스포츠 정보2021. 9. 18. 09:43

[Beijing2022동계올림픽 표어(Motto) “Together for a Shared Future”(공유하는 미래를 다 함께)]


Beijing2022동계올림픽조직위원회는 2021917일 베이징 수도박물관(capitc Museum)에서 행사를 갖고 대회 공식 표어를 공개하였다: “Together for a Shared Future”(공유하는 미래를 다 함께)


 © Beijing 2022


Beijing2022조직위원회는 발표된 대회 표어가 인류가 공유할 미래와 더불어(with a shared future for humankind)하나의 공동체로써 글로벌 도전과제를 극복하기 위한 대회의 힘을 대변하고(represent the power of the Games to overcome global challenges as a community) 있으며 표어의 단어는 특히 코로나19대유행을 통하여 닥쳐온 어려움에 직면하면서(especially given the difficulties faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic)세계가 보다 나은 미래를 향하여 함께 협력하는 필요성에 대한 뜻을 반영하고 있다(reflect the necessity for the world to work together towards a better tomorrow)고 설명하였다.


발표된 대회 표어는 20205~9월 사이 중국내 대학들로부터 접수된 79개 제안내용들을 각계각층 전문가들이 11개로 압축된 후보들 가운데에서 최종 선정(selected from 79 proposals from Chinese universities, submitted between May and September 2020, with 11 shortlisted “by experts from various fields.”)되었다고 한다


아래 내용은 IOC 홈페이지에 소개된 Beijing2022동계올림픽 표어 발표에 대한 부연 설명이다:


The Organising Committee explained that the motto represents the power of the Games to overcome global challenges as a community, with a shared future for humankind. The words reflect the necessity for the world to work together towards a better tomorrow, especially given the difficulties faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beijing 2022 said that the motto demonstrates unity and a collective effort, embodying the core values and vision of the Olympic Movement, and the goal of pursuing world unity, peace and progress. The team in Beijing also ensured that the motto considered the key values of the Paralympic Games, in particular the role they play in contributing to a more inclusive society.

The motto was selected after an extensive process between May and September 2020. During this period, Beijing 2022 collected 79 motto proposals from Chinese universities, of which 11 were shortlisted by experts from various fields.

Speaking about the motto, Chen Ning, Director General of the Culture and Ceremonies Department of Beijing 2022, said: “‘Together for a Shared Future’ reflects Beijing 2022’s contribution to the Olympic spirit and the contribution of Beijing as the first ever dual Olympic and Paralympic city. On the basis of the Beijing 2008 Games slogan, ‘One World, One Dream’, it not only embodies the concept of sharing, but also grasps the current pulse of the global pandemic and reflects the common aspirations of all countries in the world to join together for a better future.”


© Beijing 2022


Beijing 2022 will use this motto throughout the build-up to and during the Games, with the world’s top winter athletes due to compete in China between 4 and 20 February (Olympic Winter Games) and 4 and 13 March (Paralympic Winter Games).

Preparations for the Games continue to advance. All the competition venues were completed by the end of 2020 as scheduled, while during 2021 construction of all the non-competition venues will be finished on time.

Over the coming months, many of these facilities will be put to use as, from October to December this year, 10 international test events, two domestic test events and three international training weeks will be held.



-IOC website

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)