[국제근대오종연맹(UIPM) Klaus Schormann(독일) 8선(an eighth term)회장 선출(승마종목교체 제5세부종목 추진 결정)]
11월28일 제71차 국제근대오종연맹(UIPM: International Modern Pentathlon Union/ Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne)화상총회(virtual congress)에서 Dr. Klaus Schormann회장이 선거인단 85.71%의 지지를 등에 업고 단독후보로 회장선거에(in the unopposed Presidential election)출마하여 8선 연임(1993~2025/32년)에 성공하였다.
(Klaus Schormann UIPM회장과 함께)
그는 1993년 UIPM회장으로 처음 선출된 이후 내리 8선회장 연임에 성공하였는데 그는 근대 오종(Modern Pentathlon))의 야심 찬 진화를 주도하여 왔으며 전향적인 사고방식의 변화의 물결을 타고(with a wave of forward-thinking changes) UIPM 종목의 폭 넓은 성장의 견인차 역할을 해 온 것으로 평가 받고 있다.
Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. 스페인IOC위원 (Beijing2022동계올림픽IOC조정위원장/前IOC부위원장)은 회원국 대표들 90%의 지지를 받아 UIPM제1부회장으로 재선되었으며 Joël Bouzou OLY, Viacheslav Aminov 및 Juan Manzo Orañegui도 부회장에 각각 재선되었고 이집트 근대오종연맹회장 겸 NOC사무총장인 Sharif Elerian OLY (이집트)는 신임부회장으로 선출되었다.
(Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. 스페인 IOC위원 겸 UIPM제1부회장과 함께)
회원국 대표들 중 81%가 11월4일 공표한 UIPM집행위원회의 근대오종 제5세부종목(5th Discipline/승마대체종목)협의과정 개설이라는 역사적 결정을 인준하는 데 찬성표를 던졌다.
UPIM은 LA2028올림픽에 종목설정포맷에 대한 對 IOC제안으로 새로운 제5세부종목(5th Discipline)은 Paris2024올림픽 이후 근대오종종목에 승마세부종목을 대체할 새로운 세부 종목을 추가하기 위한 절차다.
UIPM은 12월1일 진행된 IOC프로그램위원회에 관련 제5세부종목제안내용을 제출하였으며 제5세부종목협의가 완결되면 UIPM 공동체는 새롭게 제안된 근대오종종목구성에 대하여 2022년 제72차 UIPM총회에서 투표로 최종 결정한다.
다음은 8선 연임에 성공한 Klaus Schormann회장의 연설내용이다:
(Klaus Schormann UIPM 8선 회장/출처: UIPM website)
“The 71st UIPM Congress was a very important Congress, not only because of the election of the UIPM Executive Board and all the Committees, but also because the delegates supported the decision taken recently by the Executive Board with respect to the proposal sent to the IOC regarding the 5th Discipline.
“The high majority in favour of this decision gives us a very comfortable feeling and confirms that the UIPM EB acted in the interest of the UIPM family. The debate was fair, open and very clear. Delegates were given the opportunity to speak in chronological order according to a queue system, with no preferential treatment and full transparency.
“As UIPM President, I am very happy that we will retain the team that has worked so hard for so many years in the interests of our Union and our sporting movement. This allows us to continue our discussions, to focus on our priorities for the future with a visionary spirit and a commitment to innovation.
“I ask our National Federations to remain with us in this spirit so that we are united, working in solidarity for the future for all our sports so that we can keep Modern Pentathlon in the Olympics and continue to progress all the UIPM Sports that offer us such a strong base for promotion and participation.”
제1부회장이자 Beijing2022동계올림픽 IOC조정위원장인 Samaranch는 근대 오종의 새로운 제5세부종목 협의과정에 강력한 지지를 표명하는 다음과 같은 연설을 하였다:
"We are at a defining moment for Modern Pentathlon. In the past, we placed our defence on tradition. But the world has changed dramatically — we are in a digital era where everything is measurable and it is no good to go to the IOC with emotion and tradition.
“For new sports until recently it was almost impossible to change the program but now the programme is changing. Sports climbing, surfing, 3x3 basketball, and these sports got a lot of traction in Tokyo in the age group that is the big focus. Now we have to compete for our place with sports that are already in the programme. They are there and they have made a splash.
"That is why the Executive Board took a decision with urgency — to give us the opportunity. If we manage to find the right fifth sport, with everyone pulling in the right direction, we have a chance.”
다음은 세계올림피안협회(World Olympia Association)회장이면서 UIPM부회장으로 재선된 Joel Bousou의 근대 오종 포맷설정지지를 위한 열정적인 연설내용이다:
“I want to see in the future a lot of pentathletes wearing the OLY pin. Is it a pleasure to drop Riding from the Olympic format? No. But it is the only option. We need to look at the reality. Our sport is still being seen as unfair — too many great athletes see their hopes destroyed by the draw. The world is not waiting for us. The IOC is changing.
제71차 UIPM총회에서는 다음의 11개 신규회원국 연맹 가입을 승인하였다.
(1)Chad (2) Croatia (3) East Timor (4) Eritrea (5) Iraq (6) North Macedonia (7) Rwanda (8) Saudi Arabia (9) Sierra Leone (10) South Sudan (10) Sudan
한국은 UIPM부회장이나 집행위원에는 여전히 이름을 올리고 있지 못하지만 정동국 대한근대오종연맹 사무처장(역임)이 UIPM기술위원회(Technical Committee)위원으로 선출되었다.