스포츠 외교2020. 3. 19. 12:53

[Covid -19사태 및 Tokyo2020관련 전 세계 이해당사자들(stakeholders)연계IOC가 공개한 공동발표문(Communique 317)발췌]


가. IOC-올림픽운동 전 세계 이해당사자들과의 공동발표문(communique) 핵심골자

1)     Preamble(서문)

Today, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) continued its consultations with all the stakeholders of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The first took place with the International Olympic Summer Sports Federations. Those with the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the athletes’ representatives, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), other International Federations (IFs) and other stakeholders will follow in the coming days.(Tokyo 2020관련 제1 IOC-ASOIF 협의<317일 협의실시>, 2 IOC-NOCs협의, 3 IOC-선수대표, 4 IOC-IPC, 5차 기타 IFs 및 기타 이해당사자들과의 협의 지속진행 예정임 선언)

This communique* sets out the principles established by the IOC Executive Board (EB), together with their implementation in cooperation with all the stakeholders concerned. The IOC will continue to act as a responsible organisation. In this context, the IOC asks all its stakeholders within their own remits to do everything to contribute to the containment of the virus.(동 공동발표문은 IOC집행위원회가 모든 올림픽운동 이해당사자들과 협업하여 실행지향 목적으로 기초한 원칙에 의거하여 작성-IOC는 지속적으로 책임기관으로 행동할 것임-이런 취지에서 IOC는 모든 이해당사자들이 각자해당 심의 검토과제 안에서 바이러스봉쇄기여지향 최선노력경주 요망)

2)     Communique(공동발표문)

This is an unprecedented situation for the whole world, and our thoughts are with all those affected by this crisis. We are in solidarity with the whole of society to do everything to contain the virus.(코로나바이러스로 촉발된 미증유 위기 상황-바이러스봉쇄지향 단합 대처결단)

The situation around the COVID-19 virus is also impacting the preparations for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and is changing day by day.(COVID-19상황 Tokyo2020올림픽준비에 영향-시시각각 바이러스상황변화 중)

The IOC remains fully committed to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and with more than four months to go before the Games there is no need for any drastic decisions at this stage; and any speculation at this moment would be counter-productive.(IOC, Tokyo2020준비에 책임감으로 매진 중-4개월 후 대회에 이 단계에서 극단적 결정 불요; 이 순간 어떤 억측도 역효과일 따름)

The IOC encourages all athletes to continue to prepare for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 as best they can. We will keep supporting the athletes by consulting with them and their respective NOCs, and by providing them with the latest information and developments, which are accessible for athletes worldwide on the Athlete365 website and via their respective NOCs and IFs. (IOC는 모든 선수들이 Tokyo2020올림픽출전준비에 최선 및 만전 요망-IOC는 선수들과 해당 소속NOCs들과 협의 통한 지원 계속 및 Athlete365웹사이트와 해당 NOCs IFs경유 바이러스상황전개 최신정보접근 가능토록 지속정보제공 예정)

The IOC has confidence that the many measures being taken by many authorities around the world will help contain the situation of the COVID-19 virus. In this context, the IOC welcomes the support of the G7 leaders as expressed by Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, who said: “I want to hold the Olympics and Paralympics perfectly, as proof that the human race will conquer the new coronavirus, and I gained support for that from the G-7 leaders.” (IOC, 전 세계 많은 관련 당국들의 조치에 신뢰- COVID-19상황봉쇄조치에 협조 중-이와 관련 IOC Abe일본총리의 Tokyo220올림픽 완벽개최염원 및 G7지지획득 발언처럼 G7지도자의 지원을 환영하는 바임)

We will continue to act in a responsible way and have agreed the following overriding principles about the staging of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020(IOC는 책임지는 방법으로 행동하면서 다음과 같은 Tokyo2020올림픽개최 최우선적 원칙에 동의 함):

1. To protect the health of everyone involved and to support the containment of the virus. (관련이해당사자 모두의 건강보호 및 바이러스봉쇄노력 지원조치)

2. To safeguard the interests of the athletes and of Olympic sport.(선수들과 올림픽종목스포츠의 권익보호)

The IOC will continue to monitor the situation 24/7. Already in mid-February, a task force was set up consisting of the IOC, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, the Japanese authorities and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.(IOC는 일주일/24시간내내 상황 모니터링 지속적 실시-2월 중순 이미 TF<IOC-WHO-Tokyo2020조직위원회-일본 관계당국 및 Tokyo도 정부> 결성)

The purpose of the task force is to ensure coordinated actions by all stakeholders. It has the mission to keep a constant appraisal of the situation to form the basis for the ongoing operational planning and necessary adaptations. The task force also monitors the implementation of the various actions decided. The IOC will continue to follow the guidance of this task force. The IOC’s decision will not be determined by financial interests, because thanks to its risk management policies and insurance it will in any case be able to continue its operations and accomplish its mission to organise the Olympic Games.(TF팀 결성목적은 모든 이해당사자들에 의한 일사분란 한 행동 확고히 조정-대회운영계획 및 필요 적응조치 기반마련지향 지속적 상황분석사명-TF, 결정된 다양한 행동실행 모니터링-위기관리정책과 보험덕분에 IOC사명완수 및 올림픽대회 조직에 따른 운영 지속적 전개 가능하므로 IOC는 재정적 이익에 편승한 결단행위 지양)

A number of measures have been taken.(복수의 조치가 실행 중)

The format of all the test events in March and April has been altered to allow for the testing of essential Games elements; the lighting of the Olympic torch in Greece and subsequent elements of the Torch Relay in Japan are being adapted; the entire Games preparation supply chain has been analysed; and alternative plans are in place in the event of anticipated disruption.(3~4월예정되었던 테스트이벤트 포맷변경으로 대회필수요소 테스팅 가능토록 조정; 그리스에서의 올림픽성화점화와 이어지는 일본 내 성화봉송 방식 조정실시;전체 대회준비공급체인 분석완료; 예상된 붕괴사태방생 시 대체방안 투입)

At the same time, the topics and issues which were identified by the IOC Coordination Commission for the Games as priorities continue to retain the full attention of Tokyo 2020, the IOC and the Olympic stakeholders. In this respect, work is ongoing for the preparation of athletics road events in Sapporo; heat countermeasures continue to be detailed and refined on a sport-by-sport basis; and transport and crowd movement planning remain a key focus of attention.(IOC조정위원회 식별 우선순위 토픽 및 이슈 집중적 관심 유치-삿포로개최 육상도로종목 시설준비 진행 중; 종목별 열/더위 대처방안 구체화; 수송교통 및 운집관중 이동계획 핵심관심집중 항목으로 분류 중)

Concerning the next meetings, especially the upcoming Coordination Commission visit and various project reviews, adjustments have been made to the agenda and participation. While the activities remain planned on the same dates, the participation in Tokyo will be reduced while ensuring the Coordination Commission members can attend the most important part of the meeting by teleconference. The same will be done for any subsequent visits until further notice. (차기 IOC조정위원회 회의, 방문, 프로젝트 리뷰회의 등 관련 안건 및 참석에 따른 조정안 기 마련-일자 별 활동일정 계획대로 진행하되 Tokyo방문참석 횟수 줄이되 조정위원들은 화상회의로 최고중요점검사항 지속적 관리-차후 방문 역시 추후통지 때까지 이에 준함)

The day-to-day work between all organisations continues, although on a remote basis.(해당관련단체간의 일상업무는 원격으로 지속실시)

Currently, all Olympic Movement stakeholders and the athletes face significant challenges around securing the final qualification places for the Games. In some countries, athletes are even finding it hard to continue their regular training schedules. The IOC is reassured by the solidarity and flexibility shown by the athletes, the IFs and the NOCs, that are managing these challenges across a number of sports. (모든 올림픽운동 이해당사자들 및 선수들은 당면한 도전과제인 최종올림픽출전자격획득을 위한 노력 지속 경주하되 IOC-선수-IFs-NOCs협업과 단결과 융통성을 통해 난관극복 촉구)

To date, 57 per cent of the athletes are already qualified for the Games. For the remaining 43 per cent of places, the IOC will work with the IFs to make any necessary and practical adaptations to their respective qualification systems for Tokyo 2020, in line with the following principles: (현재 57%에 해당하는 선수들이 이미 출전자격획득-나머지 43%선수들 관련 IOC-IFs협업으로 다음 원칙에 따른 출전자격시스템의 실질적인 조정조치 단행예정임)

1. All quota places that have already been allocated to date remain allocated to the NOCs and athletes that obtained them. (모든 출전 쿼터 각 NOCs 및 선수들에게 할당된 대로 유지)

2. The possibility remains to use existing and scheduled qualification events, wherever these still have fair access for all athletes and teams.(기존 및 스케줄 잡힌 출전권 획득 예선전 그대로 활용 가능성-이 경우 예선전 참가가 모든 선수들 및 팀들에게 공정하게 열려있어야 함)

3. All necessary adaptations to qualification systems and all allocation of remaining places will be: (예선전 경기진행시스템에 필요한 조정 및 잔여 쿼터할당 방법)

a) based on on-field results (e.g. IF ranking or historical results); (경기장 내 경기기록에 근거-: 국제연맹 랭킹순위 또는 과거 경기결과) and

b) reflect where possible the existing principles of the respective qualification systems (e.g. use of rankings or continental/regional secific event results). (가능한 각 국제연맹의 기존 예선전 출전자격부여 원칙 반영)

Any increase in athlete quotas will be considered on a case-by-case basis under exceptional circumstances, with the support of the Organising Committee Tokyo 2020.(선수쿼터 증원 건은 Tokyo2020조직위원회의 지원을 받아 예외적 상황에 근거한 개별 적 경우판단에 의해 고려)

The IFs will make proposals for any adaptations to their respective qualification systems based on the principles outlined above. The adaptations need to be implemented sport by sport because of the differences between qualification systems. The IOC has already put in place an accelerated procedure to solve this situation. Any necessary revisions to the Tokyo 2020 qualification systems by sport will be published by the beginning of April 2020 and communicated to all stakeholders.(Tokyo2020출전자격 부여 시스템관련 지침은 4월 초 발행되는 지침서 참조)

IOC President Thomas Bach said: “The health and well-being of all those involved in the preparations for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is our number-one concern. All measures are being taken to safeguard the safety and interests of athletes, coaches and support teams. We are an Olympic community; we support one another in good times and in difficult times. This Olympic solidarity defines us as a community.” (Bach IOC위원장: ‘Tokyo2020대회 준비 참여 모든 당사자들의 건강과 복지가 최우선 관심사항임- 모든 조치는 선수-코치-지원 팀들의 안전과 이익도모를 위해 취해지고 있음-우리는 올림픽공동체임; 우리는 좋을 때나 어려울 때 서로서로를 성원하는 것임-이러한 올림픽 솔리다리티<단결>가 우리를 공동체로 정의해 주고 있음”)

The President of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF), Francesco Ricci Bitti, added: “I would like to thank all those involved in the organisation of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and all the athletes and the International Federations for their great flexibility. We share the same approach and the same principles as the IOC, and we are as committed as the IOC to successful Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. We will keep in touch and have further consultations with all stakeholders concerned.” (ASOIF회장 Ricci Bitti; “융통성발휘에 관계자 모두에게 감사-IFs IOC와 맥과 궤를 같이하고 있음-Tokyo2020대회 성공을 위해 IOC처럼 책임감을 통감하며 모든 이해당사자들과 협업을 지속할 것임”)

After its consultations with the IFs, the IOC will follow up with the NOCs and the athletes’ representatives in the coming days.(IFs과 협의회의 후, IOC는 이어 NOCs 및 선수대표들과도 협의를 계속할 것임)

*This communique was unanimously approved by the IOC EB and supported by all Olympic Summer Sports Federations.(동 공동발표문은 IOC집행위원회가 만장일치로 채택하였으며 올림픽하계종목국제연맹들 모두가 지지하였음)

 . 대륙 별 NOCs연합회 회장 지지발언

A. 아프리카 NOCs엽합회(ANOCA: Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa)회장 Mustapha Berraf:

"The African Olympic and sports movement is convinced that the IOC’s position is the correct one, and welcomes the sense of responsibility shown by its President, Thomas Bach, who is making considerable efforts to ensure that the Olympic Games are preserved, which is what we all want to happen. We have complete confidence, and confirm that we are entirely willing to fully implement the decisions taken by the IOC and its partners, coupled with the expertise of the WHO. (IOC입장 지지 천명)

ANOCA and all its representatives will remain united under all circumstances behind the IOC President, and will contribute efficiently and responsibly to the fight against this global pandemic to ensure the protection of the African athletes, who have made so many sacrifices in the pursuit of their dream of taking part in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The culture of hope is after all another way of fighting for life." (IOC위원장과 함께 어떤 상황에서도 대동단결 다짐)



   B. 유럽 NOCs 연합회(EOC: European Olympic committee)회장 Janez Kocijancic:

 “Following today’s conference call between the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the world’s National Olympic Committees, the European Olympic Committees (EOC) would like to reiterate its support and endorsement for the communique issued by the IOC Executive Board and the principles included therein.(IOC집행위원회의 공동발표문 및 원칙을 성원하며 동의 함)

In this time of unprecedented disruption to our daily lives caused by the outbreak of COVID-19, our first priority is to ensure the safety of those around us, in particular our families, communities and the wider public. We are living through an unpredictable crisis and, as such, it is important that we have one policy, expressed by the IOC, and we follow that policy in unison.(IOC발표 정책에 한 목소리로 함께 공동이행 다짐)

It has to be underlined that the current status of European sport is on hold, and this affects all of us and must be considered when decisions are taken. We will continue to provide support to the NOCs of Europe and all their athletes. Our thoughts remain with all those affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and hopefully we will return even stronger.” (코로나바이러스에 영향을 받은 모든 유럽NOCs를 비롯하여 모든 이들과 같은 자세로 대처하고 극복한 후 더욱 공고해지길 희망)

   C. 오세아니아 NOCs연합회(ONOC: Oceania National Olympic Committees)회장 Dr Robin Mitchell:

 “The Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) fully supports the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in its commitment to stage the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. We share the view that we must be realistic, but not panic. There are many details to sort out for qualification; and for participation for the Games themselves no solution will be perfect, but we will work in solidarity to find the best way forward.” (Tokyo2020올림픽개최에 대한 IOC의 약속 지지 표명-대동단결하여 최선책모색에 전향적으로 대처 다짐)

  D. 범 미주 NOCs연합회(PANAM: Panan Sports; 이전PASO/ Pan American Sports Organization)회장 Neven Ilic:

 “Panam Sports and its 41 member nations had a very interesting meeting with IOC President Thomas Bach and his team through a conference call, where we discussed the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and the serious impact of COVID-19 on the global qualification systems.

The Panam Sports family unanimously supports the IOC with all the measures taken with the International Federations to address the issues facing the NOCs and athletes in the current qualification opportunities. The athletes of the Americas are facing issues to complete their usual training schedules and take part in competitions. After the excitement of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games, the athletes of the Americas are looking forward to successful Olympic Games in Tokyo in July this year.” (Pannam Sports 41개국 NOCs는 만장일치로 IOCIOC가 취하고 있는 모든 조치에 지지를 표명-Tokyo2020올림픽의 성공적 개최를 학수고대함)


-IOC website


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