a Dragon.
PS Chamunda


                                               (Patrick Chamunda 잠비아 IOC위원<좌측>역시 전통적 친한인사다.)

7. CHANG Ung,  DPR Korean IOC Member:

Dear Prof. YOON,

Thank you very much for your good wish in 2012 which I cordially return to you. I am pretty sure the year of 2012 will bring you the best fortune in your life and job too.

With best regards, I remain,

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. & Ph.D. CHANG Ung

IOC Member

President, International Taekwon-Do Federation


                                     (장웅 북한 IOC위원<좌측>은 농구국가대표선수 및 NOC사무총장을 역임하였다.)

8. Meliton Sanchez-Rivas 파나마 IOC위원:

Dear Rocky,
ishing you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Olympic Year.

Melitón Sánchez Rivas


(Meliton Sanchez-Rivas 파나마 IOC위원<우측>은 작년 파나마 방문 시 파나마운하를 직접 견학시켜주었다.)

9. Rita Subowo 인도네시아 IOC위원:

Dear Mr Rocky,
Thank you for your email,I am now in USA visit my grandaughter .Are you going to YOG winter?
Wish you a bessed new year and looking forward to see you again soon.
best regards,

10. Austin Sealy 바베이도스 IOC위원:

Bridgetown, Barbados

Dear Rocky,
Always good to hear from an old friend Rocky and of course I reciprocate your good wishes for the New Year.
Life continues apace, "the good, the bad and the ugly" ..... and I am thankful! Up to last evening IO attended another funeral of an acquaintance.
2012 certainly seems likely to be another buy travel year for me, commencing next week with the inaugural junior Winter Olympics in Innsbruck. Will you be there?
Take good care of yourelf, I'm sure we'll meet somewhere before London Games, meantime all the best to yourself, colleagues and family.
Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)